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Developers abandoning Galactic Starfighter

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So now that we know Bioware is basically letting GSF go the way of the old starfighter mini game on rails, I'm guessing all we're going to see from now on is ship reskins?


What gives you the impression that they are abandoning it?

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Sooooo..... besides random idiocy, is there any actual evidence to back up your ludicrous claims?


From the brief bits of info I've seen, GSF is still getting support, they just decided to not add another class of warship as originally stated in the Summer Road-map, they've also mentioned that as a caveat that it would most likely return at a later date.

Edited by offfspringfntc
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Sooooo..... besides random idiocy, is there any actual evidence to back up your ludicrous claims?


From the brief bits of info I've seen, GSF is still getting support, they just decided to not add another class of warship as originally stated in the Summer Road-map, they've also mentioned that as a caveat that it would most likely return at a later date.

They have already said that they are going to release what they have already developed and postpone everything else GSF related indefinitely.


Hey folks,


I wanted to give you all an update on the new ship role that Bruce had mentioned previously in his roadmap, slated for Game Update 2.8. Unfortunately, that ship role has been pushed out indefinitely. Not to say it is impossible to be brought in at a future date, but it has been pushed off of our current roadmap.


Certainly the first question to be asked is why? Our roadmap began to shift into a new direction with a high priority placed around both Galactic Strongholds and that other expansion Bruce briefly mentioned before. In looking at our current schedule, we felt that Starfighter was in a healthy state and so by cutting the new role, we could make a better experience for our upcoming expansions.


We definitely realize that this will be upsetting news to players who are big fans of GSF. We don't want you to feel like we are just leaving GSF in the dust in place of other features. Coming in GU 2.8 there are 2 new ship variants coming, a new Gunship and a new Bomber. I know it isn't as exciting as a whole new role but we want you to know we are still dedicated to expanding GSF, like all of our game systems.


Thanks everyone!



Edited by Lendul
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They didn't add another class of ship. Is that what you are talking about? The fact that the developers feel there is enough ships types in GSF to keep a healthy population.


Guess how long it has been since our characters have gotten a new class.


They are not abandoning GSF, the developers just feel that adding another class won't add much to an already popular feature in the game.

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They didn't add another class of ship. Is that what you are talking about? The fact that the developers feel there is enough ships types in GSF to keep a healthy population.


Guess how long it has been since our characters have gotten a new class.


They are not abandoning GSF, the developers just feel that adding another class won't add much to an already popular feature in the game.

If you want to parallel it to game classes then it would be the same as releasing the game with just Knights/Warriors and Consular/Inquisitor then releasing Trooper/Hunter 3 months later. The announcing Smuggler/Operative and taking it off the table so they could focus more on Rise of the Hutt Cartel.
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Devoting money and resources into GSF was a bad idea in the first place. Space PvP was the last thing this game needed considering how much improvement should be made to "ground" game.
People spend a lot of Cartel Coins on GSF. Buying a Cartel ship then converting requisition to max out components equates to almost the same as buying a hyper-crate. I do not do this myself, but there are some big whales in GSF.
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Well we don't have any real evidence, but this announcement sure makes it feel like GSF is being quietly sidelined as a failed project. If Galactic Strongholds turns out to be a dud too we may see the same thing happening there: Minimal implementation followed by abandonment as they concentrate on their next big idea. A little worrying, perhaps.
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Lol! Yeah... no over reaction there OP. :rolleyes: They canned a ship. Not a huge deal. They have been on a GSF tear since launch. Now they are taking a step back and focusing on other aspects players want to see improved. I don't see how that is abandonment.


Oh and just to be clear, there is no way that equates in any way to the class stories and character/class development. GSF is not the core of this game.

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Considering the rest of the major content we'll be recieving this year, I'm not really all that surprised that GSF won't have large amounts of resources dedicated to it, so I'm okay with it not being on the roadmap for 2014 - there's plenty more content coming at us from other areas, so it's acceptable.


However, by 2015, they'll need to have plans for expanding or continuing it in some form with new matches and arenas, and hopefully cosmetic rewards or reputation for GSF. I can deal with there being a weaker emphasis for now - but if it's left too long without more content, it'll die.

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This is a good example of why devs in any game community have trouble taking fan communications seriously.


DEVS: Hey guys, we were working on a new Ship Role, but we feel we don't have time to implement it properly right now, and GSF is in a pretty good place design-wise, so we're going to focus on just improving and maintaining GSF in smaller ways like we do with all content, while we work on adding other new features to the game.





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So now that we know Bioware is basically letting GSF go the way of the old starfighter mini game on rails, I'm guessing all we're going to see from now on is ship reskins?


