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Solo Raiding


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I heard that wow has a system now that you can solo que for dungeons. When you enter the dungeon npc's fill your group and you complete the dungeon solo?


Is this true, I think its pretty neat. I was told its used to help you learn your class, so tanks can practice aggro and healers can practice healing.


Anyway Im not sure if its true but it sounds like a good idea.

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Nope, you are heavily misinformed regarding that feature. those are some sort of trial/gauntlet quests, to initiate the quest chain you would need 40K gold and find a rare spawn vendor and buy a quest item which is also in a very limited stock in vendor; only 5 and then use the item. it will initiate the quest chain; alternatively if any of your guild member has completed the quest chain and part of this trial/gauntlet group s/he can invite you to join the group and initiate the quest chain. so basically when you go to the quest npc, it will tell you to queue for trial and you will be set with some npc as your ally and your job is to not let any of your ally die while clearing the wave of mob; it is simply a gauntlet and not standard dungeon. after you complete the quest chain, you can then queue for more challenging gauntlets.
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I would like that ability also. I mainly play solo except when people need help or I need help I join a group. This feature would never happen because this is a MMO you are supposed to join groups to accomplish tough quests. What would be nice is give us a this feature for Ops or fps with no loot being gained and only for the purpose of us to practice what we are supposed to do in and OP or Fp without other people having to pay for our mistakes. Yes you can watch the videos but watching and actually doing it are night and day.
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I heard that wow has a system now that you can solo que for dungeons. When you enter the dungeon npc's fill your group and you complete the dungeon solo?


Is this true, I think its pretty neat. I was told its used to help you learn your class, so tanks can practice aggro and healers can practice healing.


Anyway Im not sure if its true but it sounds like a good idea.


Sort of, there are a series of single player scenarios that open up one of the daily questing areas. Scenarios in WoW are like the tactical FP, they aren't balaced around the Tank, Healer, DPS sort of group and can be completed with any group comp.


There's also the Proving Grounds, that's the one that fills out your group with NPCs. It's sort of a mini-game to test you in your chosen role (heal, tank or dps). You stand in the middle of a room as wave after wave of mobs spawn for you to fight. There arent any loot drops, just achievements to show you've done it.

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I know nothing about WOW, but It does sound like a neat idea. Or, maybe let us use three companions for "tactical flashpoints" or seven companions for "tactical operations." I'm game!


I REALLY like this suggestion!!! I think this is a great way to make the Tactical FPs a little more "fun".

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RIFT had a great system (maybe *has*, I'm not playing it anymore) called Chronicles which are raids with a difficulty downed for two people (or one well geared player) so that you didn't need a dozen of players to experience the content storywise.


I always thought it was a great idea.

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RIFT had a great system (maybe *has*, I'm not playing it anymore) called Chronicles which are raids with a difficulty downed for two people (or one well geared player) so that you didn't need a dozen of players to experience the content storywise.


I always thought it was a great idea.

Sounds good to me!

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RIFT had a great system (maybe *has*, I'm not playing it anymore) called Chronicles which are raids with a difficulty downed for two people (or one well geared player) so that you didn't need a dozen of players to experience the content storywise.


I always thought it was a great idea.


They were fun but RIFT just had to few of them!


I really liked them though and would run each one once a day (the limit your allowed)


They were very short though

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This game is already full of so many terribads that can't even solo a quest designed for 1 player. No NPCs are going to be able to carry them through this. They will cry for nerfs. The current system of 900 dps types being carried by 3000+ dps types is much better.
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I know I am revealing my age, but back in the day before WoW was even born, there was a game called Dark Age of Camelot. They implimented instanced dungeons.


You could go in solo, or with a group, regardless of your class or level and it would instantly make a dungeon to suit you. Casters got long hallways, while melee got lots of corners and turns.


It was a great system and lots of fun to do.

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I've always wanted to be able to do this since launch.


I've haven't gotten the chance to experience much post level 50 group content in the game. I'd just queue for them but I would like to see/experience the story of them at least one time but I feel like the other people in my group may have already done the content multiple times, don't care about the story, etc, etc. There are also times where I can feel a bit intimidated or where I don't want to bring the team down when it comes to FPs/Ops I have no experience with. I feel like a lot of people who want this type of feature have similar feelings whether it be about experiencing the story or gameplay or whatever else.


You can out level a lot of Flashpoints and Heroics and go back and do them that way, but that only works up to a certain point.


In terms of story purposes you'd think YouTube would be an easy solution, but it doesn't seem like everything is on there or a lot of Ops runs skip the cutscenes or cut them from the vids. I'd love it if someone did a video of just the Dread Masters storyline since it's so all over the place between Solo, Heroics, Flashpoints, and Operations.


Now obviously the big negative part about all this is that it basically removes a lot of reasons to group with anybody. That's a totally valid point this being an MMO and all. Despite that however I do think it's a good idea to have at least one training version of something that allows players to learn their roles better or teach them how to properly play them. For instance in recent years a few fighting games have included tutorials that teach you how to play the game rather than just telling you how to do the moves.


This game is already full of so many terribads that can't even solo a quest designed for 1 player. No NPCs are going to be able to carry them through this. They will cry for nerfs. The current system of 900 dps types being carried by 3000+ dps types is much better.


If they fail at it they fail at it. That doesn't mean the devs are going to change anything about it. Also what would be the problem if they did? They're asking for the soloable versions of the Ops to be toned down, not current Story/Nightmare version of the Ops.


Currently the game has Story Mode and Nightmare Mode. What does it matter if there's a third mode that's soloable? Note aside from it removing the multiplayer aspect of the game? I'm asking this in reference to your "they suck and would want it nerfed" theory.

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