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Opening a dialog with "THE SQUADRONS"


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So I have a few questions for these so called Squadrons. I see your presence mostly in forum poster signatures, I think maybe Eclipse Squadron stands out the most in my mind but I've certainly seen other names.


So to my knowledge Jedi Covenant my home server does not have "Declared Squadrons." We certainly have our usual suspects for premade, and even a few GSF guilds but we don't really have "Squadrons"


So my questions are:


Are you GSF Guilds?


Are you a collection of GSF players in different guilds who assemble to GSF?


Are your squadrons primarily for the purpose of forming premades into que? If so 4 or 8?


If premadeing are your members afraid to solo que?


Do you EVER lose a match? Does it take a premade to beat you?


please feel free to color text reply inside quote.


The reason I wish to know/discuss this topic is because JC has seen a massive reduction in premade ques. However our overall number of ques has stayed stable and consistent.


Moreover we have also seen an interesting shift to accompany the reduction in premades.


Historically JC has seen a larger Repub GSF population then Imperial, I'm not as current on the numbers today but still a imp v imp match is an extremely rare event.

Sim's theory of Natural Population/Veteran Balance.

Now the theory goes that the smaller population group will have a higher ratio of Veteran players therefor giving that faction an early edge for the first year or so. Eventually the more populous faction with generate enough Veterans to balance the the ratio. In fact JC saw this exact thing happen in ground pvp, though it was the other way around and imperial pvp was larger population. This theory does assume a certain minimum population the smaller faction must have.


However in the beginning(Dec - Feb) the the theory proved false and the small never an imp v imp faction routinely got it's dish served to it by the more populous 50% of ques repub v repub. The theory appeared wrong, or did it?


Then something happened.


The infamous Repub premades disappeared. Where they went I don't right know, you see some of the names now and again. I've always assumed they actually got tired of winning(by a 90% margin), in fact many of their number were not receiving respect but distaste from the general population, as I said 50% of repub ques yielded a repub v repub match. It came to a point that us solo ques did not believe in the individual skill of any player, only how strong their premade was.


With the demise of Repub premades a shift happened. My theory came true. Imperial has an impressive win rate these days, yet for the most part we still haven't put 2 and 2 together and qued very many 4 man groups. Sometime sure but not often. In fact the groups that do invite me sometimes, we agree to not get greedy. We grab a couple matches and then stop queing, we don't want to poison the well.


So my real question to the "Squadrons" is this:


Are you practicing sustainable queing, or are you just the biggest baddest gang on the block harvesting requisition with an endless winning streak?

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The hostile tone of this really doesnt help, what I can say, is in eclipse squadrons case, theyre the only imps on that server not being farmed. Im guessing that your pubs left for the harbinger as I met a couple of people there who said they were from JC and that the competition there was lackluster at best. And on The Harbinger it goes both ways.
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I'm gonna venture a guess and say they switched servers because the competition was too easy there. My guild server hops (I now have 5 servers that I GSF on when I can, with 3 main servers) and it's simply for the ability to play against better pilots. The unfortunate side affect is that if we transfer a toon to that server and que up as a 4 man, we're going to win unless it's a bomber stacked domination (which seems to be more popular on the harbinger than on TEH). We've adjusted our balancing pending the server by queing together initially and if we face roll, we go to the other side. If the switching to the other side doesn't help, we maintain our VoIP but will split our group up, but it doesn't guarantee we'll be flying against each other. There are more underlying issues here than queing as a premade


The name "... Squadron" just symbolizes the GSF feel for the guild. If we had alliances, I'm sure we could get multiple squadrons to join and call it a fleet of some sort.


Edit: You mad bro :p

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Not sure where. This idea that I'm upset comes from. To be clear I seek to learn more of how things are played on other servers.


In fact I have very little to be upset about on JC. I'm an Imperial pilot, I have been on the same server-faction-character for GSF since Dec 3 and am in the 300+ matches zone.


Our que times are perfect, and there are very few premades farming match after match. I actually find it a little disturbing how few matches I loose these days.


This is certainly not a QQ thread. I just what to know what this whole "Squadron" thing is about and have so for a while, just haven't gotten this thread together till now.