I think your either looking for attention, a troll or are unable to comprehend basic English, because quite frankly young lady I think you are wrong in your assumptions and should refrain from posting unless you understand what your saying. From what I've read is they have droped a new type of fighter for gsf to put more effort into the new expac. Seems like prioritising your recources as opposed to abandoning something.

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Considering the HUGE balance issues we had when the Bomber first came out (never mind the issues we still have with Gunships) I'm kind of glad they've held off on the infiltrator - no offense but any additional time sitting in the development tank can only be a good thing. Further, they're getting us Strongholds with more bugs fixed and additional features - AND the second mega expansion out sooner.


We don't get a new ship as soon as they SPECULATED we would... total abandonment there -nod-

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So they pulled the new ship and decided to focus on 2 major expansions it's now the end of GSF development? Lmao. I think op is clearly over blowing it. I would bet we see 1 more map before the ROTHC size expansion. No big deal *move along* Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Considering the HUGE balance issues we had when the Bomber first came out (never mind the issues we still have with Gunships) I'm kind of glad they've held off on the infiltrator - no offense but any additional time sitting in the development tank can only be a good thing. Further, they're getting us Strongholds with more bugs fixed and additional features - AND the second mega expansion out sooner.


We don't get a new ship as soon as they SPECULATED we would... total abandonment there -nod-


I wouldn't say bomber are huge balance issues. They just change how strategy work. You can still win matches against bomber just need to be smart about it

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They have not abandoned it just put on hold any new updates. Doesnt surprise me I have no evidence to support this, but I dont think it was as popular as they had hoped. May have been a different stroy had they made it PVE istead of PVP only. Just my thoughts.
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This is a good example of why devs in any game community have trouble taking fan communications seriously.


DEVS: Hey guys, we were working on a new Ship Role, but we feel we don't have time to implement it properly right now, and GSF is in a pretty good place design-wise, so we're going to focus on just improving and maintaining GSF in smaller ways like we do with all content, while we work on adding other new features to the game.






I know right!? Ground pvp did not get more maps for a long time and even got content removed ( open world pvp illum) yet when gsf is temporarily being pushed off the immediate concerns list after already getting a new map, a new ship class, several new ships for each ship class, and a new gamemode, and balancing updates all in the short few months of its existance and people go and panic saying gsf is being abandoned, when in 2.8 2 more new ships are still coming! ( read the last part of the quote if you do not believe me)


Someone explain the logic in saying something is being completely abandoned when its already gotten some good updates already. GSF was the focus of several major updates and got major stuff added with each major update since its introduction. Now that Bioware says they are going to now shift developmental focus onto new projects ( particularly 2 new expansions), a guy makes a thread to make spread misinformation saying gsf has been completely abandoned.

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I know right!? Ground pvp did not get more maps for a long time and even got content removed ( open world pvp illum) yet when gsf is temporarily being pushed off the immediate concerns list after already getting a new map, a new ship class, several new ships for each ship class, and a new gamemode, and balancing updates all in the short few months of its existance and people go and panic saying gsf is being abandoned, when in 2.8 2 more new ships are still coming! ( read the last part of the quote if you do not believe me)


Someone explain the logic in saying something is being completely abandoned when its already gotten some good updates already. GSF was the focus of several major updates and got major stuff added with each major update since its introduction. Now that Bioware says they are going to now shift developmental focus onto new projects ( particularly 2 new expansions), a guy makes a thread to make spread misinformation saying gsf has been completely abandoned.


That being said, I don't think as many people are playing GSF as BW had hoped.


At least on my server, it isn't that popular. Personally, I just think it's the implementation, not GSF itself - too few maps and game modes in the first months, and a cheap looking interface and design compared to the rest of the game, alongside it being strange coins can be used to buy mastered ships and gain requisition faster. Not supporting joysticks wasn't a great move either.


It's what development is like for TOR nowadays, Ops aside - quick and cheap, and less emphasis, if any, on the type of story that was included with the original release.


Perhaps not enough folks liked the latter for EA to justify its continued support, but I'm fairly certain people that still play now, especially the big SW fans that spend a lot on the CM, are the ones that by and large did.


I hope the new planet will return the game to its original quality, even if class stories aren't included in their original format.

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I wouldn't say bomber are huge balance issues. They just change how strategy work. You can still win matches against bomber just need to be smart about it


Neither would I - now - but when they first came out there were some very real issues; issues that were ignored from the Patch server. Now everything has mostly been balanced out - though the gunships are still a bit OP if you don't know how to fight against them

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That being said, I don't think as many people are playing GSF as BW had hoped.
I love the idea of roaming space combat.


I do not have any interest in PvP.


That's all personally — if there were PvE missions with storyline behind them, I'd be all over it. I don't think there's anything wrong with PvP and I understand why other people enjoy it, it's just not of any interest to me personally so I basically take GSF off my radar in terms of 'things to do'.

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