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How many Credits on your Main?


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Just curious because last night I was chatting with a guy while we waited for a 3rd person to arrive and the topic came around to credits. I mentioned that I am going broke trying to outfit my alts. He said its not really a problem for him because he has about 8 million credits.


I was shocked. The most I had on my main was almost 2 million. From running dailies, selling loot, selling purple crafted items and slicing boxes.


So whats in your wallet?


p.s. and how did you get so rich?

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My main has just shy of two million. Was more like six until a day or so ago, but she went on a bit of a spree. It was all on shoes. Typical, eh?


However, one of my alts has gone from under one to about five mil in a day or so, as she has been selling Cartel Packs and animal mounts and the money is currently rolling in. And she hasn't even sold much stuff yet.



Those two are my 55s. The rest of my ten or so characters have between 60 and 200 grand each.

Edited by PLynkes
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I have about 800k because I keep buying pets.... all together I have spent roughly 40mil on pets...


I sold some pets today! Maybe you bought one of mine. One was a Pale Rakling. I was drowning in those things after the Rakghoul event.


Who'd've guessed people would pay silly money for them? You couldn't move without stepping on one on Alderaan not long ago.

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Two of my characters have 42mil each. One for selling battlemaster gear, the other was traded some of it from the first character as well as from selling magenta crystals. Another has about 8mil, from the tech side of battlemaster gear (the force user gear sells way better). My other characters hover around 500k-2mil mostly.


I'm not even close to what some other people have though.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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About 65K on my sage Teclado, which is what I would consider my main, although I've been playing my vanguard and my new 55 juggernaut lately. My jugg has about 200K, sentinel has about 150K, shadow has about 100K, VG has about 300K.


So, altogether I have around 800K. I've been buying augments for my characters. I only pvp nowadays, save for running through the belsavis section X dailies about once every 3 weeks or so. Other than that and pvp, I have no other source of credits. So yeah, augments can really break my little piggy bank. :(


I've been wanting to get a tauntaun mount (missed the Friday CM deals because I was at work for about 14 hours that day :(), but it's boiling down to augments for a better pvp experience, or tauntaun. I really wish they would just set augment stats to zero in warzones, because I am an altoholic. About 2.5 million credits for a full set times five 55 characters = more creds than I have ever had.

Edited by teclado
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my main has about 10 mill after selling a couple of Rare items i found i had one of my alts... still trying to shift the 2 Revan Holostatues i discovered in my Cargo Hold from my first char lol

I'll buy one from you, at a resonable cost ... if you're on JC that is.

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60 million on my main, 6 million on the character I'm leveling and I don't know how much on my alts, probably between 200k-1million.


This is pretty low considering I've been playing since day 1 but I keep spending it and never bother to do any crafting. Probably planning to blow it all on player housing though lol because I have all the cartel items I want already.

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p.s. and how did you get so rich?


Various ways. Anybody playing since launch that plays a lot and does all the repeatable content on a regular basis would/could easily have a few million creds.


Playing the GTN market. For instance being able to craft items that go for a lot of money.


Buying cartel packs/hyper crates and then selling them on GTN or the rare items from them.


Finally there are people who just straight up buy credits for real money. Create a new character, go into any starting area and you'll constantly see the general chat spammed with messages like "Only $X for X million credits on xsite.com" over and over again. Gotta imagine some people actually break down and do it.

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Checking my records... I've currently got around 19 million on Harbinger and just under 12 million on Red Eclipse. I tend to shift the funds around so that every character has a bunch on them rather than pooling it all on one character, but my Harbinger character that currently has the most on hand is holding onto about 5.4 million and my Red Eclipse character that currently has the most on hand is holding onto about 3.3 million. For some reason I haven't yet pooled enough in one place at the same time for the "Wealthy" title on Harbinger, although I did do that on Red Eclipse.


The vast majority of my Red Eclipse characters' wealth came from crafting and selling augments. (blue quality, usually anything named Augment 17 or lower seemed to sell best, made pretty much everything except command augments because those never seemed to sell, most of them usually moved pretty quickly). I only have one 55 on that server and I haven't really done any sort of dailies grind for money with that character.


On Harbinger... I don't know how much came from what. I have four 55s on this server, only ever did any sort of dailies grind with one of them (and even that was more like "every other weekly and then maybe take a break for a month" than daily). I have sold cartel market stuff on the GTN on this server. I recently started crafting augments here like I did on Red Eclipse.

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I have 50mils true out my alts 30mil on my main have all cc rep maxed so thats 70-100mil spend on packs. In my opinion its easy to earn credits in game but theres not much stuff worth spending them on buying pets its kinda meh for me because bw just use difrent color and bum you got 5 difrent pets... emotes I already have to much of those to remeber them same goes for mounts. I do raiding I prety much have min max gear on my 2 chars (I usaly raid whit one or the other) so no need to buy 180 gear from crafters
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