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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Suggestions for M1-4X:

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Everyone knows 4X is the biggest bro and greatest asset the Republic has to offer, and it's a crying shame that he is so under-represented by Bioware.


I mean, come on guys, how could you miss this stuff:




Tow Cable is annoying for both Powertechs and Commandos. Remember when Corso Riggs had a grappling hook and it got changed to a rocket boost? Why not give 4X a similar treatment? 4X isn't a sissy: he prefers to look his enemies in the eyes as they die so they know that their defeat was achieved through valiant efforts of the Republic!




A Droideka customization.




I will come to your offices and throw my wallet through the window if you put this skin into the game. The game's population will expand tenfold just so others can experience the glory of this customization. Grown men will weep as they ask themselves, "How?! How is it possible that this glorious machine could only get MORE beautiful?!"




Personal-space. We've established that 4X is the greatest machine that has been built and will ever be built, but even the greatest bro in the universe needs to give his allies personal space. 4X follows you far more closely than other companions, and increasing the space in which he follows you by just 12% will increase his combat efficiency by at least 60%.


Republic-cans everywhere agree that 4X must be cherished and enjoyed by all... so Bioware, why don't you show just a fraction of this love by giving some improvements to this national treasure?



Edited by Fluffyburrito
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Tow Cable is annoying for both Powertechs and Commandos. Remember when Corso Riggs had a grappling hook and it got changed to a rocket boost? Why not give 4X a similar treatment? 4X isn't a sissy: he prefers to look his enemies in the eyes as they die so they know that their defeat was achieved through valiant efforts of the Republic!


I do agree to this.


I also remember when Kaliyo had an identical pull, if not the EXACT same hook that Corso had, which I found puzzling since I was a Sniper and I assumed that advanced spec was supposed to be ranged.


Ranged, as in, DPS'ing your enemies the farthest possible, not standing right on top of you. :rolleyes:


I can understand why they never changed it on M1-4X but it's a crying shame, since it makes him pretty much USELESS for any Commando out there, when compared to Tanno Vik. Both the companion and Tom Kane - bless his voice(!) - kinda deserve better.

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I do agree to this.


I also remember when Kaliyo had an identical pull, if not the EXACT same hook that Corso had, which I found puzzling since I was a Sniper and I assumed that advanced spec was supposed to be ranged.


Ranged, as in, DPS'ing your enemies the farthest possible, not standing right on top of you. :rolleyes:


I can understand why they never changed it on M1-4X but it's a crying shame, since it makes him pretty much USELESS for any Commando out there, when compared to Tanno Vik. Both the companion and Tom Kane - bless his voice(!) - kinda deserve better.


He is literally the only ranged tank companion with a hook instead of a leap. If an awesome jet boost animation is out of the works I'm sure a "speed" boost to close the gap into melee, like Tano Vik and Skadge, could easily be workable.


It makes no sense that he has AOE threat abilities yet doesn't have a way to get into the fray.

Edited by Fluffyburrito
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The droideka customization wouldn't work with this time period - but there are a lot of droids in the game that use his same basic model rigging. It'd be cool if we could customize him to look like them.


As for the cable-pull, I've found that helpful if I'm playing a tank - means I don't have to drag people over to me lol - but if I'm playing a healer or a DPS it's a pain because they're right on top of both of us before I can even get off a boost :p

Edited by GratuaCuun
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Everyone knows 4X is the biggest bro and greatest asset the Republic has to offer, and it's a crying shame that he is so under-represented by Bioware.


I mean, come on guys, how could you miss this stuff:




Tow Cable is annoying for both Powertechs and Commandos.




A Droideka customization.










1) Disagree. Tow cable has its place and time that its useful. When not in those situations just hit the ` key and click tow cable off. Problem solved.


There is certain fights (like the champions on Oricon in heroic 2) where M1 being able to tow cable someone to him is a absolute god send ability.


But if your to lazy to turn it off and on and instead have it running all the time. Yes that gets annoying. But really is it a game fault or a player fault when we get down to it?