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This post might seem abit negative, but I'm really just trying to make GSF more enjoyable across the board. This is not targetted at specific guilds or premades, this happens on all servers.


Most of the "Squadrons" I've played with, whether it being 4 or 8man premades tend to just have fun queueing with this amount regardless of the opposition, which is something I've gotten semi-tired of lately and have resorted to solo queueing most of the time.


I'm convinced most of the good players agree that the challenging games against other good players are the most fun, but it seems people still find the easy/farm games fun against a full team of 2 shippers and whatnot. I'd just like to see people split up the teams abit more, stop syncing 8mans vs bad players and just try to make teams more fair in general.


I understand the fun aspect of playing with friends is crucial for a lot of players, and I wouldn't want to see that go away, but wouldn't it be more fun if the majority of the games were challenging and that you actually felt excited after you won?


Maybe I'm just one of the few.

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^^ The fault is with the matchmaking, still. While the metric of 'healthy' may be in terms of games played and balance issues, I think the matchmaking aspect is a metric that's being ommitted in BW's observations. Multi ships against 2 shippers aren't fun matches. There will be times when 32 people are queuing on one side of a server. Assuming 1 of these is an 8v8 wargame, that's still 2 matches for one side to face another. During those moments, there is no way to see who is going to play against who. If there was, I think we'd all avoid playing with the 2 shippers because it's not fun. It's not a contest. It's not enjoyable. It becomes mindless clicking, and self regulating STILL DOESN'T SOLVE THE UNDERLYING ISSUE because there's no guarantee the two groups of 8 vets will play against each other :/ I mean, implementing a GSF valor system would at least keep track of performance and matches and would be a viable metric to base group composition on (but then you have to consider que times, people getting bumped, and other competition-balancing initiatives).


Queuing with friends is fine, cuz there's still the chance that we'll get matched together any way and roll face without a premade. Some of the GSFers can really shift the tide of battle

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^^ The fault is with the matchmaking, still. While the metric of 'healthy' may be in terms of games played and balance issues, I think the matchmaking aspect is a metric that's being ommitted in BW's observations. Multi ships against 2 shippers aren't fun matches. There will be times when 32 people are queuing on one side of a server. Assuming 1 of these is an 8v8 wargame, that's still 2 matches for one side to face another. During those moments, there is no way to see who is going to play against who. If there was, I think we'd all avoid playing with the 2 shippers because it's not fun. It's not a contest. It's not enjoyable. It becomes mindless clicking, and self regulating STILL DOESN'T SOLVE THE UNDERLYING ISSUE because there's no guarantee the two groups of 8 vets will play against each other :/ I mean, implementing a GSF valor system would at least keep track of performance and matches and would be a viable metric to base group composition on (but then you have to consider que times, people getting bumped, and other competition-balancing initiatives).


Queuing with friends is fine, cuz there's still the chance that we'll get matched together any way and roll face without a premade. Some of the GSFers can really shift the tide of battle


Yeah I completely agree, but matchmaking is something we can't control and it may never get better. What I suggested is the only thing I can think of that can somewhat make it better even if we don't get into the same games every time because of the matchmaking or the sheer number of players queueing at that given time.


It would give a higher chance of getting more balanced matches, and a few of those per night would make it worth it for a lot of players I think. Either way it will keep on being bad unless Bioware does something.

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^^ The fault is with the matchmaking, still. While the metric of 'healthy' may be in terms of games played and balance issues, I think the matchmaking aspect is a metric that's being ommitted in BW's observations. Multi ships against 2 shippers aren't fun matches. There will be times when 32 people are queuing on one side of a server. Assuming 1 of these is an 8v8 wargame, that's still 2 matches for one side to face another. During those moments, there is no way to see who is going to play against who. If there was, I think we'd all avoid playing with the 2 shippers because it's not fun. It's not a contest. It's not enjoyable. It becomes mindless clicking, and self regulating STILL DOESN'T SOLVE THE UNDERLYING ISSUE because there's no guarantee the two groups of 8 vets will play against each other :/ I mean, implementing a GSF valor system would at least keep track of performance and matches and would be a viable metric to base group composition on (but then you have to consider que times, people getting bumped, and other competition-balancing initiatives).


