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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

This Crap Needs to go... NOW!


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Really, games have no avoidance from the back for a reason. to say getting behind a target is an exploit is stupid.


Thats like saying power slides is an exploit in a race.


This is like that stupid feature in forza where all you do is hold the accelerate button the ENTIRE time knowing the game will brake for you accordingly.


If you needed that handicap I am surprised you even pvp till this day.

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Really, games have no avoidance from the back for a reason. to say getting behind a target is an exploit is stupid.


Getting behind a target is fine. We have abilities in this game that REQUIRE it. But using it to turn into some sort of adrenal-pumped, sugar overdosed dreidel for the EXPLICIT purpose of preventing the other person from acting as a way to abuse the targeting rules is taking it much farther than simply meeting the requirements for "must be behind the target".

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Getting behind a target is fine. We have abilities in this game that REQUIRE it. But using it to turn into some sort of adrenal-pumped, sugar overdosed dreidel for the EXPLICIT purpose of preventing the other person from acting as a way to abuse the targeting rules is taking it much farther than simply meeting the requirements for "must be behind the target".


You can make that argument about 3/4 of the actions in the game.


Stop kiting a melee class you're preventing him from acting.

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You can make that argument about 3/4 of the actions in the game.


Stop kiting a melee class you're preventing him from acting.


Hitting =/= acting. A kiter still has to deal with him taking actions like Force Leap, snares of his own, etc.


Circle Strafing doesn't have a "cc breaker".

Edited by EvanSnowWolf
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Getting behind a target is fine. We have abilities in this game that REQUIRE it. But using it to turn into some sort of adrenal-pumped, sugar overdosed dreidel for the EXPLICIT purpose of preventing the other person from acting as a way to abuse the targeting rules is taking it much farther than simply meeting the requirements for "must be behind the target".


No, it really isnt. You can all say what you want but that is not true at all. All games have it. Just because your not good at macroing your skills and pvping at the same time is not an issue with the game.


Would you say cornering in a fighting game is an exploit? No its not, but some people just call it cheap because they can't handle it.


You all just needed to learn to handle your ****.


This auto facing seems like it was ment for pve anyway and something they didnt consider for pvp.


Me personally, I am not having a big deal with this auto facing, but I am speaking because I hate stupidity. With that said, all you un-unique insulters that dont agree will just call me the same.

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Hitting =/= acting. A kiter still has to deal with him taking actions like Force Leap, snares of his own, etc.


Circle Strafing doesn't have a "cc breaker".


Yeah it does. It's called kiting and stunning.


See traversal velocity decreases the further you get from the target.


Again if melee has no advantage of being in melee range besides actually being able to do damage they need to be severely buffed or ranged needs a reason to stay at range.


You have made no logical argument against any of these points. Your entire thing is you dislike it. Which is weird as this game is clearly designed for circle strafing what with it having positional requirements at all.

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No, it really isnt. You can all say what you want but that is not true at all. All games have it. Just because your not good at macroing your skills and pvping at the same time is not an issue with the game.


Would you say cornering in a fighting game is an exploit? No its not, but some people just call it cheap because they can't handle it.


You all just needed to learn to handle your ****.


This auto facing seems like it was ment for pve anyway and something they didnt consider for pvp.


Me personally, I am not having a big deal with this auto facing, but I am speaking because I hate stupidity. With that said, all you un-unique insulters that dont agree will just call me the same.


actually at one time, any time that you targeted someone you were always auto facing them in pvp. so they took almost all auto facing out of pvp, except for channels. happy medium.

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Circle stafing is not a rule.. it is an exploit. Your are basically admitting that your skill is lacking and you need to take advantage of a targeting flaw that's been in place in WoW since day one, and now that your precious elitist attack style is threatened, you act like everyone that doesn't believe in it is the scrub.




That's the dumbest thing i ever heard a exploit lol? And how is your skill lacking if u circle strafe assassins get crap damage with out using maul and u need to be behind your target so u must be mad that u keyboard turn and dont want others to kill u while doing it

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Whats up with this crap? range automatically face their target no matter what? you cant even work as a mellee because no matter what you do your just gonna get stomped on by the superior DPS/Survival skills that the ranged have... Give me back my ability to work around a toon. plskthnxbai





get close -> Drop AoE or Stun -> Pull all attacks

I think this will help you a little but if this doesn't work then you might want to stay PvE

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This problem (or "problem") could be solved by making strafing cause a reduction in speed. With no strafing penalty I can generally strafe away full speed and keep firing at you while I do it -- I'm not shooting behind me, I'm shooting to my left while strafing to my right.


If strafing incurred a 25% movement speed penalty, you wouldn't see this being nearly as effective.

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Whats up with this crap? range automatically face their target no matter what? you cant even work as a mellee because no matter what you do your just gonna get stomped on by the superior DPS/Survival skills that the ranged have... Give me back my ability to work around a toon. plskthnxbai


most ranged attacks are either casts or channeled... stop running around them and spam interrupts problem solved... i have met great sentinels on my sorc who could lock me down and prevent me from doing anything untill i was dead because ONLY tool i had was to either force speed away, or spam instant hot which will not keep me alive and shields only do so much.