2) Agree, would be nice customization



There is 3 companions in game that are ALWAYS IN THE WAY

Khem Val for the inquiz

Qyzen for the councilor


M1 for the Trooper


All 3 very useful but drive me nuts as they always in the way

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1) Disagree. Tow cable has its place and time that its useful. When not in those situations just hit the ` key and click tow cable off. Problem solved.


The difference is that the use of tow cable is limited to a select few instances. A charge ability would be useful in every conceivable instance. This is why every tank companion except 4X has a charge ability.


His AOE threat abilities like EMP pulse see limited use against groups of ranged targets because it's almost impossible to get 4X to their melee range.

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The droideka customization wouldn't work with this time period


Eh, SWTOR has been very accommodating to the entire trilogy thus far, and with no real description of where Droideka's came from, I don't think it's much of a stretch. With Luke's outfit and Treek being in the game, I don't think a Droideka customization would destroy immersion.

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The difference is that the use of tow cable is limited to a select few instances. A charge ability would be useful in every conceivable instance. This is why every tank companion except 4X has a charge ability.


His AOE threat abilities like EMP pulse see limited use against groups of ranged targets because it's almost impossible to get 4X to their melee range.


That might be true but he seems to hold agro vrs 1 or group of mobs just fine when I use his.


But I also turn off his EMP ability at times and change my tactics to suit his skill set

Rather then ask for his skill set be changed to suit my tactics.


M1 is a ranged tank, his mechanics are different then Vics mellee tank mechanics.


You have to adjust and play to the specific companions strengths for high end mobs.


For normal trash mobs (elites and below) both companions work equally well and just comes down to who you want out more often.


I have a healing commando (recently switched to DPS)

I have geared M1 for when ranged tank suits the fight best

Vic for when mellee tank is required

and working on gearing HK for when you just need to dps through something fast (like Tower Core Champion fight on Oricon)


It seems to me you think M1 should be all things in all situations.

NO Companion is that

You should gear up 3-4 companions (depending on class and build) so you have the right style available for the right fight

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That might be true but he seems to hold agro vrs 1 or group of mobs just fine when I use his.


But I also turn off his EMP ability at times and change my tactics to suit his skill set

Rather then ask for his skill set be changed to suit my tactics.


M1 is a ranged tank, his mechanics are different then Vics mellee tank mechanics.


You have to adjust and play to the specific companions strengths for high end mobs.


For normal trash mobs (elites and below) both companions work equally well and just comes down to who you want out more often.


I have a healing commando (recently switched to DPS)

I have geared M1 for when ranged tank suits the fight best

Vic for when mellee tank is required

and working on gearing HK for when you just need to dps through something fast (like Tower Core Champion fight on Oricon)


It seems to me you think M1 should be all things in all situations.

NO Companion is that

You should gear up 3-4 companions (depending on class and build) so you have the right style available for the right fight


I just think that M1 should be a tank in all situations.


The best case scenario is that you are fighting all melee mobs. M1 cannot "tank" otherwise. (I say "tank" because a tank companion never holds single-target aggro besides Treek) Giving him a charge ability would let him tank in all situations as opposed to "Oh, thank God this is a melee champ that can be grappled and is surrounded by melee minions."


Why do you even use 4X if you're turning off EMP blast? It just seems counter-productive that you change your "entire playstyle" to deal with M1's tanking options.

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I just think that M1 should be a tank in all situations.



And thats where your going to come up short EVERYTIME with EVERY COMPANION


Each Companion has their strength and weaknesses and its up to the player to adapt to them.


Sounds to me like you want what Vic offers up

So why dont you use Vic as your tank?

Clearly you are unable to adapt to the mechanics of a ranged tank class


As for how I play with M1,

Im not the one complaining that his skills need to change

I do very very very well with M1 as my tank.


Frankly with your complaints about him

a better question would be why YOU use him at all?

Pretty clear you dont like or understand what he brings to the table and your looking for the cardboard cut out mellee tank (which again is Vic)

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I do very very very well with M1 as my tank.


