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Random Acts of Kindness


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After reading another interesting post about people who bother you in game to PL them or give them stuff, I thought about my reply and decided we need a thread telling stories of nice things people did for you in game that you totally didn't expect.


I will start off with my favorite. While playing my sniper and trying to level, I found I was constantly dying or being forced to run away and try again. I couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. One day a high level sniper was passing by and had been watching me once again barely escape death and as I was resting, she sent me a tell.


She asked my spec and what was my rotation. After informing her, she was quiet for a while then gave me a suggestion on a better skill tree to use, what stats to look for when getting items and a much better roation. I wasn't utilizing my strengths and was ignoring some of my tools.


I took it to heart and immediately went to the GTN and swapped out items I used to think helped. I did a respec and changed my hotbar. Eager to see the results, I went back to the same levelling grounds and to my amazement pulverized the mobs. I was so over joyed that I eagerly sent a whisper to the person, but they had logged off.


I thought it was such a nice thing to do. She didn't have to stop, she didn't have to take the time, but I am glad she did and it really put me in a happy place. Not everyone on the internet is a troll.




So what is your story?

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Great story, great thread!!!


I can't name the countless people who have helped me in one form or another in-game, nor can I thank the writers of of the many guides enough for their extra effort here on the forums...I don't have a simple story I can think of that made me smile, I have hundreds of random acts of kindness I've encountered that keep me smiling.


Let me just say that the good people, imo, far outweigh the few trolls. We have a fantastic community and I do what I can to repay and show my gratitude.


To everyone who has helped someone else, THANK YOU! YOU are what keeps me playing! YOU are the type of person I want to spend my free time with! We're lucky to have you all!

Edited by TUXs
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Great story, great thread!!!


I can't name the countless people who have helped me in one form or another in-game, nor can I thank the writers of of the many guides enough for their extra effort here on the forums...I don't have a simple story I can think of that made me smile, I have hundreds of random acts of kindness I've encountered that keep me smiling.


Let me just say that the good people, imo, far outweigh the few trolls. We have a fantastic community and I do what I can to repay and show my gratitude.


To everyone who has helped someone else, THANK YOU! YOU are what keeps me playing! YOU are the type of person I want to spend my free time with! We're lucky to have you all!


Great reply, I am kicking myself, I should totally have said what you did too.

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Ok here it is. I am a level 55 sentinel on the Harbinger.

I have been with SWTOR for almost 2 years now and I love it!. Now...


I hit 55 with my sent and wanted to do Ops. I got the mission for Eternity Vault. I went to the Gav Daragon and started recruiting in chat. I don't remember their names but this one Vanguard or Commando was the main guy to help me out. My character name is Maddelyn so if you read this and remember me then chat me up.


The carried me through the whole thing after laughing at my 18.5 k health bar.


By far my favorite experience in this game.

Thanks you guys! I am at now officially 23K! Thanks to you!


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Ya I had a similar story on my Jugg. This was over a year ago before the level increase because I took a year off but now I'm back.


Anyhow, I am 50 in mostly free gear and some purple items. I get into some group dailies with a couple of really decked out Juggs, I mean their health bar was miles ahead of mine and their mitigation was amazing.


So we run in and right away these two Juggs start pulling everything! I immediate freak out. How can people with such top level gear be such *******? Before I can jump in and start tanking, all the mobs are dead.




They continue to run, I scoop the loot and follow and they clear the next room. This went on and on and on, basically run and scoop loot while they machine gunned the entire thing. I was so stunned and amazed.


Stunned that a Juggy could do that kind of damage while taking next to nothing in damage themselves, and amazed at how crappy my lowly level 50 Juggy felt. I was really down, but one of them took the time to explain they run hardmode and nightmare mode ops and such and have the best gear plus they know what to do.


I took their advice, and switched out items that gave me a boost to hit points and looked for items that gave mitigation and I am forever thankful to those guys for that.


The reasoning is if a mob hits you for 10K you might only take 3k damage from it with mitigation, but if you just focus on lots of hit points, you take the whole 10K, plus you work your healers harder trying to keep you alive.


It was a valuable lesson and I am glad they took the time to even talk to a noob 50 in free gear.

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Get advice, pay it forward. Even from the selfish point of view, it's better to advise newbs, because then they get better at playing their spec, and then when they queue in groupfinder they're able to do a good job. And that leads to better runs overall for everyone.
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After reading another interesting post about people who bother you in game to PL them or give them stuff, I thought about my reply and decided we need a thread telling stories of nice things people did for you in game that you totally didn't expect.


I will start off with my favorite. While playing my sniper and trying to level, I found I was constantly dying or being forced to run away and try again. I couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. One day a high level sniper was passing by and had been watching me once again barely escape death and as I was resting, she sent me a tell.


She asked my spec and what was my rotation. After informing her, she was quiet for a while then gave me a suggestion on a better skill tree to use, what stats to look for when getting items and a much better roation. I wasn't utilizing my strengths and was ignoring some of my tools.


I took it to heart and immediately went to the GTN and swapped out items I used to think helped. I did a respec and changed my hotbar. Eager to see the results, I went back to the same levelling grounds and to my amazement pulverized the mobs. I was so over joyed that I eagerly sent a whisper to the person, but they had logged off.


