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Another reason we need a better training arena? Photon Torpedo Question


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I was all wicked using concussion missiles, then thought I'd get cocky and "upgrade" to photon torpedoes. I could not in 2 games get a single torp to actually hit the target, IF I could get it out of its bay at all!


Offer a noob pilot some pity and advice here please, bump my threads in the Suggestion box for better training (and cross world) for GSF, and I might work to become an ace and join your team one day! :D


I just spent my last 1000 points upgrading the concussions for now... this is the actual secret to nasty ship right? Go with the defaults and upgrade THOSE, leave the fancier sounding stuff alone?


Thanks <3

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Really need to have Protons upgraded to the speed buff to use them effectively on anything other than complete noobs or bombers. Obv the first upgrade in lockon time is crucial too, but when they move so slowly without the speed buff it gives pilots plenty of screeching warning to activate that missile break. They are a good weapon choice however I only really use them on 2 ships (Dustmaker and Quell)
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Prime directive forbids trading photon torpedo technology with species in earlier stages of technological development, such as anyone in a galaxy a long time and far far away.


May you dream of OWLS :eek:



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Really need to have Protons upgraded to the speed buff to use them effectively on anything other than complete noobs or bombers. Obv the first upgrade in lockon time is crucial too, but when they move so slowly without the speed buff it gives pilots plenty of screeching warning to activate that missile break. They are a good weapon choice however I only really use them on 2 ships (Dustmaker and Quell)


Thank you. I appreciate the detailed honest answer.


"They're NOT all dead, Dave!" (If you recognize this, you are way too cool)

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A brief guide to protons:


Protons have such a long lock-on time that you need one of a few approaches:


1)- Make an enemy use a missile break, then swap in protons. This works with a Pike, not a Starguard.

2)- Deny an enemy his missile break, then shoot the photon (or thermite). This works with a Clarion, not a Starguard.

3)- If an enemy ever barrels, immediately switch targets TO him, and begin locking your proton. This is a good way to score kills with a Starguard.

4)- Lock your missile at range, then boost in towards them. Release the missile when close.


In general, you will have more success with a concussion than a proton in a Starguard. The big deal is that if you get your concussion cooldown eaten, you'll have another one soon enough- the reload on proton makes it impossible to threaten twice in a row.

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A brief guide to protons:


Protons have such a long lock-on time that you need one of a few approaches:


1)- Make an enemy use a missile break, then swap in protons. This works with a Pike, not a Starguard.

2)- Deny an enemy his missile break, then shoot the photon (or thermite). This works with a Clarion, not a Starguard.

3)- If an enemy ever barrels, immediately switch targets TO him, and begin locking your proton. This is a good way to score kills with a Starguard.

4)- Lock your missile at range, then boost in towards them. Release the missile when close.


In general, you will have more success with a concussion than a proton in a Starguard. The big deal is that if you get your concussion cooldown eaten, you'll have another one soon enough- the reload on proton makes it impossible to threaten twice in a row.


Correct, though there is a way to deny enemy missile break (assumeing they dont have distortion field) with a Star gaurd, that is if you run Lockdown, BUT this will only sometimes work and your practically on top of them any way so yo might as well just do number 4 in that instance.

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Another thing is to make sure your offensive crew member has the increased firing arc passive buff. There's a world of difference between a 12 degree firing arc and a 16 degree firing arc.


This is a very good point. The 6% accuracy + extra angle crewman is definitely your pick if you are trying to proton ppls.

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