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sorcs still suck


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Lightning does crazy bust atm.


Lightning hybrid offers nice control and mobility. Burst of DF/instant LS/instant CL/Shock can still hit hard with this spec.


Madness is great for 1v1 and arenas.


The only thing that sucks about Sorcerers is that they are often the first target for EVERYONE. So it becomes frustrating at times to play. The class is fine though.

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Lightning does crazy bust atm.


Lightning hybrid offers nice control and mobility. Burst of DF/instant LS/instant CL/Shock can still hit hard with this spec.


Madness is great for 1v1 and arenas.


The only thing that sucks about Sorcerers is that they are often the first target for EVERYONE. So it becomes frustrating at times to play. The class is fine though.


Lightning is still to immobile to be practical. The moment you are focused that is it you have become useless. Few other classes now have to deal with the inability to do ANYTHING useful under focus fire. Madness is much better, if you are looking for a turret spec done properly look no further than the sniper who has better defensives, cc and dps.


I have played a sorc since beta and I can say while lightning is better it is still the red headed step child spec. 30/16 is much better if you want burst. You get the same hard hitting potential with wrath LS except no auto-crit and it isn't internal but you make up for it with the ability being instant cast. You lose egress and 15s FS which is regrettable but not unworkable. You have better aoe with DF, are more mobile with everything being instant except FL and even if FL is interrupted chance are you can just be on the move and will have something instant cast available while you wait for the CD. You can easily do 25k damage in a few globals once wrath procs.


With 30/16 there is still no point to lightning. If 30/16 gets nerfed lightning is still impractical due to how easy it is to shutdown combined with the frailty of the one casting. Simply pressuring a sorc is enough to force them to move meaning the abilities you fear are no longer going to be cast so even if they don't die you have eliminated them as a threat. Madness would then be the go to spec.


They are much more mobile, last longer under focused fire if they are stunned, being forced to move is not an issue since you should be moving most of the time anyways and if they are rooted or slowed they should have fade out just like the lightning sorc even if on a longer cd and let's not forget when the dots are rolling generally stuff is going to die without a lot of dedicated healing. The pressure from a single madness sorc is tremendous and even if someone is being healed eventually they are going to die at least that has been my experience. Even ops have trouble staying alive in the long run.


7 to 8k DFs, 2k+ dot ticks, 2.4k+ FL ticks, madness is by far the best dps sorc spec imo. By the time most people realize a madness/balance (even more so with balance since their spammable is way less noticeable) spec is attacking them it is to late half the time. Easy to gear for with just enough crit to get 25% crit with buff and stim and the rest favoring WP and power/surge enhancements. Honestly madness is just a phenomenal spec.

Edited by skarlson
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if i say pvp, i mean high ranked rated pvp. lightning does a lot damage and a really nice burst, but due to its long casttimes, its fairly easy to avoid or to interrupt.


to get an advantage against other classes, you have to invest a lot more time in practise and theory. Additionally you have to be a outstanding skilled player to close the gap between other classes of higher skill level.

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if i say pvp, i mean high ranked rated pvp. lightning does a lot damage and a really nice burst, but due to its long casttimes, its fairly easy to avoid or to interrupt.


to get an advantage against other classes, you have to invest a lot more time in practise and theory. Additionally you have to be a outstanding skilled player to close the gap between other classes of higher skill level.


This. In short it is simply not practical without an excellent player who also has above average support and that in the context of group rated players who generally are already at the top of their game. A turret class does not belong in this game but snipers are much better at it. Lightning/TK Sorcs/Sages seem to exist for the sole purpose of justifying all the interrupts on other classes. That is simply a sad state of reality.

Edited by skarlson
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Melee really? Post 2.7 pvp is ranged dominated. Many of the top ranked teams are even running double sorcs now as a pressure comp.


well, i'm not arguing with you there.


just tired of getting opened on vs unkite-able assassins in solo q and destroyed.


so really this is a nerf assassins thread some aspects of the class need to be toned down.

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well, i'm not arguing with you there.


just tired of getting opened on vs unkite-able assassins in solo q and destroyed.


so really this is a nerf assassins thread some aspects of the class need to be toned down.


Unkit-eable? lolwut? Unless they really know what they're doing, most Assassins are pretty easy to kite. Just wait for them to Force Speed and hit them with a stun/knockback in the middle of it, then laugh. Then do it again when they stun-break. There are very few Assassins who know how to deal with that.

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Unkit-eable? lolwut? Unless they really know what they're doing, most Assassins are pretty easy to kite. Just wait for them to Force Speed and hit them with a stun/knockback in the middle of it, then laugh. Then do it again when they stun-break. There are very few Assassins who know how to deal with that.


i wish. they have an ability that makes them immune to everything.


also, juggs are really OP their infinite health pool needs to be toned down. probably even more op than assassins.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This. In short it is simply not practical without an excellent player who also has above average support and that in the context of group rated players who generally are already at the top of their game. A turret class does not belong in this game but snipers are much better at it. Lightning/TK Sorcs/Sages seem to exist for the sole purpose of justifying all the interrupts on other classes. That is simply a sad state of reality.


