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Long queues band-aid


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So here I am, sitting in a long queue while trying to get the daily done when I had a thought:


How about after 30 minutes of being in a queue without a match you get credit for 1 point toward the daily/weekly? No credits, experience, requisition (via this system) other than if you turn in a completed daily/weekly?

Edited by Zharik
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Why not, but if you wait 30 minutes for a pop, you are not playing on GSF friendly server and your req won't find much practical use...


Well, unless you are trying to do your weekly around midnight.

Edited by Slivovidze
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Why not, but if you wait 30 minutes for a pop, you are not playing on GSF friendly server and your req won't find much practical use...


Well, unless you are trying to do your weekly around midnight.


It would be an incentive to stay in the queue, which could GET you a pop.

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The purpsoe of the dailies and weeklies is to offer incentive to queue to those who don't just for the sake of playing GSF. Right now, you don't get that reward until you actually have a match.


If this system existed, then as soon as you got your daily satisfied by "waiting", you'd have no reason to queue further.


Yes, this would give more reliable rewards for queuing, but I think you'd end up having less actual matches.

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Yes, this would give more reliable rewards for queuing, but I think you'd end up having less actual matches.


It depends on the reason that you're stuck in the queue. It can happen because:


-There aren't enough people in queue to start a game


-There are 1 or more groups in queue, and you as a 'solo queue' keep getting jumped in position


The second occurrence tends to happen quite frequently. I would be in favor of letting somebody in solo queue get a point if they get 'queue position-jumped'...as a way of off-setting them getting screwed over repeatedly by the groupies.

Edited by Kalphitis
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The purpsoe of the dailies and weeklies is to offer incentive to queue to those who don't just for the sake of playing GSF. Right now, you don't get that reward until you actually have a match.


If this system existed, then as soon as you got your daily satisfied by "waiting", you'd have no reason to queue further.


Yes, this would give more reliable rewards for queuing, but I think you'd end up having less actual matches.


People run dailies and weeklies to get better gear for playing GSF, so your argument is kinda invalid. And after 30 minutes of watching fleet chat.. I DESERVE something for my time.

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People run dailies and weeklies to get better gear for playing GSF, so your argument is kinda invalid. And after 30 minutes of watching fleet chat.. I DESERVE something for my time.


Why are you sitting in fleet? Why aren't you running dailies on Makeb or Oricon? Or why not create a new alt and play through a new class story while waiting for GSF pops? That's entirely why I created my alt Callem. I knew that at some hours, GSF pops would be infrequent, and so I wanted to make sure I had something to do. "Hey, why not see how Agent story differs if you side with <redacted>?" So I did.


Or go onto your ship where it's quiet, turn up your volume so you can hear the pop, and set your PC aside. Go watch some Netflix or play a console game :)


Unfortunately, it sounds like either your server is not one of the "GSF healthy" ones, or at the very least its primetime does not align with yours. :( And I am sorry for that. But I don't think your idea would result in any additional people queuing than already are--in fact I think there is a risk of it making the situation worse.


Here's an alternate solution:


1) For every minute you are queued, you accumulate X daily bonus requisition put in "escrow" (similar to Rest XP)

2) When you complete a match, you get all of the daily bonus requisition in your escrow.


You don't get the bonus requisition unless you actually complete a match. Thus you are incentivized to queue (to build up bonus requisition), but you still have to actually complete a match to cash in.

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I fly on The Ebon Hawk. I have frequently flown with and against you Callem and we have gotten into arguments about how "worthless" EMP missiles, the new scout/strike chassis are, etc.


Simple fact is some times you have to play around your real life schedule (sucks I know) and queuing at lunch time is not effective because the matches do not pop nearly as frequently.


I just don't think it is fair to miss out on the dailies because I can only queue for a couple of hours at a non "peak" time. The real ironic thing is that it popped like 5 seconds after I hit "submit" on the original post.



Oh one last thing, I have 19 level 55 toons and all adv classes are covered in there, so "rolling" a new alt (see my sig) is not gonna do it for me. And Jordinn is 54 atm, 95% leveled through GSF. And I HATE grinding dailies for creds. I enjoy flying in GSF (especially when things are close and not a blowout) so I scan the GTN while I wait for a pop.


