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From WoW killers to.....


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We all know about speaking of a good mmo or a wow killer but nowdys when i look on other games forums like wildstar,i see many people asking if this will be a WoW or a swtor killer,well i must say i was shocked of this i didn't rly though people would begin saying that games are good if are better then swtor,but anyways swtor forever!:p
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Because SWTOR is growing and getting more and more things to do in the game. It's turning out to be a very, very large game and will only keep growing in size and scope within the galaxy. That's why some people are starting to say "swtor killer" now. Because as time goes on, SWTOR will be the game that has LOTS of stuff going on in it. At some point, it will be top dog in my eyes if they keep doing what they are doing.
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WoW has reached critical mass. No matter what happens to it, it will still bring in billions. The only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzard, but since they love money, don't count it.


Same goes for EA. As long as SWTOR makes EA good money it will continue to be granted a stay of execution.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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Yeah hype around WoW is at an all time low and there is simply no more excitement from the player base. The next expac will sell well, subscriptions will very slowly decline and life will move on. SWTOR has actually been improving month by month and you can tell in game how many new players we have. The devs are seemingly also getting more ambitious and communication channels are more open then ever before. We still got a ways to go to be a huge successful and stable game, but we are on the path. Plus our community has gotten a little better IMO both in game and in forums.
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To say this game or any game for that matter is a wow killer is kind of rediculous. They dont need to be wow killers. As for this game I talk to people, see on other forums such as wow, and other places online. People say things that this game is dead, f2p killed this game, i didnt know people still play this game, etc.. weve seen it and heard it everywhere. In truth I feel that f2p helped this game more than hindered it. (I wont go fully into this since I made a thread about f2p the other week http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=737403) Anyway as I was saying. This game didnt and still doesnt need to be a wow killer. Yeah they made mistakes at launch but here we are 2.5 years later and the game is growing. The game is getting its third expansion with a fourth one around the size of rothc coming later this year. The devs do weekly live streams now on thursdays and fridays and answer our questions. If the game gets back the 1 million paid subs they had at launch and if gets to 2 million subs. Those would be good numbers. If they get that high and we see more servers opened because of it thats even better. I remember last year wow lost like 1.5 million subs in a month. Even though they have like 10 million subs thats still a big chunk of its subs that quit playing in a month. I tried wow but just couldnt get used to it. One of the things I dont like in wow is how you revive where you have to be a ghost and either go to the reviver person or walk all the way back to your body. Another is how quests are given. I like the cutscenes in swtor better then havin to read an entire thing. I like how easy it is to customize your quick bars in swtor. I cannot for the life of me find how to change quickbars in wow. (I am not real good at setting up keybinds I am more of a clicker. If I could get help setting up hotkeys and make use of a razer naga id be glad for the help) . Though I do like the calander in wow that has upcoming events and lets you make your own. I may buy a one time sub for wow to go more in depth but from what I played I just couldnt get into it. But I will always play this game for as long as I am able to. Be that if the game has to shutdown or if my personal life gets in the way.
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WoW, people still play that crappy cartoon game? Guess that is your only answer if you use a Toaster for a PC...:rolleyes:


Not so much the animation. Story and content drive player base. When SWTOR 1st released it broke ALL grounds til we ran thur the content. Thats what hurt swtor. The are slowly fixing it but its been a long 2 year...... beta player.

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WoW, people still play that crappy cartoon game? Guess that is your only answer if you use a Toaster for a PC...:rolleyes:


I actually enjoy WoWs graphic style. What drove me away from the game was the shift in content. To put it plainly, like with any MMO after a while you're mostly attached to it because of nostalgia. You put hours of your life into the game, so you have a certain attachement. Blizzard slowly but surely took most of the things I had an attachement with out of the game. I.E. the old world, lots of old quest rewards that they replaced with uninspired new sets... so I finally left.


Graphics wise I still think that WoW is a beautiful game. They are certainly not High Definition graphics, nor are they particularily 'realistic' (neither are SWTORs graphics, though), but the graphical style of the game is coherent and fits well together. In fact, I'd say that WoWs really, REALLY open world feels a lot more natural and alive than SWTORs...

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No it hasn't. It's still alive and well. If it killed itself you wouldn't be here posting your remarks about it killing itself.




Don't take the "killed" quote literally. I could have used "SWTOR is dead" but again you would have taken that literally.


I shall rephrase it so you can understand more easily.


Swtor critical hit itself and now its on life support.

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Don't take the "killed" quote literally. I could have used "SWTOR is dead" but again you would have taken that literally.


I shall rephrase it so you can understand more easily.


Swtor critical hit itself and now its on life support.


Nope. Game is fine.

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implying swtor hasn't been killed yet....


swtor killed itself, we all know this.


Correction YOU know something that you think is true, but if you look around, you can see SWTOR is still very much alive. So try again.

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Correction YOU know something that you think is true, but if you look around, you can see SWTOR is still very much alive. So try again.


Life support does not mean "very much alive". But keep dreaming :rolleyes:

Edited by Elite-Defender
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Life support does not mean "very much alive". But keep dreaming :rolleyes:


wow, you are still paying a subscription to the game you don't like? logic! didn't you leave to play ESO or something anyways?


that said, life support games don't get new content. you want to see game that was on life support until license ran out? Warhammer online. no new content of any kind, no balancing, no patching to speak of, nothing - just collect subscription from a few remaining die hards and call it a day. for years.


considering that TOR keeps getting new features and content? your definition of "life support" needs some work, as it doesn't mean what you think it means.


is it getting said content fast enough, and is it good enough content? that's up to each individual player to decide.

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Life support does not mean "very much alive". But keep dreaming :rolleyes:


How about you wake up and quit playing a game you claim to hate. Besides, I am not dreaming it is you who can't fathom this game actually WILL survive and get better.

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The only thing that will kill WoW is Blizzards next game.

I doubt it.

More likely, Blizzard's next game will be different enough and carefully prevented from making a large dent in WoW's population. It's still the most profitable MMO and it's a safe bet that Blizzard's next one won't even come close.

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I doubt it.

More likely, Blizzard's next game will be different enough and carefully prevented from making a large dent in WoW's population. It's still the most profitable MMO and it's a safe bet that Blizzard's next one won't even come close.


From what I read Titan was going to be a scifi setting which will be nice when it comes out.


But I have little doubts that many of the WoW fans will jump ship for the new Blizzard MMO when it comes out. At that point I bet WoW will become free to play or lower it's subscription or do a bundle subscription much like Sony.


Right now Sony has all their online games tied to one subscription, so you pay one sub and have full access to all their titles.

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How about you wake up and quit playing a game you claim to hate. Besides, I am not dreaming it is you who can't fathom this game actually WILL survive and get better.


While I agree the game will get better. There is a stigma surrounding Swtor that can't really be broken. They did this to themselves within the first 6-7 months of launch, people think of this game as having no end game pve content. Some people earlier in the thread say they can see this game being top dog. I can't see that at all. I couldn't see 7 million subs in this game. Now the game is doing good for itself but it is far from what BW probably wanted of the game.

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