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Everything posted by Sycthrex

  1. So i booted up SWTOR again after quitting 1 month after launch and started playing on the Republic side and enjoying myself on a RP server (I don't RP but i prefer the communities) So i am level 8 right, and i log in after not playing for some time and i'm stood outside of the Jedi Temple and my quest was to kill the final droid in the Training Program. I attempted but failed numerous times and i was starting to get frustrated when all of a sudden a Jedi Sentinel slowly walks onto the battle platform and helps me kill the droid. I swiftly type 'ty mate' in chat but the lone drifter walks off into the distance without saying a word. But thanks mate, if you ever read this
  2. I understand if someone wants to help me out, so it's ok. But thanks
  3. At least i have stopped clicking
  4. Well i'm not really here to show off as such, just like making videos and getting it out there, but i will try and get some 1v1 for next time.
  5. I waited for my friend to get there so we could 2v2, but then some other guy came along, what's the point in opening up 2v1 when there is no need? Thanks for the view though
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIvfyonSd2I Hope you enjoy!
  7. Are you using your Crit/Surge Relic before engaging? Also, notice i pop Recklessness aswell before i engage, so i have increased Crit Chance and coupled with the Relic i get some nice crits. I am level 45 now and i will be making a new video soon, hopefully with some decent footage.
  8. I know BW have stated that this will be implemented in time, but i was wondering if we will be able to transfer from EU-US or vice versa? A Dev response would be great. Thanks Sycthrex
  9. /bump This is kinda old now, gonna do more soon
  10. Do you win the match? I think the XP scales with your level
  11. A,D to strafe and you can hold down both mouse buttons to move forward and holding the right mouse button down will move the camera for you.
  12. I understand that, Backpedaling is something i try to avoid at all cost but sometimes it slips through, it's not that i do it all the time, otherwise i would lose nearly every fight i ever came across. I laugh myself when i fight against keyboard turners, they are free valor in my eyes, as for the clicking, i will be re-hauling my entire keybinds when i hit 50, all the abilities are pretty much in the same place i've had them from the moment i got them, optimizing them is not a key point for me atm, especially considering i have capped both PvP Currencies and am just trying to hit 50 now.
  13. Hey guys Sycthrex here, I thought i would upload a little Video Guide for this mission for those who are stuck. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssvjrhf0D3s Sycthrex.
  14. Thanks for the stream, he seems pretty cool. I know you guys are only trying to 'help' me but i don't keyboard turn, i can't because i don't have it bound to my keyboard, only strafing. As for the back peddling, i did it twice in the video which did not keep me at a disadvantage, i don't see the whole downside to 'back peddling' when it keeps me behind the target for that extra split second, although i will admit i could probably re-bind that key to my shield or something because frankly, i am starting to run out of comfortable key-binds. As for the Force Speed, i'll admit i clicked it once in the entire 6min video, i apologise it makes me a bad PvPer.
  15. This VERY annoying problem is server lag, the character you are trying to hit is not actually in the spot you see them in, they are a few foot somewhere else, this is extremely annoying because we need those 4 secs to get as much dps in as possible The damage is applied before the animation, which is why learning how to cancel animations is a good way to deal damage faster.
  16. Thanks for the view <3 @Yeti, i am using a Deception build and i am on Tomb of Freedon Nadd @Devilz, i have a PvP build from a few levels before that i more or less stuck too, but i changed the 30% armor to 2% damage reduction but without any theory i wouldn't know which one was best to be honest. I play my PvP build in PvE but because i outlevel the mobs by 1-2 levels i can usually solo everything, using stim/medpacs and as much CC as possible you can take down those pseky hard hitting Elites on quests etc. Don't forget to use your Recklessness and Relics too, my Relic increases Surge+Crit rating by 100 for 20 seconds, this helps alot with the hitting
  17. Last boss in BT drops the Orange Blade you can buy with Tokens so i would just run that a few times.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK2UoSm3oDM Hope you all enjoy Sycthrex
  19. Wow, how did you guess? Nah seriously, this video was just a mess around to show that you can still have fun in Huttball, we lost but i still enjoyed doing it and did quite well for myself after i realized we could not win the game.
  20. Whoops sorry just noticed my annotations where not saved so i have fixed that issue
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