Considering you are healing while using a tank companion... of all companions... I highly doubt that. Honestly, despite the other stuff you've said, this has clued me in that you're probably trolling.

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Considering you are healing while using a tank companion... of all companions... I highly doubt that. Honestly, despite the other stuff you've said, this has clued me in that you're probably trolling.


LMAO! seriously


Buddy your makeing yourself look like a jack### here


I solo Oricon dailies and weeklies with M1

I use M1 when buddy and I 2 man the makeb weekly heroic 4 quest (and thats not bragging cause iots really not that hard or challenging to be honest)


Truth is I use M1 almost 100% of the time and if you wanna pop over to Harbringer Ill gladly teach you how to play the Trooper commando class (as apparently you have no clue at all what to do)



Anyone with ANY SENSE can see the only troll here is you


I been nice till now but its really gotta be said


Less QQ and L2P


SW:TOR PVE isnt exactly rocket science

Id HATE to be in your ops group if you think solo PVE content is undoable because you might have to turn off an ability or two here and there.


*shakes head* OK Im done

Congrats you trolled me and got me to bite

Heres a cookie

go play under a bridge

Edited by Kalfear
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LMAO! seriously


Buddy your makeing yourself look like a jack### here


I solo Oricon dailies and weeklies with M1

I use M1 when buddy and I 2 man the makeb weekly heroic 4 quest (and thats not bragging cause iots really not that hard or challenging to be honest)


Truth is I use M1 almost 100% of the time and if you wanna pop over to Harbringer Ill gladly teach you how to play the Trooper commando class (as apparently you have no clue at all what to do)



Anyone with ANY SENSE can see the only troll here is you


I been nice till now but its really gotta be said


Less QQ and L2P


SW:TOR PVE isnt exactly rocket science

Id HATE to be in your ops group if you think solo PVE content is undoable because you might have to turn off an ability or two here and there.


*shakes head* OK Im done

Congrats you trolled me and got me to bite

Heres a cookie

go play under a bridge


I dunno man, you seem to be tossing out significantly more insults than me here. I guess there's really nothing you have to contribute here since you're already that good at the game.

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I dunno man, you seem to be tossing out significantly more insults than me here. I guess there's really nothing you have to contribute here since you're already that good at the game.


If only his writing skills were as good as his behind the screen bravado.

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He is literally the only ranged tank companion with a hook instead of a leap.


T7 used to have a pull instead of a leap.

They changed it, but it was quite funny to watch a knight on tython charge in and T7 would instantly pull the enemy away :p

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  • 1 year later...


I use all my comps up to the 1000 kill achievement. And I like the concept of seeing how they all play. I liked the M1-4X character, but (a) quickly turned off the tow cable and (b) put him away when I got to 1000.


Which raises my overarching Q … What is the whole concept of a “Ranged Tank”?

I’m a relative MMO newb. I just don’t understand why I’d want a ranged tank, or how to best use them. I see one example in above posts: pull a melee champ away from melee mobs. But I find it much tougher to manage a fight. Even with a SW, I want to group them to use my (limited) AOE first. And with any ranged/AOE class, I rely on a melee tank grouping them all, and away, from me. I’ve only been in one FP where a tank kept using a pull as the first move, and it broke my rhythm.


Tldr: Please enlighten me: why “ranged” tank?

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You want to see something with M1-4X?


How about M1 have a conversation on board the ship with HK-51. After all, M1 was built to slay the republic's enemies. HK was built to slay the Imperial enemies. I haven't gotten a single HK unit yet to 10k reputation, but some of the conversation my trooper has with it indicates that it is going against programing helping the trooper and this is impacting its efficiency.


It would be interesting to see these two logically go at it with each other. I suspect at least one will have a logic circuit melt down in the process.


As to which companion I use on my Gunnery commando ... I use Treek in healing mode. Other than the occasional line of sight issues with her, I never even have to pop an off heal when doing PVE. Running with her I have zero down time.

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