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Over-levelling Planets


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Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:

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Never. Not intentionally anyway.


Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:



Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Evening all,

I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:


I am currently leveling my 9th through 12th toons to 55 (1 pub, 3 imps, currently at 49, 46, 51, and 53) using only class story quests, Makeb/Oricon, PvP, BH/SectionX, and flashpoint dailys . My wife is doing the same with her 9th through 12th toons (1 pub, 3 imps, currently at 51, 46, 51, and 53). We've done the planet quests and side quests so many times in the past that they just do not have much appeal.


We do not intentionally over-level, instead using flashpoints and PvP to prevent being under-leveled and for a change of pace.

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I used the last 2xXP weekend to grow my second set of toons fast through the Starting Plant - Capital Planet. I intend to keep doing it, and include Taris in the mix. In a group, I play absolutely everything (but not bonus series) because my hubby is a completionist, but as a solo I try to get off the planet once I start over-leveling. I am afraid to be so badly overlevelled that when content catches up with last available 55 I will be left unable to cope with the now harder battles. Plus, doing the "Twelve Day of SWTOR" style quests is boring (I mean the ones where you need to kill 20 of these and blast 7 of those...)
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Never. Not intentionally anyway.

Always. As much as I can and 100% intentionally. I'll run GSF, PvP and even the PvE space missions to over-level a planet.


To me, the enjoyment in leveling a character is the CLASS STORY, even the Planet Story is generally fun...the fun/challenge isn't in avoiding as many mobs as possible or fighting for your life to unlock areas. If it were possible, I'd hold off on all the quests until my character was 55.

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Nope, never. I always try to keep myself no more than 3-4 levels above the mobs and missions for each planet/Flashpoint/PvE space mission. It's pretty much a game in and of itself. Thus far, I have gotten to the mid-40's on my main and have not overleveled one thing yet, even with rested XP!
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I don't know if I'm unusual in this regard, but I got in the habit of underleveling content for a while.


Before we had one generic "Planetary Commendations", each planet had their own brand of commendations. Being overleveled meant the commendation rewards would only purchase gear below your current level, which I didn't like. So I tried underleveling and discovered I enjoyed both the challenge and having more useful gear rewards.


I did go overboard on my Sorc, arriving at Belsavis at level 38. The first strong I ran into was level 43 and it took about 3 minutes to kill it. :rolleyes: Tail between my legs I headed back to Hoth and ran more quests.


These days I stay pretty much at level. If I want to wipe the floor with mobs I can always run dailies with my main. I prefer hunting when the prey bites back. :)

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I generally try to do all of the planet stuff, but between quests, rest xp & the quest reward xp boosts, and regular space I tend to hit alderaan at the switchng to grey spectrum. Which is fine since I loathe Lageraan. I do the class story missions on Alderaan and skip the rest of the planet, which evens out a large chunk of the gap for moving onto the next planet.


Yrs I said Lageraan intentionally, that planet is horribly laggy for me, every other planet is fine, but that one....

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I've never understood the desire to do keep a character to the level of the planet and no higher, it seems silly to me, but... it's what others like, so I don't really need to understand it, as it doesn't affect me whatsoever. That said, for my first 6 55s, I just went through at a normal pace and ended up usually around Belsavis and Voss being quite over leveled without skipping or doing a lot of pvp/fps. I'm working on my 7th 55 now, and hell yes, I'm skipping everything I can but the main class story. It was agonizing to me doing all the same side quests over and over when I did my 4 republic toons, my 3rd and 4th empire ones are going to skip what they can :p Edited by Macarrin
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Generally I only do the class quest on my Smuggler and Bounty Hunter. But it's for reasons of "I don't give a damn about your Empire/Republic" more than anything else. I keep them at level with XP boosts, events, etc.


After the Rakghoul thing they were overlevelled despite only doing the class quests.




On my other characters I do planetary quest, class quest and whatever side missions I feel like. I don't do everything, though. To prevent burnout I leave some of the sidequests for my other alts to do.

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I try to skip as much as possible when it comes to certain planets. For instance.. I skip most of Taris because that quest chain is way to long and too much running. I however love Hoth.. and do all of it typically. This allows me to skip most of Voss which I again dislike because of the amount you have to spend in speeder bikes.


You really should experience each classes story line at least once though. Including all the side quests...

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Yeah I've done this many times.


It really depends on how much I like playing the class. If I enjoy the playstyle or I'm really into the character, I prefer to take my time and do as many missions as possible to really get into the immersion (until everything grays out :().


If I'm feeling more 'eh' about the class, character, style, etc. I'll just spam FPs/etc. and then focus on completing the Class Story.

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Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:


I over level all the time, but I still do the quests I like despite them being green or grey. But I never skip any planets at all.

Edited by theUndead
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While I'm normally a few levels above whatever I'm doing, I don't mind this. Efficiency isn't usually my main goal in playing, and I don't really care if my fight with Esh-ka #47 is a "challenge" or not, y'know? >.< So I just go along my merry way and do every solo quest I come across (with rare exception), and since I don't PvP or do a lot of group content, my quests don't go grey.


However, if I play a character a lot during double XP, I definitely plan to skip certain things. I zoomed through Blahmorra on my Sage to get Zenith quickly, and happily skipped large chunks of Taris on my Agent. As much as I enjoy the game, there are certain planetary storylines and side quests that I just don't like much, especially after the first run through.

