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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Help Stop Accidental Purchases!


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Hell yes,


because of accidental purchases I am now paranoid of using the item preview when at a vendor.


I know 4 or 5 people in the same boat. Features not being used because of the huge margin of error in using the purchase interface.

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I totally fell for this, bought a character customization I didn't really want when I used the shift+right click to preview it (Yeah, I'm a recovering WoW player).


In addition to this (not meaning to hijack the thread, but I feel it all goes hand-in-hand), I think there are a few things that should have an "Are you sure?" window attached to them. I mean, putting a new mod over an old one has that warning, why can't we have it for some other situations.


1) Legacy names. Goodness gracious - this is going to be attached to every character you roll. I know you can turn off the display and everything, but a friend of mine was joking around and typed in Leet, assuming that it would say "Are you sure?". It didn't. He's "Leet" forever now... poor fool.


2) Deleting emails if there is still stuff attached. Sent myself some items and credits. Grabbed the items. Forgot the credits. Hit delete. (Thank goodness, it sent the credits back to my original sending character, but still...)


I'm sure you guys can think of others.


And I like the short time-period "sell-back" idea for accidental purchases.

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I just bought a fricken vryo blade instead of a saber on accident. I put a ticket in but obviously this is a widespread issue so I am sure they will not refund my purchase.


Bottom line - I dont think any mmo should release without this feature. It really makes some older MMO's seem superior and sends some folks packing.


You need to fix this quick because this is game breaking in my book.

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I agree with all of this 100%. I did this last night and I am very very upset. But I didn't spend credits on an item, I spent a Champion token on the wrong piece. Not only was it the wrong piece, it was the other Advanced Class. So realistically, this piece is completely and utterly useless. I would not have cared if I bought something with credits, that isn't really an issue for me. It's the fact that I bought the wrong item by ctrl+clicking it.


I have put in a ticket and I would really hope that I get a refund. It also made it difficult to chose when the bonus set isn't displaying correctly. We all know getting a token from the Champion bag is time consuming, let alone getting that same slot. Please Bioware, have mercy!

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Yes, and please remove the "1" from trying to sell something at a different price than suggested in the AH, its burned me a few times now. Trying to sell a belt at 6,000c and end up selling it for 60,001c. Imagine the fee difference... not to mention nobody will buy at the 10x price.
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My question is how something so trival made it through beta like this, with no simple pop up fix to prevent it.


I was playing eq in 2005. 6 years after launch and SOE finally got around to fixing an issue they admit was occurring since beta, but they did not fix it then because not many had the issue because not many played full pvp, since most of eq servers were pve and you had to flag pvp the population was not telling them about it often enough to make it a priority.


oh where did the population tell them there was a problem? in game /bug when they got enough /bug comments about that then they fixed the issue. general messaging is not the forum to be reporting bugs to the game. it has never been monitored for bugs in any game since they KNOW so many will troll the forum. but they do have a feedback forum... what a concept. post there and it gets noticed, post in general it's swept under the swarm of messages where people demand a feature or threaten to quit.


Darth Freki


PS: oh all games i know have the i want X or i'll quit tomorrow threads... swtor is not any different.

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This is how to get around this annoying bug, which purchases things twice when you only clicked once. Click and hold the click on the item you want and carry it over to your inventory. PROBLEM SOLVED. I had the same problem for a while in beta and even now, unfortunately they haven't fixed this, but figured something out.
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When I was lvl 35 I accidenly purchased the rare speeder from the DS/LS dealer at the Imperial Fleet...boom, 99k credits gone. On top of that, it requires tier 3 riding skill, lvl 50, and full Dark Side lvl 5 (10k DS points) to even use. Sitting in my bank hopefully I'll be able to use it. At the very least there should also be a purchase confirmation window (ie. "Are you sure you wish to purchase this item? Yes / No).
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I don't normally QQ about this stuff, but after buying a crap-ton of junk by accident b/c i wanted to see what it looked like, I'm a bit miffed, to say the least.


Please put up a confirmation dialogue, "no-buy if ctl pressed" function, sell-back grace period, something, anything please. By this point I must have burned through 75 commendations of various factions, and around 70k credits...all on accident.


Please fix?

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That would be great, i have done it with both credits and commendations:( also a fix for show only usable.. Another thing that is really frustrating is that if i get the stats for a thing in the shop (if i manage to click the right btn):) i only see the difference with the gear my char has, but if i want to buy something to my companion i still just see the diff on my char stuff, would be nice if you get 2 windows both for my char and my active companion or even better with a dropdown list for all my comps:)
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