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What was your biggest /facepalm moment?


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My biggest moment was my grind to Valor 60 on my Juggy. It was a Huttball match.


I just got the ball, was excited, and running. I wasn't being attacked at all, and kept going. I was so tunnel-visioned, so focused on the game, that I hit the finish line! I kept running back and forth across it, but the point wouldn't register. I thought I might've had to throw it (I'd never scored a goal in Huttball. Which is amazing, considering I've played in Beta.) I threw the ball, and the ball then resets. No points. I sigh, then look at the Chatbox.


"Wrong goal" seemed to be filling the chat.


TL;DR I was so excited to be carrying the ball that I ran to the wrong goal and didn't even notice it.

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First time in EV, I saw people activating consoles on the puzzle boss and "monkey see monkey do" clicked one too.

Way back when you couldn't just faceroll EV and repair bills weren't pennies.


I still haven't done much with operations, but that reminds me of my first time through the heroic in the Black Hole dailies. At the puzzle at the end, for some reason (maybe it made me think of the 2 person datacron on Balmorra) it just looked like the goal was for the group to click all three buttons simultaneously. At least one other person in the group made the same assumption. So there we all are just mashing the buttons until the one person that had actually run it before told us all to knock it the hell off.


Also with that puzzle, because there was almost always somebody in the group that already had the quickest solution memorized and punched it in immediately... it took at least a couple dozen runs before I ever even looked around and noticed the pipes that the buttons were moving. That was when I finally got the group in which nobody had actually done the puzzle themselves before.


edit: I was just reminded of another. The very first time I did the mission on Dromund Kaas to find the bombs in the plaza near the cantina, after picking up the first bomb I noticed that a timer had started but I didn't notice the container light up so I just raced to find another bomb to pick up (figuring I was being asked to collect them all within that time limit) and exploded right away when I got the second one.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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edit: I was just reminded of another. The very first time I did the mission on Dromund Kaas to find the bombs in the plaza near the cantina, after picking up the first bomb I noticed that a timer had started but I didn't notice the container light up so I just raced to find another bomb to pick up (figuring I was being asked to collect them all within that time limit) and exploded right away when I got the second one.


I didn't even notice the timer. Just strolled around grabbing the bombs and the wondered why I blew up. :D

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Mine was only half an hour ago during a WZ. It was the one on Alderaan.


I'm currently levelling my shadow, lvl 13. I had played 2 WZs so far, had recently got myself "Force Breach" skill. And during those three WZs I wonder why I'm unable to use "Force Breach" and just ignore it. "Meh, I'll check it later." which I never did.

And then during the Alderaan WZ, I'm defending a turret and after a combat with a juggernaut, I happen to peek at my buffs. Then back to my action bars and notice: my stance isn't on.


"Gee, I wonder why my skill ain't working. Derp."

I yelled to my pillow (Yes, I had my pillow nearby. I was ripping my hair off due fact how awfully those WZs were going.) exhaled and carried on.


And I'd just like to point out that I hardly make these kind of mistakes. I've been playing since launch so I hardly consider myself a noob. I just had that momentary blackout there. :D

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My biggest moment was my grind to Valor 60 on my Juggy. It was a Huttball match.


I just got the ball, was excited, and running. I wasn't being attacked at all, and kept going. I was so tunnel-visioned, so focused on the game, that I hit the finish line! I kept running back and forth across it, but the point wouldn't register. I thought I might've had to throw it (I'd never scored a goal in Huttball. Which is amazing, considering I've played in Beta.) I threw the ball, and the ball then resets. No points. I sigh, then look at the Chatbox.


"Wrong goal" seemed to be filling the chat.


TL;DR I was so excited to be carrying the ball that I ran to the wrong goal and didn't even notice it.


I have done that myself. One of the first times I ever did Hutball on my guardian I got the ball and got enough heals to carry it, buuut I landed up going to the wrong side and then getting chain cc'ed to death and giving the opposition an easy score.

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Was running around with my Bounty Hunter (chakra) on Taris and feeling mighty strong because I was overleveld by 3-4 levels already...


So I find a "mysterious dead jedi" lying around... So I clicked him, thinking it might be a lore object or a hidden quest.


