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Another perk of living on Taris is a drastic reduction in door-to-door salesman and Jedi evangelists coming by to bother you.

I just had a mental image of Rakghouls going to door to door with literature about "Our Lord Karness Muur"

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Alderaan primarily.


Though, with my character's personalities... Dromund Kaas and Coruscant, respectively. Most are rather patriotic (for the Republic), or city-dwellers, and (for the Empire), either would take advantage of what could be learned, and the power they could gain (politically and through the Force) on the planet.


One of my Warriors, however, would live in Tatooine, where she would, perhaps, train acolytes in her rather different ways, with the solitude and privacy of the vast desert.

Edited by jedimasterjac
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I want to live on Taris. you can see in the skyline a few buildings that look like they were not completely taken down so I could easily have an apartment in there, I mean, who would expect to find someone on a planet that has been trashed for 300 years and is infested with rakghouls?
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I have to say, I'm amazed at how many 'likes' Taris is getting. I never would have thought so many people would actually *want* to live there lol. Hoth too. This has been educational.


I love seeing the variety of answers, and the reasoning behind them.

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I would have to pick Nar Shaddaa for when I am in the mood for sinful fun (think Vegas or Macau) which is a very important factor for my definition of QoL. To kick back and relax in a serene environment, my personal choice would be scenic and relatively peaceful Voss. As for the rest of the time, I'll just be flying around on my ship and generally wrecking havoc.


DK or Taris.. not so much. The gloomy weather in those places would be like living in Seattle or Portland except even worse. The construction materials on DK in particular must have exceptional sound proofing capabilities to block out all that damn thunder.


Tatooine, eh, no thanks. The climate is far too dry and I'd be waking up every morning with a nose bleed. I also prefer not having to deal with little Jawas sneaking about trying to steal stuff right out of my yard.


Hoth, well, I dislike shoveling snow so a definite no thanks. That and the fact that I wouldn't even be able to sun tan properly there without getting frostbites.


Ilum, see Hoth.


Quesh and Hutta, poison, pollution, bad.


Korriban... yeah.... no. Not interested in putting up with a never ending stream of testosterone driven pipsqueaks flying in from all corners of the galaxy just to prove themselves. It'd be like living in a high school.


Balmorra is just too much like living in Iraq or Ukraine. Crumbling infrastructure and tons of insurgents running around trying to take over stuff. Pass.


Belsavis, interesting locale but my home would be just one prison break away from being ransacked. The personal property insurance premiums will be too high to stomach.


Correllia could have been a possibility but when it comes to urban environment, Nar Shaddaa is simply better (and more fun). Also not to keen on the mandatory daily schmooze-fest with all those corporate executives living next door.


Makeb had a lot of potential considering it is quite nice from a scenic point of view, that is until the whole "unstable core threatening to blow it up any second" stuff got on the news. Earthquake insurance is also quite expensive.


Aldaraan would have been another nice scenic, vacation-like destination but I would despise my neighbors too much. The Alderaanians remind me of Ned Flanders from the Simpsons. Perhaps renting for a 2 weeks long, once per year excursion is plausible but buying is out of the question.


I think that covers all ot he imp side planets. As for the pub only planets such as Tython or Coruscant, see the "neighbor" portion of the Alderaan explanation.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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Wow you've put alot of thought into this I see. :D My thoughts in blue.


I would have to pick Nar Shaddaa for when I am in the mood for sinful fun (think Vegas or Macau) which is a very important factor for my definition of QoL. To kick back and relax in a serene environment, my personal choice would be scenic and relatively peaceful Voss. As for the rest of the time, I'll just be flying around on my ship and generally wrecking havoc. I like Nar Shaddaa, nice colours and lights. Nice spot for a holiday.


DK or Taris.. not so much. The gloomy weather in those places would be like living in Seattle or Portland except even worse. The construction materials on DK in particular must have exceptional sound proofing capabilities to block out all that damn thunder. I like to watch the lightning, but hate thunder. Definately would need sound proofing, but still my location of preference.


Tatooine, eh, no thanks. The climate is far too dry and I'd be waking up every morning with a nose bleed. I also prefer not having to deal with little Jawas sneaking about trying to steal stuff right out of my yard. I hear ya and agree. Hate the heat. Can't stand it. Would rather live on Hoth. Remember, you can always put on more clothing, but you can only take off so much before you're arrested. :)


Hoth, well, I dislike shoveling snow so a definite no thanks. That and the fact that I wouldn't even be able to sun tan properly there without getting frostbites. I hate snow shovelling too...but hey, that's what droids are for.


Quesh and Hutta, poison, pollution, bad. Agree. Nothing good here at all.


Korriban... yeah.... no. Not interested in putting up with a never ending stream of testosterone driven pipsqueaks flying in from all corners of the galaxy just to prove themselves. It'd be like living in a high school. Yes, but being on the council or Wrath, makes you GOD of that high school.


Balmorra is just too much like living in Iraq or Ukraine. Crumbling infrastructure and tons of insurgents running around trying to take over stuff. Pass. Not if you choose an out of the way spot by a lake or something.


Belsavis, interesting place but my home would be just one prison break away from being ransacked. The personal property insurance premiums would be too high to stomach. Yeah, not into the prison scene at all.


Correllia would have been a possibility but Nar Shaddaa is just a better (and more fun) urban environment. Also not to keen on schmoozing with all those corporate executives living next door on a daily basis. I hear they throw some pretty good parties though.


Makeb has potential considering it is quite nice from a scenic point of view, that is until the whole "unstable core threatening to blow it up any second" stuff got on the news. I have issues with earthquakes, and the whole could possibly blow up at any time thing...so agreed.