Queuing with friends is fine, cuz there's still the chance that we'll get matched together any way and roll face without a premade. Some of the GSFers can really shift the tide of battle


Personally I think valor is a 2012 kind of concept. Really all Valor is an aggregate number to glue to the UI and it also is a number that will only ever go up. No a 2014 solution is parsing your Battle Record, really any variable that valor would be based on is already listed in the BR. So a valor system is not necessary.


Blaming the matchmaking seems to be a popular excuse people often choose. BioWare has clearly stated that a more stringent matchmaking algorithm would lengthen que times. If you are going to challenge the matchmaking then you must also factor que times.


Personally I have no idea if BioWare has dropped the ball on match making. I do think we need ranked GSF and that Cross server infrastructure needs to be built for to accommodate ranked PvP for both Ground game and GSF.


It has been suggested that this would be accomplished by having another server that you character gets copied to. This would mean cross server queing is more heavy handed work. For this reason I feel cross server should be limited to ranked play only.

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Are you GSF Guilds?

Yup. Many of us (across all servers) came back to this game to GSF. Some of us created GSF guilds. Obsidian Squadron and Flying Circus Fighter Wing are both GSF guilds (on opposing factions) without any application requirements, restrictions or anything of the sort.


Are you a collection of GSF players in different guilds who assemble to GSF?

No, though many of the veteran pilots on The Bastion know each other and assemble together to GSF (both with and against).


Are your squadrons primarily for the purpose of forming premades into que? If so 4 or 8?

Our squadrons are for training, discussion, grouping and playing GSF. As I said, no restrictions/limitations. If we run premades (which definitely happens frequently, as many of us are good friends), it's typically up to 4 players. The guild isn't taken very seriously and I don't go out of my way to advertise it any more (new players can see my sig or my guide for help, then ask questions in game).


If premadeing are your members afraid to solo que?

I can't think of a person who hasn't solo queued (I did a great deal early on). Most games have premades from 2-4 players, though.


Do you EVER lose a match? Does it take a premade to beat you?

Yep, matches can (and are) lost. I'd say it typically takes a premade (or two).


The reason I wish to know/discuss this topic is because JC has seen a massive reduction in premade ques. However our overall number of ques has stayed stable and consistent.

Queues are consistent on The Bastion (from early access till now I've played 2,400+ games on The Bastion, and I haven't transferred/etc), though I play quite a bit less than I used to (still daily and then some, but not 8+ hour GSF sprees, lol). The Bastion has a lot of great players: some better than others, some that play both sides and some that stick to one or the other. Many enjoy grouping, some hate it, and some insist on solo queues only.


As far as server faction balance, I'd say there's a slight Empire leaning but definitely not like things I've seen on other servers (where Republic just fields armadas all day long).


I've always assumed they actually got tired of winning(by a 90% margin), in fact many of their number were not receiving respect but distaste from the general population, as I said 50% of repub ques yielded a repub v repub match. It came to a point that us solo ques did not believe in the individual skill of any player, only how strong their premade was.

Maybe they didn't feel challenged? Maybe they didn't like having to fight through two game modes and a handful of balanced (or unbalanced) ships across a handful of maps? Maybe they just burned out. Who knows? If you don't speak to them, you can hardly speak for them.


Are you practicing sustainable queing, or are you just the biggest baddest gang on the block harvesting requisition with an endless winning streak?

I tend to only play a handful (5ish) games per day with friends on The Bastion before I go play another game or on another server (and given our coordination, typically win those too). In these games I typically fly with 1-3 others. Is that "sustainable"? I think it is.


Well, there's always 8-12 pilots on the other end that are losing (whether against one ace or four or eight); some of the losers will rant, whine, complain, insult, stop playing or justify their loss some other way. That's what online gamers tend to do (sadly). Each person's reaction is their own. GSF isn't "dead" on any of the servers I frequent, so you tell me if it's "sustainable" or not.