This guy knows what he's talking about, I never run TK in PvP even hybrid spec anymore (with PUGs), just because people shut you down, since you are always the first to be focused no matter what spec you are. Balanced and Madness is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR superior in PvP than TK or lightning and until the developers make some changes to this, it will always be this way.


Also, a lot of people say that Sages and Sorcs are getting a buff for their tree, actually after going on PTS and testing the new changes with the relic fixes, I am parsing a lot less (300 less) on my dummy damages than what I was before in full Brutalizers. Not sure what they did but I am getting far less procs even with all the "goody" changes we got.

Edited by Tonev
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This guy knows what he's talking about, I never run TK in PvP even hybrid spec anymore (with PUGs), just because people shut you down, since you are always the first to be focused no matter what spec you are. Balanced and Madness is FAAAAAAAAAAAAAR superior in PvP than TK or lightning and until the developers make some changes to this, it will always be this way.


Also, a lot of people say that Sages and Sorcs are getting a buff for their tree, actually after going on PTS and testing the new changes with the relic fixes, I am parsing a lot less (300 less) on my dummy damages than what I was before in full Brutalizers. Not sure what they did but I am getting far less procs even with all the "goody" changes we got.


I think you are doing something wrong. Most are parsing higher with madness. That said I can agree sorcs still suck. We are still target #1 because we are still by far the easiest to global. We require the most support to keep alive and if you can keep us alive someone else would have lived longer. Honestly, the only thing I can think sometimes after being focused all fing night long is fbioware. They are too stupid to see the reality of their halfassed system.


Standing in an arena on the upper level in a corner I can KB someone and they will go less than 10m. A commando or sniper from the same spot would have knocked me off to the lower level separating me from my support. Just one of the many BS issues with sorcs. But hey at least we are getting more DPS again. We ask for survivability and we get...a stationary bub which is the only ability in the game that requires you to be doing absolutelyfingnothing for 10s now 8s so that you can be globaled as soon as it is up. We ask for more survivability and we get...more dps. We ask for survivability and we get...more dps???


I am in a reg earlier going to an objective and a sniper gets a hard on for killing me and decides to tunnel like a moron. GG moron for tunneling while you lose *******. What's the prob here then? They have so much CC it is coming out of their backsides. I am either rooted or slowed even after using barrier, breaker and fadeout to get away and hopefully to the objective. They have so much fing CC they can spare it on chasing someone who isn't even interested in fighting but let's nerf sorc cc some more. Oh and let's give them more DPS!!! We still won't be able to stand toe to toe with ANYONE and out DPS them; we will still die before they do. Sure, they may die from our DoTs after but bfd, we still died as usual. *** is with bioware??

Edited by skarlson
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The good old PVE/RP servers don't know how to PVP comment. I expected better, try harder next time.





Too many people, Especially those from Jung Ma, Bastion, and Pot5 seem to think they are PvP gods. Ebon Hawk has guilds devoted solely to pvp. I also am working on a character who is going to level from 1-55 doing nothing but pvp (1-10 is GSF only and 10-55 is GSF and ground PVP) and I play on EH

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Too many people, Especially those from Jung Ma, Bastion, and Pot5 seem to think they are PvP gods. Ebon Hawk has guilds devoted solely to pvp. I also am working on a character who is going to level from 1-55 doing nothing but pvp (1-10 is GSF only and 10-55 is GSF and ground PVP) and I play on EH


The general skill and experience level is better. Also the top tier player's are better. This is in regards to the english speaking EU servers. I've been on ToFN since 1.2 but tried the others out.


If there is anyone better than Evolixe, Skyrush or Cryyc etc on those servers please do point them out. Ill give pay for their time and transfer so that i may prove otherwise.

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Madness is the only spec to play from a PVP Standpoint the self heals through dots and reduced damage while stunned, 15% periodic rdamage reduction with the 2% basline t1 talent. Now we also have the ability to get the snare/root break force speed and still get 36 points in Madness. We also have bubble so we've progressively gotten a little here and a little there and finally are starting to get a nice viable spec. The other tree's are bad but Madness is good.


Heal spec is still bad it has lack luster force management and no protection vs getting burnt in a stun.


It needs better Force Regen and some passive reductions or reduction while under it's HoT. It also has to plant it's feet far to often to heal effectively it needs a mechanic where it's big heal can proc every 6 seconds if a HoT is on a target to get a free instant case dark heal (not to op) Make Dark Infusion put a shield on the healing target for 20% of the amount healed that stacks up to 10k if not remomved via damage. last 12 seconds.


Just some minor things like that would help the heal tree.


Lighting just needs to Make Tundering Blast Instant . They would then be a glass cannon, right now they're just glass they can do damage but only if you leave them alone which can be said with any class.

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