I cant understand what people expect from melee aside from spamming keys bug/glitch really not a big issue as to how melees work. Now that said also met terrible sentinels and JK's dont know what interrupt key is...


not saying sage/sorc maybe doesnt need some work on or other classes brought up but, melee works as melee should have all basic tools i think other facts are causing the issue.

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As a player with both a Sith Warrior (Jug) and a Trooper (Vanguard) I'm fine with this semi-auto-facing.


And no, I've never had issues with circlers, and have many times watched them kill themselves by accidently turning too fast and putting their back in my face. This game just makes the terrible people have one less tactic to employ and those people are mad because they can't crush newbies (people new to MMOs and not used to using thier mouse to turn) or getting that very slight lead against an equally matched opponent.


To those of you complaining about Auto-Facing (and yes, it is limited) learn to play your face and find OTHER ways around it. If you can't win without it you have bigger issues than "rang'd classesss OP!!!!111QQmoar"


(EDIT: Being tired kills all ability to spell properly, and yes I've been playing MMOs since 1999)

Edited by Zeromentor
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To those of you complaining about Auto-Facing (and yes, it is limited) learn to play your face and find OTHER ways around it. If you can't win without it you have bigger issues than "rang'd classesss OP!!!!111QQmoar"


(EDIT: Being tired kills all ability to spell properly, and yes I've been playing MMOs since 1999)



But you do know that melee are mostly target practice for ranged at the moment? Auto-facing is just the cherry on top.

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Whats up with this crap? range automatically face their target no matter what? you cant even work as a mellee because no matter what you do your just gonna get stomped on by the superior DPS/Survival skills that the ranged have... Give me back my ability to work around a toon. plskthnxbai


stun?..maybe? KB?.



Do you know what Crowd Control is?

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But you do know that melee are mostly target practice for ranged at the moment? Auto-facing is just the cherry on top.


Remeber that ranged classes are limited in said range (mostly 30 meters) and that 4 advanced melee classes can just jump to their targets (excluding Smugs/Agents) and that they are suppose to be limited by the fact that they are MELEE and not ranged classes.


Outside of jumping into a crowd and getting facerolled, neither me nor my friends are having issues with our Sith Warriors or Jedi Knights, excluding lag and input bugs (which ranged classes ARE affected by as well).



So comparing this game's starting PvP with most other MMOs, I'd say they are off to a great start. No one class is completely OP (I have a mental list of what can hard counter what) and no class is totally useless (the player, on the other hand, might be).

If you hate being melee, reroll and leave it to those that LIKE it.

If you refuse to reroll, be prepared to LEARN HOW TO PLAY based on THIS GAME'S MECHANICS and not those of OTHER games.

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Whether you are moving in a circle or in a straight line, if in both cases your goal is to prevent the opponent from using his/her abilities, what is the difference?


Again, the problem those against circle strafing and other melee movement techniques have with their arguments is that they are essentially applying a double standard. You can't say its OK for ranged classes to use movement techniques to prevent melee classes from using their abilities, but not the other way around.


Remember, we are talking about techniques used when the melee player is already in melee range. The situation should naturally be to his/her advantage. Should ranged player be able to just stand there and effectively "out melee" their opponent by just using ranged attacks within melee range? Or should they attempt to cc and get out of melee range? Ranged players arguing against circle strafing implies that they believe they should have every advantage, even in melee range. That they should effectively be just as good in melee as the melee class. Isn't that a bit like arguing melee skills should have a 30m range?


And the reality is that circle strafing does not work against ranged characters as well as it works against melee characters. Ranged characters get auto-face so melee movement has less effect. When you couple with with the perception -- right or wrong -- that range characters have every other advantage in the game, especially their extra utility and cc, the idea that they do not lose any advantage within melee range itself is naturally frustrating to melee players.


Nevertheless, it is vital against other melee characters to use movement techniques because melee characters do not have auto-face, and thus all good melee pvpers should regularly use this technique. In fact, all the best melee opponents I have faced have used this technique. (Just as all good ranged pvpers should know how to run in a straight line while firing behind them.) This accounts for why many melee players are against circle strafing, because they have trouble using/defeating players who use it.


Good pvpers always use movement to their advantage, bad ones think gear and statistics should determine every fight.

Edited by Jjix
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Circle stafing is not a rule.. it is an exploit. Your are basically admitting that your skill is lacking and you need to take advantage of a targeting flaw that's been in place in WoW since day one, and now that your precious elitist attack style is threatened, you act like everyone that doesn't believe in it is the scrub.




I'm sure melee would be elated if they removed all positional attack requirements, so deal. Not the player's fault when some of their hardest hitting attacks are from behind. Blame the designers.

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Cry more OP, that hop around and run around in circles crap isn't going to cut it any more..


Seems to be an abundance of these types of posts. Don't like melee circling/strafing? Blame the designers. With general game lag, input lag and the like, staying behind someone without auto-face would be hard enough. With it it's near impossible. So, melee players get one stun and maybe one attack from behind before the stun wears off and they get thrashed by the ranged class. Of course, as a ranged player, I'm sure you'd find this perfectly acceptable.

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auto face evens out the fact that that many classes in this game have insta cast and any direction melee attacks ...


there are some casters in this game that only have one attack they can do on the run the others they have to be standing still and not moving with cast times while they get face rolled hoping they get them off



the auto face target is working as intended for balance or no one would play said classess period

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