Edit: You mad bro :p

Clearly. Realize you're not likely to convince many of us to stop playing with (or against, at our desire) our friends. Asking people to drop premades and split sides will not increase the odds of a balanced match because there's no real obvious matchmaking system that groups veterans together. You're actually probably more likely to run into close, fun games by running multiple premades on both sides. Running multiple premades increases the chance that the groups will all get into the same game against one another, since they have queue priority.


This is certainly not a QQ thread.

Your overly aggressive tone will not endear players to you, because QQ thread is the way this comes off.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Thank you for actually answering the Questions Trinity.


Like I said where is this tone of anger you guys are claiming?


Yes I had experience where a small group of premades dominated my server. It was not pleasant. I was not to the point of whole abandoning GSF. But there were certainly instances where I would leave a match after seeing the same premade too many times in an evening. But it's not happening these days. hasn't for months.


Like I said JC never developed "Squadrons" I only want an open dialog on what they are and IF they recognize that there is a risk of damaging their own servers GSF population. The same has always been true of Ground PvP guilds as well.


Lets face it this is an online game and there are players who do have boundary issues that catalyses poorly with anonymity.


If these "Squadrons" are indeed not taking advantage of their servers population, you give the example of sending members to balance with the other faction. Then I will gladly celebrate such communities.


However if any of these Squadrons are not like your example and are an exclusive club that only cares for it's members to the detriment of the server, then I will roll out the negative attitude to anyone who attaches their name to those specific communities.

Edited by mr_sim
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Thank you for actually answering the Questions Trinity.


Like I said where is this tone of anger you guys are claiming?


Yes I had experience where a small group of premades dominated my server. It was not pleasant. I was not to the point of whole abandoning GSF. But there were certainly instances where I would leave a match after seeing the same premade too many times in an evening. But it's not happening these days. hasn't for months.


Like I said JC never developed "Squadrons" I only want an open dialog on what they are and IF they recognize that there is a risk of damaging their own servers GSF population. The same has always been true of Ground PvP guilds as well.


Lets face it this is an online game and there are players who do have boundary issues that catalyses poorly with anonymity.


If these "Squadrons" are indeed not taking advantage of their servers population, you give the example of sending members to balance with the other faction. Then I will gladly celebrate such communities.


However if any of these Squadrons are not like your example and are an exclusive club that only cares for it's members to the detriment of the server, then I will roll out the negative attitude to anyone who attaches their name to those specific communities.


We didn't make a squadron on this server because 2 of my guildmates and myself created BRAND NEW toons there and still finished top 1-2-3 every match that night (played for at least 3 hours their too). With the lack of competition, we moved on to find other servers who could offer more of a challenge (not being offensive, but we didn't see any reason to stick around).


And I think the tone thing came from the "big bad yada yah comment". At least for me particularly. Luckily, The Harbinger has multiple premades so our guild doesn't have to 'feel bad' about beating the opposition. It'll actually be a competition rather than a blowout (and we've blown out every server that we play together on, minus The Harbinger.... but we only lost one of like 13 games yesterday and it was domination with bomber stacking. 12v12 and they rocked 5 or 6 bombers). The premades aren't the problem, particularly when multiple premades are on. It's being able to fight those other premades that's hurting us. I like Trinity's suggestion to que as groups of two, and we may very well try that, but we still would want to play with our friends rather than force ourselves to play against each other. I know what they can do. I want to see how others can perform, and I'm hoping that even if our guild gathered our best players, we could find some sort of competition from another guild's best players. I know it sounds cocky, but it's just what we've come to experience, so this is completely honest with no ego :/

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Like I said where is this tone of anger you guys are claiming?

Opening a dialog with "THE SQUADRONS"

so called Squadrons.

Are your squadrons primarily for the purpose of forming premades into que? If so 4 or 8?

If premadeing are your members afraid to solo que?

Do you EVER lose a match? Does it take a premade to beat you?

How can you not read that as, "God, I hate premades so much! Rabble rabble wahh wahh the only reason these pilots win is because they group, I am clearly superior"? Also, see the way you reference squadrons.


Yes I had experience where a small group of premades dominated my server. It was not pleasant.