Aldaraan would have been another nice scenic, vacation-like destination but I would despise my neighbors too much. The Alderaanians reminds me of Ned Flanders from the Simpsons.Nobles suck. I'd probably commune with nature, until it communed with me, and turned me into a joiner. Not ideal. Not to mention the sneak peak into the future turned me off.


I think that covers all ot he imp side planets. As for the those pub planets such as Tython or Coruscant, see the "neighbor" portion of the Alderaan explanation.


Tython would be ok if not for all those slug people, or the Jedi, or those shifty Twi'leks.

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I would have to pick Nar Shaddaa

Corruption and wandering thugs would concern me. That and "world city" So, no dirt, no trees, no lakes or oceans or beaches or mountains....




DK or Taris.. not so much. The gloomy weather in those places would be like living in Seattle or Portland except even worse. The construction materials on DK in particular must have exceptional sound proofing capabilities to block out all that damn thunder.


Yea gloomy doesn't do it for me. Perennial overcast conditions would be depressing. At least Seattle does get some sunny days. Seattle is cloudy 201 days out of the year and partly cloudy 93 days. That means 71 sunny days a year.


Kaas City is cloudy every day, 0 days of sun, 0 days of "partly cloudy".


That's something I think many people miss. These planets are worlds of extreme.


Tatooine is not just a hot desert, its an entire planet of Sahara like conditions, only hotter... and drier...


Hoth is not just cold. On a warm day it resembles Antarctica in winter. There is no liquid water there. Water freezes in seconds. You cannot wear enough layers to actually be warm. If someone actually walked outside in just Jedi robes they would be dead of hypothermia in minutes, if that long.


Oh, and Taris.. Rakghouls... yea... uh, no thank you. I would like to let my dog outside without it, or me, would become Rakghoul chow. And toxic polution... entire lakes of toxic polution. see Quesh and Hutta below...


Tatooine, eh, no thanks. The climate is far too dry and I'd be waking up every morning with a nose bleed. I also prefer not having to deal with little Jawas sneaking about trying to steal stuff right out of my yard.


I had forgotten about the Jawas. Between Jawas, murderopus marauding Sand People, heat and general lawessness, I don't think I would even seriously consider living there. And, once again, no lakes, rivers, oceans or other surface water.


Hoth, well, I dislike shoveling snow so a definite no thanks. That and the fact that I wouldn't even be able to sun tan properly there without getting frostbites.


Ilum, see Hoth.


Hell, you cant go outside to check the weather without risking frostbite.


Quesh and Hutta, poison, pollution, bad.


this... Taris too, as mentioned above.


Korriban... yeah.... no. Not interested in putting up with a never ending stream of testosterone driven pipsqueaks flying in from all corners of the galaxy just to prove themselves. It'd be like living in a high school.


That and it doesn't look to be a pleasant place either. Planet sized red rock desert.


Balmorra is just too much like living in Iraq or Ukraine. Crumbling infrastructure and tons of insurgents running around trying to take over stuff. Pass.


Yea, living in a bombed out, former war zone doesn't appeal to me. But so far it seems better than most. As long as the Colicoid situation is under control.


Belsavis, interesting locale but my home would be just one prison break away from being ransacked. The personal property insurance premiums will be too high to stomach.


Exactly. And, it looks cold. Cold, nasty wildlife, occasional escaped convicts.. and not your garden variety convicts, but galactic scale nasty bad guys.


Correllia could have been a possibility but when it comes to urban environment, Nar Shaddaa is simply better (and more fun). Also not to keen on the mandatory daily schmooze-fest with all those corporate executives living next door.


Looks like any overly industrialized city. Pollution spewing factories, power plants and production facilities. Only the republics superior EPA controls keep it from looking like Hutta. But, at least you can see the ground, and it may have trees, lakes, rivers, etc... somewhere...


Nar Shaddaa and Coruscant have a land and rock under all that city somewhere... but then, if you are actually standing on rock, you are at the lowest levels..i.e. poorest most destitute levels... heck, the actual rock and dirt are probably under a couple hundred feet of toxic sludge and waste.


Makeb had a lot of potential considering it is quite nice from a scenic point of view, that is until the whole "unstable core threatening to blow it up any second" stuff got on the news. Earthquake insurance is also quite expensive.




Aldaraan would have been another nice scenic, vacation-like destination but I would despise my neighbors too much. The Alderaanians remind me of Ned Flanders from the Simpsons. Perhaps renting for a 2 weeks long, once per year excursion is plausible but buying is out of the question.


And, it's cold. everywhere still snow and ice on the ground. Unless we always seem to only visit in winter, I assume the entire planet has the climate of northern Canada or North Scandinavia/Lapland. I have known a few Swedes and Finns in my life. The Fins point out that there are 2 seasons in Finland, winter and not-quite-winter, aka July.


Don't think I want to live on an entire planet like that.


Tython..., see the "neighbor" portion of the Alderaan explanation.


Lakes, mountains, rivers... little pollution, and while irritating, the Flesh Raiders are easier to kill, less mindless and fewer in number than Taresian Rakghols or Jawas and Sand People. And, you just have to find a spot not near the Jedi temple or Kalikori(sp) village to avoid Padawans and Twi'lek.

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Balmorra is just too much like living in Iraq or Ukraine. Crumbling infrastructure and tons of insurgents running around trying to take over stuff. Pass.


Balmorra is finally free and rebuilding, and unlike Iraq or Ukraine, it had always had wealth, technological superiority and apparently no shortage of politicians who are true patriots. Sobrik's going to shine as bright as it was before the occupation in no time, the soil will be cleansed in no time, and given peace, Balmorran hills and valleys will be as pretty as any other planet :) I think I would rather live where there is a hungry will to rebuild and has a modern mindset, rather than linger in the ruins of the past and cling to a ridiculous values centuries out of date.

Edited by DomiSotto
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