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Solution to quitters / DC's in solo ranked


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There's nothing worse than getting into a ranked match and having someone DC or quit in the first round. This especially hurts when you just know you would have won if you had a full team.


This is what I propose:


Back fill the spot in the second round. To make this fair to the person joining, simply make it so that person will not lose ANY rating should the team lose. BUT, should they pull out a win, grant them the full rating increase.


I myself would have no problem joining one of these matches down one round as you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

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since you have nothing to lose and only something to gain, wouldn't it make more sense that you only get half the rating bump?


bear in mind that this only addresses in-progress DCs and quitting. these things are not exactly rampant. or, rather, there are more substantial concerns about matchmaking, queue restrictions, and throwing matches (albeit more complicated to address).

Edited by foxmob
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