And now you're saying you didn't like having premades around. Surprising? Not really.


I was not to the point of whole abandoning GSF. But there were certainly instances where I would leave a match after seeing the same premade too many times in an evening.

And I wouldn't blame you for leaving. You play the game you want and let them play theirs, or find a middle ground where you both can be happy (hint: forcing people to play without their friends isn't it).


Like I said JC never developed "Squadrons" I only want an open dialog on what they are and IF they recognize that there is a risk of damaging their own servers GSF population.

I think negative attitudes, posturing, ranting, raving, belittling others and general @**hole PvP attitudes are what do that. There's certainly enough of that on the forums that I don't need to see it in-game, too.


If these "Squadrons" are indeed not taking advantage of their servers population, you give the example of sending members to balance with the other faction. Then I will gladly celebrate such communities.

If people choose not to be a part of the guild or group that doesn't stop them from being invited to groups, joining VOIP servers to talk/chat/discuss/poke fun, or any of the many other things they can do related to GSF with players from those guilds. Also, you can take advantage of a server's population simply by killing less-experienced foes in GSF matches. Should we just take our hands off the keyboards and let them win? Sorry, not happening.


However if any of these Squadrons are not like your example and are an exclusive club that only cares for it's members to the detriment of the server, then I will roll out the negative attitude to anyone who attaches their name to those specific communities.

I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about, but I don't actively search for guilds to join when I'm on other servers. I'm not a social butterfly and that isn't going to change any time soon.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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We didn't make a squadron on this server because 2 of my guildmates and myself created BRAND NEW toons there and still finished top 1-2-3 every match that night (played for at least 3 hours their too). With the lack of competition, we moved on to find other servers who could offer more of a challenge (not being offensive, but we didn't see any reason to stick around).


And I think the tone thing came from the "big bad yada yah comment". At least for me particularly. Luckily, The Harbinger has multiple premades so our guild doesn't have to 'feel bad' about beating the opposition. It'll actually be a competition rather than a blowout (and we've blown out every server that we play together on, minus The Harbinger.... but we only lost one of like 13 games yesterday and it was domination with bomber stacking. 12v12 and they rocked 5 or 6 bombers). The premades aren't the problem, particularly when multiple premades are on. It's being able to fight those other premades that's hurting us. I like Trinity's suggestion to que as groups of two, and we may very well try that, but we still would want to play with our friends rather than force ourselves to play against each other. I know what they can do. I want to see how others can perform, and I'm hoping that even if our guild gathered our best players, we could find some sort of competition from another guild's best players. I know it sounds cocky, but it's just what we've come to experience, so this is completely honest with no ego :/


I agree with the groups of 2 thing that IMO seems to be the best quing solution for not creating "Abusive"(I try to think of a better word) matchmaking.


Seriously This discussion makes me want ranked cross server more and more. My mastered ships just sit there collecting dust because too many matches I don't need them and work on my other ships instead. Cross Ranked is where we all could use our mastered ships.

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How can you not read that as, "God, I hate premades so much! Rabble rabble wahh wahh the only reason these pilots win is because they group, I am clearly superior"? Also, see the way you reference squadrons.



And now you're saying you didn't like having premades around. Surprising? Not really.



And I wouldn't blame you for leaving. You play the game you want and let them play theirs, or find a middle ground where you both can be happy (hint: forcing people to play without their friends isn't it).



I think negative attitudes, posturing, ranting, raving, belittling others and general @**hole PvP attitudes are what do that. There's certainly enough of that on the forums that I don't need to see it in-game, too.



If people choose not to be a part of the guild or group that doesn't stop them from being invited to groups, joining VOIP servers to talk/chat/discuss/poke fun, or any of the many other things they can do related to GSF with players from those guilds. Also, you can take advantage of a server's population simply by killing less-experienced foes in GSF matches. Should we just take our hands off the keyboards and let them win? Sorry, not happening.



I haven't seen anything like what you're talking about, but I don't actively search for guilds to join when I'm on other servers. I'm not a social butterfly and that isn't going to change any time soon.