- Gerrik, Brèn, Jordinn

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People run dailies and weeklies to get better gear for playing GSF, so your argument is kinda invalid. And after 30 minutes of watching fleet chat.. I DESERVE something for my time.


No. You don't. Just because I might wait for 2 hours as dps in a group finder queue doesn't mean I deserve commendations just for having waited such a long time. Stop looking for free handouts. If you don't like the queue times, try a different server as other people have suggested. Otherwise just don't whine if you can't find something to keep yourself busy while waiting, and/or don't queue.

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I sort of agree with a reward for this, actually.


When you play the ground game, you can presumably be doing something else to advance your character in the ground game. In GSF, you can't do anything unless a queue pops. You can't even upgrade your ship, because reasons (not really, there are no reasons- matchmaking certainly isn't a reason, if you want to stomp noobs there's a thousand easier ways to do it than saving 100k fleet req and blasting upgrades onto a ship).


I don't think daily completions are the thing though. If there was a trickle of fleet req, or even ship req to a ship you select and also fleet req, then that could be ok. If you were in queue for half an hour and earned 200 ship req, that would be ok, right?

Edited by Verain
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<snip> ... and/or don't queue.


Really? REALLY?!?


You are NOT HELPING keep this game around! My suggestion would at least encourage people to stay in queue for a while each day, what does yours do?


I already fly on TEH, just sometimes I fly at lunch time. So I should be punished for not having enough people in queue with me in the middle of the day? (not to mention the other pilots who are queued)


I'm not asking for a free "handout". I'm here WANTING to fly, but there are not enough in queue to get a single battle! I just want to get some credit for the daily/weekly after a reasonable amount of time waiting.


Oh and I DO occupy myself with the GTN, crew skills, etc as well as opening these forums, checking the scores from last night's hockey games, etc. I am NOT going to jump into a group and run a FP then bail on them when a GSF pops as that would be quite rude.

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Repeating since I don't think anyone saw:


Here's an alternate solution:


1) For every minute you are queued, you accumulate X bonus requisition put in "escrow" (similar to Rest XP)

2) When you complete a match, you get all of the daily bonus requisition in your escrow.


You don't get the bonus requisition unless you actually complete a match. Thus you are incentivized to queue (to build up bonus requisition), but you still have to actually complete a match to cash in. After the match, as soon as you queue again, you begin building up bonus requisition again, which you will acquire the next time you complete a match. The bonus requisition pool would persist across day boundaries--the only time it cashes out/resets is when you complete a match.


Such a system could be used for Flashpoints and Warzones, too.

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1) For every minute you are queued, you accumulate X bonus requisition put in "escrow" (similar to Rest XP)

2) When you complete a match, you get all of the daily bonus requisition in your escrow.


Such a system could be used for Flashpoints and Warzones, too.

I like the ideas posted in this thread, but as the title says they're mostly just band-aids. There's nothing being done (as far as I know) to address the underlying problem. I believe that the devs really need to understand that cross-server is an integral part of the warzone (ground or space) PvP experience at this stage of the game. Adding more planets, ops, warzones and features won't help by diluting the player base even further. It's not like the effort to create cross-server would reward veteran GSF players only - new pilots would have better experiences when they're all matched together (as would the aces). Even ranked ground PvP could use cross-server.


It's extremely disappointing to see that there's no stated plans to address this, despite the frequency of the request.

Edited by TrinityLyre
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I like the ideas posted in this thread, but as the title says they're mostly just band-aids. There's nothing being done (as far as I know) to address the underlying problem. I believe that the devs really need to understand that cross-server is an integral part of the warzone (ground or space) PvP experience at this stage of the game. Adding more planets, ops, warzones and features won't help by diluting the player base even further. It's not like the effort to create cross-server would reward veteran GSF players only - new pilots would have better experiences when they're all matched together (as would the aces). Even ranked ground PvP could use cross-server.


It's extremely disappointing to see that there's no stated plans to address this, despite the frequency of the request.


It does seem like it would, in one fell swoop, solve the majority of the game's most prominent issues.


Flashpoints, Ops, Warzones, Ranked Warzones, GSF ... all are instanced, and all would be loads better with a stronger population.


Warzones and GSF in particular seem like they should be easiest, considering you can't leave and come back from the instance/world.

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