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I hate it when i overlevel planets...I dont use xp boosts of any kind and i almost always have no rested xp when i play. I've gotten my sequence pretty much memorized for both Empire and Republic toons. While i am leveling i do not do any heroics except for Saving Face on DK and Breaking the Code on Tatooine for the republic bonus series. Reason i only do those heroics once i get to them is they reward a moddable offhands like vibroknives, shotguns and generators. But for everything else i will do all bonus objectives and the bonus series if it is immediately after the normal planet missions. I skip the bonus series that requires me to come back in a few levels (ie Nar Shadaa, Alderaan and Hoth).


starter world

dk and coruscant

Balmorra (imp) and Taris (rep) and all bonus series (i still dont do any heroics

Nar Shadaa

Tatooine and its bonus series


Taris (imp) and Balmorra (rep) and its bonus series



Belsavis and bonus series

Voss and bonus series

Corellia and bonus series


Again i skip all heroics and i rarely do space missions and i dont do bonus series if they are the ones that have me come back in a few levels (Nar Shadaa, Alderaan, Hoth). The only time i will do any of those is when i am playing a stealth character which because i skip so many mobs because they are not needed for the quest objective i will start to fall behind.

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I try to stay about 2 levels above the current quests I'm doing. It allows me to have fun being the hero/villain/a--kickin' stud I am supposed to be. I cant be stupid, but a bad pull isn't going to automatically kill me. Also, it goes faster.


So, I try to be at least 11, preferably 12, when I leave the starter planet and 17-18 when I leave Coruscant/Dromond Kass.


For example, right now I have a 49 Juggernaut who just arrived on Corellia, a 46 Sniper just got to Voss and a 36 Powertech starting on Taris.


My currently 55 Shadow and Sentinal both didn't start Makeb until 52.


Some may not like the lack of challenge, but I found it fun kicking that much butt...

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Evening all,


I am curious as to whether any of you out there intentionally over-level yourself so you can skip planets whilst just enjoying the story quests or do you prefer to grind out each planet and do all the side quests:rod_confused_g:


its literally impossible not to over level


If you stick just to world and class storylines you WILL HAVE TO skip 2 planets because they have greyed out.


Simple truth is you level to fast in this game (with out rested xp, xp bonuses, double xp weekends, ect)

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its literally impossible not to over level


If you stick just to world and class storylines you WILL HAVE TO skip 2 planets because they have greyed out.


Simple truth is you level to fast in this game (with out rested xp, xp bonuses, double xp weekends, ect)

When you say "stick to world and class storylines", do you mean "class quests, planetary quest line, every side quest, every area quest, every bonus series, and clear every mob along the way?"


Because it is possible to maintain level range by doing only class quests and the main planetary quest lines. I've done it. On some planets, the class quest will only net you a single level. And the planetary quest line alone is rarely going to net you more than 3 levels, often less.

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Over-levelling always just happens, and I am glad to skip some parts, like the many bonus series (especially Nar Shaddaa Bonus serries, which is such a waste of time, since one do not even get planetary comms there). I rarely skip a plante completely, mostly I will still take a least the main world story arc too, but yes, there are worlds I don't want to spend much time on.
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When you say "stick to world and class storylines", do you mean "class quests, planetary quest line, every side quest, every area quest, every bonus series, and clear every mob along the way?"


Because it is possible to maintain level range by doing only class quests and the main planetary quest lines. I've done it. On some planets, the class quest will only net you a single level. And the planetary quest line alone is rarely going to net you more than 3 levels, often less.


Planet and story line solo quests


no flash points,

no heroics,

and no bonus series content (though why people skip it is beyond me, some good stuff there in the planetary story lines)


And again, DON'T need rested xp, DON'T need xp boosts, DON'T need double xp week ends


But yes do the content available as a solo player


I have done this on upwards of 25 - 30 characters during beta (damn constant Beta wipes) and retail and NEVER. I repeat NEVER have I not out leveled planets to the point I'm usually doing Taris and Voss class story line only because everything else is grey already.


And normally I hit 50 on Tail End of Belsavis, NOT Corellia.


I repeat


The ONLY WAY to not out level planets is to skip content available and very doable to ANY solo player.


They only other way is if you spend more time avoiding combat then you would just fighting through the spawns in your way. I've literally seen people turn a 10 minute trip into 30 minutes because they spend so much time avoiding normal mob clusters that in their way to their objective point.


Well that and stealthers, but honestly if they intentionally try to avoid all combat while leveling, I don't feel and pity for them. They are probably very bad at their class (a natural result of avoiding combat and not learning what your class can do and when to do it) .


Long and short of this game (or any MMO) is the more conflict you partake in, the more rewards you receive (in credits, loot/gear, xp). This game specifically is way to easy to level in and its IMPOSSIBLE to not out level the game content if you simply take part in the standard solo missions available to all players.

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This game specifically is way to easy to level in and its IMPOSSIBLE to not out level the game content if you simply take part in the standard solo missions available to all players.


And you would be wrong. My mid-40's main toon says hello - not one gray mission here - including Flashpoints, space missions and PvP. No I do not go out of my way to avoid combat. I play every mission as it becomes available for my character. I have not once outleveled any piece of content I have played.

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