So the reason I put "Squadrons" in quotations is simply me trying to refer to groups who publicly declare themselves as squadrons. like Red Mist, Eclipse, Black......(something). As my line of questions suggests, I do not know what these groups are exactly, so I endeavored to find out and created a thread to do so. Really my intentions are benign.


What happened on JC was a premade takeover, it sucked, it burnt itself out.


Certainly people should play with friends, but if your whole server starts to hate you....................


I'm a little confused though. Do you have a quota of the number of *****holes you need to meet in a day but your running short? You seem to be trying to define me as an *****hole. That's not why I'm here, please stop. I had to ask meaningful questions, did I not do that?

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No, you did not do that. Also the premise that premades form an unfair advantage is flawed by the definition of unfair. Unfair is defined as "Not based on or behaving according to the principles of equality and justice".So in other words something that is unfair is something that somebody else can do that you can not. You can in fact work on a voip and you can in fact make friends to form premades.
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Certainly people should play with friends, but if your whole server starts to hate you....................

I agree, but as I said I think that's more because of the attitude those pilots exhibit, not their ability to create/play in premades.


I'm a little confused though. Do you have a quota of the number of *****holes you need to meet in a day but your running short? You seem to be trying to define me as an *****hole. That's not why I'm here, please stop. I had to ask meaningful questions, did I not do that?

That comment was not directed at you, it was my explanation as to why people are disliked (in fact, why I dislike certain players, and it doesn't apply specifically to these forums). Being one of the many who play in groups (and as I've said, solo queues too), I find the most distasteful thing isn't bomber stacking, gunship stacking, battle scout stacking, premade stacking, or anything of the sort. It's a few players with sh*tty attitudes that can turn GSF games (and any online gaming experience) into something not worth playing. I don't think I've ever played with or against you, so I don't see how you would fall into that category.


You asked questions and got answers; I am not trying to call you an a**hole. If I thought you were one, I would not have wasted the time answering your questions (I certainly don't waste time giving real replies in a lot of threads). My point was that negative attitudes from a handful of players make games much less enjoyable as opposed to being in (or being rolled by) a premade. I apologize if I was unclear.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Most of the "Squadrons" I've played with, whether it being 4 or 8man premades tend to just have fun queueing with this amount regardless of the opposition, which is something I've gotten semi-tired of lately and have resorted to solo queueing most of the time.


I'm convinced most of the good players agree that the challenging games against other good players are the most fun, but it seems people still find the easy/farm games fun against a full team of 2 shippers and whatnot. I'd just like to see people split up the teams abit more, stop syncing 8mans vs bad players and just try to make teams more fair in general.


I understand the fun aspect of playing with friends is crucial for a lot of players, and I wouldn't want to see that go away, but wouldn't it be more fun if the majority of the games were challenging and that you actually felt excited after you won?


Maybe I'm just one of the few.


Pretty much this. Except you can't solo queue and expect to play a lot because of the way groups get queue preference. So you're basically left with three options:


-Solo queue and wait around half an hour for it to pop


-Grab a random player(s) in the /GSF channel to make the queue faster without making a 'premade'. Hard to do since most random people don't group.


-Join a group of experienced players and just destroy the competition in a mindless/simple/unexciting game.

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You see premade boogeymen flemsplooging all over helpless solo's and new players only to grow their ego, laughing all the way to their 90% win ratios while they cheat the life out of GSF.


I see people who built up communities, answer questions, write long winded guides (when they could be playing), and who group together with friends to play a game they love. Who do you think is seeing things more clearly?


There are some bad seeds no doubt, groups who enjoy the helpless routine... but these people.... guess what.. they are bad pilots and fold hard + quit whenever a real challenge is posed. These also make up a very small percentage of the GSF community. The vast majority of groups I have seen are the "Glue" that hold servers together.


The corner you have painted us into is wrong. Some of us do a lot for community, including bringing people into these groups and teaching them how to be good pilots. Mind you, this is all for the good of the community (no one is paying us)


Try the community thing for a bit, find out your servers GSF channel. Group up, talk to people, see how it goes. You will find there is an additional layer to this game beyond solo, and that it has rewards which include enjoying the game more, and getting to know the people you play with.