It went something like this:

-Hmm, what's this dead jedi doing here?


-What's that noise?



-would you like to respawn here or at the nearest med center...



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It's worth nothing that quest-starting objects have the little triangle above them, and lore objects say "Lore Object" or somesuch when you mouse over them. Keeping that in mind can save one a lot of bother.


I have seen people in general chat on Tatooine asking about the skull and dead Jawas and being told to click on it, with promises of something good. While I've never done this myself, I've never intervened to stop the person and save them either, because, well, it's funny.

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I didn't even notice the timer. Just strolled around grabbing the bombs and the wondered why I blew up. :D


I used to grab the bomb and sprint into the cantina and find someone or a group standing there...and wait.


After the explosion and my death I would tell the people near me to avoid the hot wings, they have some kick.

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My biggest facepalm moments are when I've been using the GTN for long periods and I close the GTN window... Then, forgetting I just closed the window, I right click an expensive item I intended to sell and subsequently bind it to myself. Did it with a Morlinger Aggressor mount a few weeks ago when they were selling for around 3 mil :mad:
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My biggest facepalm moments are when I've been using the GTN for long periods and I close the GTN window... Then, forgetting I just closed the window, I right click an expensive item I intended to sell and subsequently bind it to myself. Did it with a Morlinger Aggressor mount a few weeks ago when they were selling for around 3 mil :mad:

Isn't there a confirm yes/no window? Did(is) there a way to turn that option off? and if so, why?

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2 Weeks ago


8m HM Dread Palace.


We had DPS issues for the first 3 bosses. Bestia enraged twice, we ran out of platforms 3 times on Tyrans, and we couldn't down the crystals quick enough in Calphayus.


And then, someone decided to inspect our gear:


"Why is the Assault Vanguard using a Shield for his offhand?"



In my defense, I tanked a HM SnV just beforehand... Also I pulled aggro off Tyrans for the first simplification too...

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And then, someone decided to inspect our gear:


"Why is the Assault Vanguard using a Shield for his offhand?"



In my defense, I tanked a HM SnV just beforehand... Also I pulled aggro off Tyrans for the first simplification too...

Oy! That reminds me of one of mine.


I was in the middle of re-arranging my gear and giving hand-me-downs to Elara when I was called for HM DP.


About halfway through the op, I realized that my boots and pants were empty. As in, I was wearing orange shells with no armoring, no mods, no enhancements. After realizing this, I decided to own up to my mistake in Mumble and got the requisite amount of shaming for it. :)


I think the only thing that saved me from being in too much trouble is that the Sentinel in our group had already built up quite a bit of charge on the "dumb-ask lightning rod" by chain-pulling multiple trash groups which had already resulted in a few wipes.

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My biggest faceplam moment was just after I came back to the game. I did not realize that you did not need to add upgrade augment slots in order. I cringe at how much I wasted disassembling gear to make all those slots, only to immediately convert them to a higher slot. :(
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My biggest faceplam moment was just after I came back to the game. I did not realize that you did not need to add upgrade augment slots in order. I cringe at how much I wasted disassembling gear to make all those slots, only to immediately convert them to a higher slot. :(


Ouch! At least all those creds spent make for a terrific story tho. :)


As for myself, maybe not my biggest but definately a facepalm moment:


So I fnally reach 55 on my new PT tank. I mail over all the Verpine/Oriconian gear I had stored up from my main but I still notice that Skadge which I use in DPS stance continues to pull aggro from me no matter what. So I literally spent the better part of the week reading guides (yes, Dulfy is awesome!), watching YT videos, parsing dummie threat with Parsec, competely optimizing my rotation and all that stuff. I switch around mods, purchasing a few of the 31 from the GTN. I avoid running HM FPs on purpose because my tanking must suck pretty bad if I can't even out threat my friggin' companion, right?!


Then, while doing dailies on Belsavis I casually notice I never unchecked the taunt ability on skadge.

Edited by djdee
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A fairly large facepalm moment for me was when I decided to switch some crit/surge mods for power ones. Went to get the power oriconian items and i bought the crit ones again... Didn't even notice until I had the mods already extracted. I was staring at the monitor for a whole minute, processing...
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Can really only think of one. I have been playing MMO's for years, and always played on a hardcore/pro level. I consider myself extremely well versed in all things SWTOR, having played it faithfully since beta, and rarely, if ever, make mistakes.