I thought it was such a nice thing to do. She didn't have to stop, she didn't have to take the time, but I am glad she did and it really put me in a happy place. Not everyone on the internet is a troll.




So what is your story?


I always appreciate it when someone jumps in and helps me with a difficult fight, even if they just toss me a buff or heal. I certainly appreciate the three guys that jumped in the fight when I was getting my rump kicked by three imps. (actually that was pretty funny as I imagine the imps were like "Holy C***! Where'd they come from!?".

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I was playing a Trooper and attacked one of those purple-glowing creatures on Coruscant. I did not remember them being tough when I played as a group. Well, it was. I was making the run for my last HPs, leaving Aric to die (honorably, I am sure), when a JK sped by, killed the darn thing with one blow and was off when all I could manage in the way of thanks was hitting my class buff! What can I say? I love the Order :) Edited by DomiSotto
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I've definitely been helped in many, many ways. Back in Eternity Vault and Karagga's Palace days I had people take care to explain mechanics to me, or let me into a guild run when they could've picked a more experienced healer. I once accidentally traded someone a rangehunter's pistol before they put their 500k up (or whatever I was selling for, long time ago) and they then reopened up a trade and gave me the credits though they didn't really need to. Back in the hybrid advanced prototype days, Jonie of <hey i'm mvp> took time to explain his gear and spec for arenas to me.


A big thank you to all top players that show their specs and gear, it really helps. Thank you to everyone that puts out guides and theory crafts.

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The other day someone was LF1M for the last Shroud Heroic. I was still at Dark Design (the first of the two heroics) and asked if I could join. They discussed it for a min and decided they would do both Heroics so I could finish the story line.


Its not something big or anything but considering how hard it can be to find a party for dark design....and three random people agreeing to spend an extra 45 mins on a quest that they did not need....It made me quite happy.

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Wow, I have too many people to thank. The community, both in game and through the forums have been a massive help to me. This was my first MMO, so you could imagine I was BAD when I first started.


The most memorable story would be the first time I played an operation. Was SM EV. This was during the October before RotHC. The ops leader asked if everyone knew the fight, unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention to chat. I was a little jittery, being my first op and all. The first boss, I actually knew the shield mechanic, but my rig wasn't showing the shield. I died. Making our way through, the big lava boss, I had no idea what to do during the island jumping phase, I died. The puzzle I did okay. But the fight where everyone gets their own target, I screwed up the fight for the entire ops. I attacked someone else target. After that, they began asking if I knew what I was doing, saying that it was asked if anyone was new at the beginning etc. I felt really bad, and thought they would (rightfully) kick me. But nope. They told me to pay more attention, and explained the fight to me. Went through it without a problem. Got to Soa, and I was told the mechanics, and was also instructed to follow and do exactly what the other Arsenal Merc was doing. Got through perfectly. I never got around to thanking those guys, in more depth them the "thank you" at the end of the run. The other Merc even helped me with my gear and stats afterwords. So, thank you everyone who helped me out, and sorry for the problems I caused. Surprisingly, this is the only time I have been in a group where we beat Soa.


I also wanted to thank all the people who have posted guides, from rotations to gear. All the theory crafters. And everyone who has helped with my noob questions. Thanks to Bioware as well, for making an incredible game, a game in which has kept my attention for all these years. A game that me and my friends have been enjoying together for these past years, and hopefully many to come.

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One experience in particular comes to mind back in 2012, when I got my first toon to level 50. I was running a HM fp and it ended up being a tough run. It was my first time running Kaon Under Siege and afterwards one of the guys ran me through the dailies to show me how to start collecting coms to gear myself better. He also crafted me some orange gear (back when that meant something), and even went so far as to use his rare mats to craft me a set of Rakata belt/bracers before he unfortunately realized that they were BoP. Couldn't have thanked him enough, as he didn't have to do any of that. I also found out that he was only a few days off from turning 60 years old, which I thought was awesome.
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After reading another interesting post about people who bother you in game to PL them or give them stuff, I thought about my reply and decided we need a thread telling stories of nice things people did for you in game that you totally didn't expect.


I will start off with my favorite. While playing my sniper and trying to level, I found I was constantly dying or being forced to run away and try again. I couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. One day a high level sniper was passing by and had been watching me once again barely escape death and as I was resting, she sent me a tell.


She asked my spec and what was my rotation. After informing her, she was quiet for a while then gave me a suggestion on a better skill tree to use, what stats to look for when getting items and a much better roation. I wasn't utilizing my strengths and was ignoring some of my tools.


I took it to heart and immediately went to the GTN and swapped out items I used to think helped. I did a respec and changed my hotbar. Eager to see the results, I went back to the same levelling grounds and to my amazement pulverized the mobs. I was so over joyed that I eagerly sent a whisper to the person, but they had logged off.


I thought it was such a nice thing to do. She didn't have to stop, she didn't have to take the time, but I am glad she did and it really put me in a happy place. Not everyone on the internet is a troll.




So what is your story?