Now the harsh part:


Drop the attitude please, it drips form every sentence. The idea that grouping is tantamount to cheating, taking advantage of, or negatively impacting the game is insulting. Its a natural part of this (and MANY other PvP games)


To expect a balanced solo experience is asinine, especially if you have every played any modern game. Force multiplication means the more people you bring the bigger the advantage. And so long as people follow the rules nothing is cheating.


Are preforms ruining solo and new player experiences OR conversely is it solo's and new players refusal to acknowledge basic core principals like grouping that is "ruining" their game. When your new, you have an excuse... but what about after you have been to the forums, or been in a few games. Who's fault is it then?

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You see premade boogeymen flemsplooging all over helpless solo's and new players only to grow their ego, laughing all the way to their 90% win ratios while they cheat the life out of GSF.


I see people who built up communities, answer questions, write long winded guides (when they could be playing), and who group together with friends to play a game they love. Who do you think is seeing things more clearly?


There are some bad seeds no doubt, groups who enjoy the helpless routine... but these people.... guess what.. they are bad pilots and fold hard + quit whenever a real challenge is posed. These also make up a very small percentage of the GSF community. The vast majority of groups I have seen are the "Glue" that hold servers together.


The corner you have painted us into is wrong. Some of us do a lot for community, including bringing people into these groups and teaching them how to be good pilots. Mind you, this is all for the good of the community (no one is paying us)


Try the community thing for a bit, find out your servers GSF channel. Group up, talk to people, see how it goes. You will find there is an additional layer to this game beyond solo, and that it has rewards which include enjoying the game more, and getting to know the people you play with.


Now the harsh part:


Drop the attitude please, it drips form every sentence. The idea that grouping is tantamount to cheating, taking advantage of, or negatively impacting the game is insulting. Its a natural part of this (and MANY other PvP games)


To expect a balanced solo experience is asinine, especially if you have every played any modern game. Force multiplication means the more people you bring the bigger the advantage. And so long as people follow the rules nothing is cheating.


Are preforms ruining solo and new player experiences OR conversely is it solo's and new players refusal to acknowledge basic core principals like grouping that is "ruining" their game. When your new, you have an excuse... but what about after you have been to the forums, or been in a few games. Who's fault is it then?


You know It seems to me that GSF communities of the named variety are pretty defensive people.


My theory: You are just as much victims of the bad eggs as us solo ques.


Flash Bio: I do it all: OPS, Alts, Crafting, PvP, Dalies, Events and GSF. only thing I don't do is ranked and space PvE

I am in a community that serves the most of those areas as possible and have been with them preGSF. Alas there is less GSF in my existing circles so I see too many of the bad eggs communities because they stick out so much.

I do have some connections to GSF groups and do work with them.


I well know that there are players who mostly GSF and not much else. I respect any such community of players who puts the server community first. But at the same time I hold you same players to a higher standard as I should, as you should want me to.


Essentially I'm like an olive branch, I reach the non GSF community. I am a GSF ambassador of sorts. Convince me that such and such squadron isn't going to take their heads off if they try GSF. Convince me so I can convince them.


Right now everyone who has replied accuses me of being a disgruntled loner *****. I love GSF and can love it past all of it's warts don't you worry as long as the ques keep poping I'll keep queing.


So wake the hell up and find a less elitist way to reply to people who have been burned by GSF communities.


I get it n00bs be cry it comes naturally. I've been in GSF since December I've been in these forums since December. Yet you turn around and say even to me that I am antagonistic, well now you have it I'm antagonized.


Next time I hear someone ask "Sim, how about such and such squadron, what do you know about those guys?" I guess my answer (thanks to your replies to this thread) will be: "Yeah, bunch of overly sensitive Elitists."


You wanted antagonized there it is.




you can enter a conversation without prejudice and talk about how your group is helping not hurting the community.


Guess what. I see Red Mist or Eclipse I see the people who have a skewed perspective, who probably have not been ground in the dirt on endless loosing streaks and dusted themselves off and made good out of it. Am I better person for it? No I dont thinks so. Did I work harder, you better believe I did and would like some credit for that.


