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CALLING ALL FREAKS!! Bastion GSF Server Event: 3 May (Sat) at Noon


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honestly totally a better game :)


I will hypothesize that an all pilot/ace 12v12 would probably be the best possible GSF. I'll also state that we don't KNOW that. Outside of Bioware's QA office, I doubt such a thing has happened, and if we were to try it apparently decides that each of our groups gets a separate instance of fresh nubs to dine on.



I'm not sure though. Honestly, 12 ships seems to shift the balance pretty dramatically. I see crazy stuff happen in a 12v12, like "I don't have enough energy to kill things fast enough" and stuff like that. It's really a different game.

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Or just plan the next event for early or late and forget the team captain/draft idea :p


I don't think we could do stuff with that much organization. Drako was so stoked about this but got dragged away halfway through by RL junk. Pincer got dragged away too, for similar reasons. I think we'd probably organize stuff and have one guy not able to make it or whatever. This isn't like a raid, we can't expect everyone to shift stuff around, you know?


I felt bad that Armond was there and we couldn't be useful with him. If other aces knew we had a way to get them in, maybe they would have showed up or something. Hrm.

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Just wanted to come in an say that was a *********** blast! Sucks that for about 4 games we were facing eachother in wargames :rolleyes: But even those were fun.


My biggest disappointment is that my wife scheduled stuff for us to do without my knowledge = epic fail. Got probably 8 matches in before the aggro hit.


GG's all around, for once both sides pub and imp had some of their best people all in 1 game. Made for epic games where u can never stop paying attention. One of the domination maps we lost at beyond the halfway mark (when we had a big lead) because we didn't rotate into bombers fast enough.


I will get some screens loaded up, my favorite one is a deathmatch where the top 5 players all had 9 kills, assists, and a few deaths (our damage was close too) I have rarely seen such an equal contribution between 5 players.


I am hoping that we get more of these, the turnout was good but as others have said I wanted to see more cross server people. That and I didn't get to play with Armonnd because he was waxing philosophic in ImpgGSF *shakefist* ill fly with you someday though im sure.


Id definitely do this again, on this or any other server.


(the next time ill secure more time, and make sure im not pulled away early)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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Sucks that for about 4 games we were facing eachother in wargames :rolleyes: But even those were fun.


Just for those tuning in, I'll point out that these wargames happened while the pub premades were in queue. I think they got nubs to eat.




But, I had a great time. GG all!

Edited by Verain
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I know it was frustrating at times, but we did get a few epic/big/awesome games. And quite a few back-to-back 12v12s!

I agree, the only real notable problem was matchmaking. I spent the huge majority of my nearly 4 hours of GSF matches yesterday farming newbies or a tiny group of vets. Here's (I think?) all of the games my small team played. I might have missed a few B.S. farm games because I'm not really paying much attention in those:












-Did you like it?

I loved the two games we lost (despite being ridiculously overmatched in the first and being rendered immobile for a great portion of it ;) ). Those were probably the most fun. I also enjoyed getting to farm Tune's group right after, I think their coordination totally fell apart in between. All-in-all, yes, I had a ton of fun and it gave me a reason to log on and play for a good chunk of time. Our team had a blast taking Emperor Palpatine quotes and adding GSF references into them (lolnerds).


-What could be changed to make a future event better (what we can control, not game changes)?

A few of the Imps had to leave early due to family reasons, and it was clear the Pubs had what felt like twice as many veterans queued at any given time. We can't determine how much of the 2-ship armada joins each game, but we could probably split players a bit more across factions and groups. I'm not sure how that would work given that groups of friends want to stick together, though.


-What view of Stasie exploding was most enjoyable for you? :D

Of the ~9 total in those screenshots, probably the gunships chain-railgun spamming me while I was Interdiction Mine and Ion Railgun slowed on the nodes, lol. Despite the helplessness, getting slug'd by both Mmo and Jen at the same time was pretty amusing (in one of those sick, twisted sort of ways ;) ). If I had to guess, those must have been pretty satisfying.


I will throw out that of the ~100ish kills I got across those games, the most satisfying were the ones watching my slug railgun turning Jennipher into a tiny little ball of fire mid-barrel roll or distortion field in his gunship. Or the rampant mine-spamming that turned practically all the scouts (including the vets on both sides) into so much flotsam. The Novadive/Flashfire/etc. explosions were so prevalent I actually had to keep an eye on where I was going. Another great experience was farming Naveh's team with our 3-man group immediately after he swapped to the clearly dominant side. Sorry bud, we don't go easy on turncoats (For the Empire!). Those were definitely the most enjoyable. :)


Thanks for the games, guys! I look forward to more events like this (maybe on a Sunday the next time?), but preferably with more balance, more skilled opponents from other servers (I'm sure there were some, but it's hard to stand out in stock ships) and less routs! It was nice seeing Armond show up, even if I didn't get to fight alongside him. :cool:

Edited by TrinityLyre
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