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Separating Companions From Co-Pilot Abilities


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Very simple. Just have a list of abilities we can fit in the last slot of our action bar for GSF, but don't make it dependent on who we choose for our co-pilot. The reason why? Some of the worst companions have the best abilities. A perfect example of this is Skadge, who has one of the best abilities for my personal choice of ship, the scout, which is bypass. The problem is, Skadge is annoying. He is the least popular BH companion (if not the least popular companion out of all of them) and I don't want to hear him talking when I GSF on my my BH, plain and simple.


I'm sure there are other people with their own preferences and who are using co-pilots they hate for their ability rather than for the fact that they like the companion. If you're not going to give us the option to shut their commentary off during the fighting, then at least give us the ability to pick a companion we enjoy for our co-pilot without compromising our build.

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So lemme get this straight - you want the co-pilot's abilities, but not the co-pilot.


Pretty much. It's really a shame how some of the potentially great copilots are ruined by an unalterable combination of passive and active abilities. See also: Jaesa, MZ-12, B-3G9, Kira, Aric, and every offensive crew member that doesn't have Pinpointing.


In a game that advertises the customization options so much, it confounds me that such an important customization option is, well, not customizable.

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Pretty much. It's really a shame how some of the potentially great copilots are ruined by an unalterable combination of passive and active abilities. See also: Jaesa, MZ-12, B-3G9, Kira, Aric, and every offensive crew member that doesn't have Pinpointing.


In a game that advertises the customization options so much, it confounds me that such an important customization option is, well, not customizable.




Fine. Sure. Let's do this. I give up. -bp

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So lemme get this straight - you want the co-pilot's abilities, but not the co-pilot.


The point of this is not to grant anything a pilot doesn't have, either by progressing his character through the class storyline or buy purchasing crew members from other classes, merely to separate out the abilities from the companions themselves.

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Very simple. Just have a list of abilities we can fit in the last slot of our action bar for GSF, but don't make it dependent on who we choose for our co-pilot.


I dislike your idea. I wouldn't be opposed to each companion having two choices though.


The reason why? Some of the worst companions have the best abilities.


Work on fixing the companion secondaries then. "I shouldn't want to pick Skadge" is a terrible reason. Instead, ask for the secondaries to get closer together. Under your plan, you'd just be picking your best copilot ability without any faction specific tradeoff.


I hate everything about your idea.


I would like secondaries to be brought closer in power, and some of the crappy copilot abilities should be buffed. If possible, you could offer two abilities per copilot (this would let you add a lot more copilot abilities, such as a rush of shield energy, or a brief period of being immune to shield piercing). But in the mean time, the fact that you are struggling to make your choices is pretty good design.

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I dislike your idea. I wouldn't be opposed to each companion having two choices though.




Work on fixing the companion secondaries then. "I shouldn't want to pick Skadge" is a terrible reason. Instead, ask for the secondaries to get closer together. Under your plan, you'd just be picking your best copilot ability without any faction specific tradeoff.


I hate everything about your idea.


I would like secondaries to be brought closer in power, and some of the crappy copilot abilities should be buffed. If possible, you could offer two abilities per copilot (this would let you add a lot more copilot abilities, such as a rush of shield energy, or a brief period of being immune to shield piercing). But in the mean time, the fact that you are struggling to make your choices is pretty good design.

Have you read the whole post OP made? When he says "worst", he means worst in aesthetic/cosmetic sense (voice acting and "companion character") not in mechanic sense regarding their secondary abilities. And I completely agree with him. Aesthetic and mechanic should be kept strictly separated - that's why all racial abilities are social only, instead of actual bonuses. But in GSF right now, you have to choose between having an useful ability and listening to gibberish/"mindless brute", or listening to you favorite companion/voice actor but having an ability which is much less, if at all useful.

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I really like that the characters offer choices on the cosmetic dimension as well.


I really like it when there's meaningful choices, especially when Empire and Republic don't always get the same ones.


There's limits to this- some options, such as paint jobs, shouldn't logically impact play. Others, such as engine trail color and blaster color, *could*, as long as such modifications were slight.



I like it when it feels like a choice, instead of just taking "the right answer".

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In the UI, can you disable the companion comments the same way you would turn "Target of Target" on? If so, would the eliminate the chatter? I understand it doesn't address all problems (i.e. wantting to hear a different companion), but it would eliminate the skadge issue (should it work) Edited by SammyGStatus
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Well if they did this you'd have to change the unlock process a bit. Fleet req is an indirect revenue stream for GSF through ship req conversion.


So maybe you'd have to split things and have a cosmetic unlock for the crewmember, but also have a fleet req unlock for any passive or active ability that the crew member doesn't have in the default setting.


That'd give another upgrade path of sorts. Use fleet req to teach your crew new GSF crew skill options. Even sort of makes sense from a lore/progression viewpoint.


Not sure it would be worth it to Bioware to sink the amount of work that would take to change the hangar/upgrade system to accommodate that though. It would be nice from the player's end though, as long as cost to unlock the full set of crew didn't change too much.

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I like it when it feels like a choice, instead of just taking "the right answer".

I agree when it is choice between (for example) great co-pilot ability and poor secondary abilities vs. poor co-pilot ability and great secondary abilities. But having to choose between powerful mechanics with poor aesthetic vs. weak mechanics with great aesthetic is bad game design, in my opinion.

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I would welcome more grind for this, since it's a cosmetic feature, I would do it as follows:


You want to have access to Pierce's passive and active skills, but love the voice over of Mako?


Then you need to unlock Pierce as a crew member, then unlock Mako and pay an extra 1000 fleet reqs to unlock Pierce's skill template.


Now you can use Pierce's skill with the voice over of any crew unlocked.


The crew would read: offensive/co-pilot Mako (Pierce skill set).


This would have no in-game repercussion other then the player hearing only the co-pilots they like : )

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