Premades aren't cheating they are just easier.

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Premades aren't cheating they are just easier.


This I agree with :D its "can" be a huge advantage


I post a lot on the forums, so perhaps I get a little jaded. I like to think im being pragmatic when I describe things to people in realistic ways IE their chances solo vs as a group.


But don't misinterpret this, I solo queue quite a bit and take my share of beatings. We do a lot of things on Bastion (well stasie and drak get that credit as does jen and dave or kal on pub side) the long and the short of it (since we have said it so many times) is we help people who are interested get into the game. The interest part is important though! If people are not willing to work for it then they are hopelessly lost (IE those that quit without talking / trying new things). I tend not to view this as elitist, just as truth.


I put it a little too bluntly before: matchmaking is broken, the player base is small, we can't count on anyone but ourselves to fix any balance related issues. If your getting stomped by groups find other people to work with to give those punks a run for their money!


inability to recognize this though won't help you find better matches :D

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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I put it a little too bluntly before: matchmaking is broken, the player base is small, we can't count on anyone but ourselves to fix any balance related issues. If your getting stomped by groups find other people to work with to give those punks a run for their money!


inability to recognize this though won't help you find better matches :D


Perhaps you didn't read the whole thread. Obviously you missed where I said. In the past I(and my fellow imps) would get stomped. However we have our revenge of sorts. I am currently winning 9/10 matches it seems like, and am choosing weaker and weaker fighters to to gear out. By weaker I mean farther outside my comfort zone and still I can't seem to loose a match.


Really if I have anything to complain about is a slight lack of competition. This is why this isn't a QQ thread. JC really is a decent place to learn to GSF right now.

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As far as <Eclipse Squadron> goes, I noticed early on on The Ebon Hawk that the majority of good pilots (including myself) were on the Republic side. At the time, I was only playing Republic side since it's where I had an alt to level, but soon I returned to the Imperial side where my GSF main (Shayd) was.


I started <Eclipse Squadron> (as a full fledged guild with website) as a rallying point for all my server's Imperials who were interested and passionate about GSF. I also had initial goals of us being an RP GSF guild (TEH is an RP server), but soon found that we were too busy queuing to really RP much, so I dropped that from our charter.


We have no requirements or trials or anything like that. If you're interested in GSF and like to queue frequently, we'll take you. Joining with us gets you access to our guild forums, where we pontificate about builds and strategies and top scores in a safe and non-confrontational environment (which these forums cannot always provide).


Flying with us also means you're frequently flying with me, and prior to recent Jung'Ma transfers to The Ebon Hawk, it's safe to say I was one of the top three pilots on the server and definitely the best the Empire had to offer. So joining up increased your win ratio and requisition gain.


Early on, we had quite a few ace and elite pilots. Now, not so much. Unfortunately many of The Ebon Hawk's Imperial aces were Gunship pilots, and some of them could not adapt after the Barrel Roll nerf. Still, as long as we aren't up against the Jung'Ma transfers or a Large group of Republic vets, we tend to dominate.


These days it's rare that we have 8 online and queuing at once--when we do, we do make a casual attempt at superqueuing, because we like to fly together. Try as I might, I've never gotten the guild to use voice. Which is fine, since we generally try to coordinate the whole team (not just guildies) using ops chat.

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Not sure where. This idea that I'm upset comes from. To be clear I seek to learn more of how things are played on other servers.


In fact I have very little to be upset about on JC. I'm an Imperial pilot, I have been on the same server-faction-character for GSF since Dec 3 and am in the 300+ matches zone.


Our que times are perfect, and there are very few premades farming match after match. I actually find it a little disturbing how few matches I loose these days.


This is certainly not a QQ thread. I just what to know what this whole "Squadron" thing is about and have so for a while, just haven't gotten this thread together till now.


So I guess with this post you are looking for either Eclipse Squadron or Damage Overcharge to come to JC on pub side and hand you quite a few of your losses.

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So I guess with this post you are looking for either Eclipse Squadron or Damage Overcharge to come to JC on pub side and hand you quite a few of your losses.


I gots a 55 Pubside on JC. Is this gonna be a thing?

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