So you can imaging how absolutely stupid I felt in a classic Huttball match while tanking the ball to the opponents goal line with my Juggernaut.


In my haste to Tab-target an enemy idiotically jumping down from the spawn point onto the goal line, expecting to Force Charge him and score the final point to win the match, I actually targeted a different player I did not see still standing in the spawn area with the gate down.


BOOM!!!!!! INSTAGIB, ball reset, /FACEPALM

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Mine was when I was lvling my Jedi on Voss. I cliked on a glowy blue thing thinking it was a lore object...It wasnt I died instantly and kept wonderig why I died so much as thought it was a bug...Turns out that sumons the nightmare pilgrim Voss heroic world boss - for some reason the mob wasn't loading and i died half a dozen times, I felt a little silly about that XD
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Too many to mention but the one that won't go away is during Huttball.


For the first time, I managed to grab the ball straight from the reset and I scarpered off with it. There was only one opposing player nearby and I stunned him and carried on running. Then to my amazement there was no-one guarding the enemy line and I raced over it and started jumping up and down waiting for the commentator to praise my efforts... just to see in chat someone say "wrong way".

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I have plenty.. the most recents that come to mind:


Cademimu on Marauder alt. Right before the small elevator for the wookie boss there is a turn where a Gold droid is. Normally noone ever engages it and u cut the turn or just jump to the other side to not agro it and go straight to boss. My jump went wrong and went straight to "the bottom of cademimu". Group laughs and waits for me by wookie boss. I go and do the same thing again.. and a third time... :eek: .. i got known by the "flying fat marauder"....


Dread Fortress HM, Corruptor Zero, Guild run, I am in my main Healer Sorcerer ... totally forget about the Concussion Mine. I get it .. Operation Leader starting yelling

-My name - watch out concussion mine

-My name- 3 stacks watch out!

-My name- 5 STACKS watch out!


I cant remember well what to do and start to Cleanse myself like crazy...:eek:,


-My name- 8 stacks MAN *** u doing.....


needless to say it was a wipe and then I had the eureka moment to remember what i had to do... :eek: and feel the shame of being responsible for a guild wipe run ... :D



SnV operation - before Olok the Shadow if i remember correctly many times in Pugs there is a part that you can skip some mobs by "climbing a wall".. run.. go down the wall .. run "climb the another wall again" run .. and go down ... It is usual in pugs to see this... Lets say the first time I tried this .. and the second .. it wasnt great .. leaving my poor sorcerer falling down to its death .. and the whole pug laughing... :p I know this one is very common also to a lot of ppl.. :rolleyes:

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Ties for 1st place:


- So this is Huttball, nice... I got the ball... awright... Hahaa easy run to the end zone.... What are these map arrows pointing the other way :confused:


- Tool tip is correct... This is an interesting looking skull.... ::click::


- Join first Tat. OWPVP Op group and head out to meet up in the Jundlands. Ride up to a pack of 20 or so and see their tags render, all red. Discover how the OW respawn system works.


- Playing VG in VS, pull a guy from a bridge to drop him in pit. Pull bugs out and he does a half loop and lands next to me. Dude takes a step back and punts me into the pit.

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Getting people the +20 datacron at the bottom of the pit in EV, still priceless 2+ years in.


our tank liked to put his taunt/detaunt next to each other...needless to say when on Toth/Zorn Hardmode and suddenly all hell breaks lose, he changed that one pretty quick.


Our commando healer decided to jump onto the pillar fragment just to the right of the chest spawn area during the solo fight of EV...it evaded and reset everyones fight (this was back in the day when EC was actually hard, and could easily lose those solo fights). He still has the record for most sparkle poweders in a raid....


I used to have my force leap on my first quickbar slot...would have stormcaller targeted while waiting for everyone to get ready...can't count the times It would suddenly just forceleap and start the fight. Common enough for me to eventually move it off my first quick bar slot, and for it to be called "pulling a DOH!" Took me along time to figure out why it would auto leap.

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