I find it fascinating that you had this happen but now fail to provide the specifics of what you changed such that another person might take advantage of it and thus create an act of kindness. Hope this just isn't some kind of mind trick to get people to tell you how to make specific builds.

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I was Preferred, playing my Gunslinger on Voss. My first toon, my first MMO. I had unintentionally triggered two groups of mobs (as I often did then, and occasionally still do, lol), and was fighting hard. A Zabrak Imp toon stopped nearby, and watched my fight. Corso was defeated, my health was almost non-existent, and one last mobs came at my Gunslinger. I fought hard, and defeated the last mobs. Then, I heard clapping, and looked at the Imp Zabrak. The toon was clapping, and fist pumping. It's been well over a year, but I still remember how good that Imp player made me feel. First time I had received positive feedback for winning a fight. Before, any player feedback had been "you're doing it wrong, wrong, wrong!" Which I usually was, but still, it got tiresome constantly being told how incredibly bad I played. My thanks to that Imp Zabrak player for taking a moment to give an inexperienced newbie a "good job!" moment!


My thanks to the Tank on my first run of Athiss. That Tank was the only one in the group who had run Athiss before, and the only experienced player. Our group fully wiped repeatedly. I was DPS, and unsure of what to take out when. The other DPS was melee, but had a hard time not using their solo PVE strategy, i.e., starting the fights. The Healer wasn't sure who to heal, when, or if they should just fight. Another Tank might have left our woefully inexperienced at "group play" bunch. That Tank was so patient, and never lost their temper. That Tank taught us about markers, take down order, what to look for with particular boss fights, and working as a team. We became a smoothly running group that demolished whatever Athiss threw at us. Wish I could remember that Tank's name. Thank you so much!

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On my very first toon (a "healer"), during a leveling flashpoint, one guy had tried to recruit me to his guild two or three times which I declined as politely as I could (just not interested). Once we were done with the FP, he offered to jump on one of his crafter alts and gift me a moddable belt for putting up with him and being nice about it.

(moddable belts and bracers were rather rare and expensive at the time, no CM gear all over the GTN)

And he actually did it :eek:

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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So i booted up SWTOR again after quitting 1 month after launch and started playing on the Republic side and enjoying myself on a RP server (I don't RP but i prefer the communities)


So i am level 8 right, and i log in after not playing for some time and i'm stood outside of the Jedi Temple and my quest was to kill the final droid in the Training Program. I attempted but failed numerous times and i was starting to get frustrated when all of a sudden a Jedi Sentinel slowly walks onto the battle platform and helps me kill the droid.


I swiftly type 'ty mate' in chat but the lone drifter walks off into the distance without saying a word.


But thanks mate, if you ever read this :D

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I have had others provide desperately needed help for me while leveling any of my toons. Mostly people do this as a drive-by assist or just a case of helping a poor nearly dead toon that needs help.


This is a lesson I learned a very long while ago. Once you (the Experienced Gamer) have your toon leveled or max'd go share the experience. Dont intrude, but do help. I often wander lower level zones/planets and just stand by to heal those characters that look like they are in trouble. I ask for nothing. I offer advice where/when appropriate. I refuse guild invites as I prefer to be a wandering helper (maybe they need a Monk Class;) . I join FP's and Ops as there is need and share my experience with as many folks that will listen. Being nice is key. As a healer I am here to help and that I do. As an older gamer, I have a lot of experience and patience in interactive/immersive gaming and am willing to proctor those that are looking for help.


Wife & Life dont allow me to play as much as I used to 20 years ago, but I do what I can when I escape wife-aggro.


Now I spend time teaching my kids to game responsibly, play their roles in groups, help others and ensure that people have fun. Of course they get to craft, kill and explore to their heart's content but they need to learn what it is to be a nice toon.



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I find it fascinating that you had this happen but now fail to provide the specifics of what you changed such that another person might take advantage of it and thus create an act of kindness. Hope this just isn't some kind of mind trick to get people to tell you how to make specific builds.


No not at all. I am just back after a year away, so the event I was recalling was well over a year ago. The specific advice I do not recall, but the event is still memorable to me. Just the time and effort this person took to help me out stayed with me.


Any Sniper advice I give now would be out of date after all the patches and updates since I last played. I hope you understand this. Cheers!

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I was standing around on fleet the other night doing nothing basically. was thinking about logging off for the night and someone whispered and asked if I was busy. I was like no, why?


The guy/gal wanted me to run them through Mandalorian Raiders. He/She was 24-26ish and I was 54 so I was like what the hell, and ran him/her and let him/her need on all the loot as I didn't have any use for it.


Whoever it was probably got almost no experience from it but seemed appreciative non the less.

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I was standing around on fleet the other night doing nothing basically. was thinking about logging off for the night and someone whispered and asked if I was busy. I was like no, why?


The guy/gal wanted me to run them through Mandalorian Raiders. He/She was 24-26ish and I was 54 so I was like what the hell, and ran him/her and let him/her need on all the loot as I didn't have any use for it.


Whoever it was probably got almost no experience from it but seemed appreciative non the less.

I truly appreciate players like you...I wish we could clone you and replace the a-holes with ya ;)

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