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Bioware: Most of your players are pvp'ers.... figure it out!


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Are you new to MMOs? We'll assume you are.


PVPers whine. A lot. That is in no way an indicator of their population. I don't know anyone in-game that PVPs, for instance. I don't know anyone who plays GS PVP either... still trying to figure out why they wasted so much time on that. Considering that the entire Galactic Starfighter release was PVP, I would say you don't have any room to complain of neglect, especially compared to the massive population of PVErs that haven't had a new Operation to run in... how long?


I played Galactic Starfighter and I still do on a daily bases

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Actually, MOST of their players play multiple aspects of the game, including PvP, FPs and crafting. It's silly to claim PvP is bigger, we have no way to measure that and they do...but I can very confidently say that MOST players do both PvP and PvE.
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Best part is this isn't even the only whine thread made

By the op with the deleted posts.


Either angry about pvp often or drunk; option 2 I can relate,


I do wish I could delete some text messages I sent out when drunk

Nothing like going downtown and hooking up with some chick and snapping a quick video,

Then sending the video to a group text of your buds....only not realizing your girlfriend is part of that group text......whoops, where's that delete button


This thread is now about kirorx's stories. Continue please...

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Actually, MOST of their players play multiple aspects of the game, including PvP, FPs and crafting. It's silly to claim PvP is bigger, we have no way to measure that and they do...but I can very confidently say that MOST players do both PvP and PvE.

I agree 100%

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poor op. Opened a whine thread, got zero support even from other pvpers in the thread, wiped most of his comments, and bailed. Sad thing is, he was likely not trolling. Probably just got his nose bent outta shape, made a thread based on hyperbole and anecdotal evidence, and then went "oh crap, i am not in a warzone. These people actually know how to respond with more than just trash talk."


good luck op. Stick to the warzones, cause you were just honorably killed in a pve forum ;)



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You're this giddy over skipping over half the games content huh?


Completion is overrated. If I don't like a certain kind of content, I'm not playing it. Doesn't matter if I miss out on parts of the game or not. In my case that would be both operations AND hardcore PvP *shrugs*

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Completion is overrated. If I don't like a certain kind of content, I'm not playing it. Doesn't matter if I miss out on parts of the game or not. In my case that would be both operations AND hardcore PvP *shrugs*

Do you judge books by their cover too? I'm simply saying that if you never TRY PvP/PvE/GSF, how the hell would you know you don't like it?

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100% PVE'er here with ZERO interest in PVP personally speaking... so thread subject DISPROVED :)


One person doesn't make a majority. Not that the OP is right, he's very very wrong, but just saying that you don't do it doesn't prove anything.


You're this giddy over skipping over half the games content huh?


Just to be clear, are you saying that PVP makes up over half of the game's content?

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Do you judge books by their cover too? I'm simply saying that if you never TRY PvP/PvE/GSF, how the hell would you know you don't like it?


Because he knows he doesn't like PVP and it is hardly half the game.

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Just to be clear, are you saying that PVP makes up over half of the game's content?

I see the game as having 3 elements - PvE, GSF and PvP...so yes. He's skipping over half the games action oriented content.

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Do you judge books by their cover too? I'm simply saying that if you never TRY PvP/PvE/GSF, how the hell would you know you don't like it?


There's a reason why I said "Operations and Hardcore PvP". Both require a certain amount of commitment. SWTOR isn't my first MMO, I'm playing those for eight years now. More than enough time for me to figure out that I personally don't enjoy raiding or hardcore PvP. I DO enjoy PvP every once in a while, same with occasional raids, if those are possible. But overall I personally play SWTOR for other reasons than those.


That doesn't mean that they are bad and that developers should ignore these parts of the game, by the way. But it's more than alright to just not play certain parts of the game.

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i see the game as having 3 elements - pve, gsf and pvp...so yes. He's skipping over half the games action oriented content.


just because you see it as half others only see it as a minor mini game they have no desire to take part in

Edited by Dokar
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Completion is overrated. If I don't like a certain kind of content, I'm not playing it. Doesn't matter if I miss out on parts of the game or not. In my case that would be both operations AND hardcore PvP *shrugs*


If you were ever curious, I would recommend you give it a whirl in this game. It is ridiculously easy in this game, especially if you are undergeared.


Back when I tried it out some kind of bolster glitch made me a god. I was a Sorcerer and could not be killed. It was really silly. Brand new to PVP here and I dominated....had screenshots to prove it. I mean, I am a reasonably seasoned PVP player, but I have never dominated in a game like that on my first day at bat.


Havent played PVP in this game since. Ill stick to DAoC and WoT for now.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Actually, MOST of their players play multiple aspects of the game, including PvP, FPs and crafting. It's silly to claim PvP is bigger, we have no way to measure that and they do...but I can very confidently say that MOST players do both PvP and PvE.


Agreed 100%.

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That doesn't mean that they are bad and that developers should ignore these parts of the game, by the way. But it's more than alright to just not play certain parts of the game.

Oh I agree it is. I know people who only PvE or only PvP or only GSF now too...personally, I feel as though they're missing so much that the game has to offer beyond the little thing they enjoy, but I don't think they're bad people...I just wish they could find the enjoyment I do in all 3.

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I represent the majority of players named LordArtemis.


That is all.



I see the game as having 3 elements - PvE, GSF and PvP...so yes. He's skipping over half the games action oriented content.


Categorically speaking, sure, but based on the actual amount of content I'm not even sure if Warzones and GSF combined would make up even 10% of the game's content. There's like, 10 warzone maps, and 3 GSF maps?

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just because you see it as half others only see it as a minor mini game they have no desire to take part in

Just because they see it as a bigger part of the game than it is, doesn't make it so. EVERYTHING at 55 is a mini game. PvE is a mini game, PvP is a mini game and GSF is a mini game lol.

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