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Level cap increase , sooner rather than later ? Isn't it later now ?


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I was wondering when you are going to reveal more details about when and by how much the level cap is going up please ?


Your sooner is turning into later , mind you how to define the timeline of sooner and / or later is a tough one. I'm sure it was a few weeks ago now that this was said. I do feel that things are gearing up for a level increase , hence you making the tactical GF queue for 55's tougher , well adding two new fp's and making the czerka ones tougher , so only the KDY one is as was.





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I was wondering when you are going to reveal more details about when and by how much the level cap is going up please ?


Your sooner is turning into later , mind you how to define the timeline of sooner and / or later is a tough one. I'm sure it was a few weeks ago now that this was said. I do feel that things are gearing up for a level increase , hence you making the tactical GF queue for 55's tougher , well adding two new fp's and making the czerka ones tougher , so only the KDY one is as was.






2.8 and later are still months away and plenty of room to change so until they have it fairly locked down on details and the content in 2.7 has begone to lose its shine, you can expect some new info to trickle.


they just launched 2.7 so give it some time to sink in, they'll release the info on their time line when they are ready and feel it is necessary.

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The level cap isn't increasing until the next major update AFTER the player housing update...and that isn't officially launching until August. So it would be pretty surprising if they launched the update with the level cap increase before December. Do they really need to put out all the details 8 months in advance? They haven't even really given us much detail yet on the strongholds.
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  • 2 months later...
When they raise the level cap NiM DF and DP gear will become obsolete so the soonest they'd raise the cap is Oct - Dec imo.


I think your estimate is pretty reasonable. It took them about 15 months to come out with ROTHC, and if they stuck to that interval, July would be the mark. However, October would mark the average 6 month mark between gear upgrades, and since they will most definitely need a new set of gear for a level cap increase that comes with a major expansion, I would bet on October being the time that they release one. I'm guessing 10-7-2014


I for one will be saving as many coms as i can till then...

Edited by Adhabah
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Question for the veterans...


Will we get to keep our elite/ultimate coms and use them to buy end game gear in 3.0? How did it work when ROTHC came out?


Or will they treat us like this is WoW and delete all of our endgame currency...

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When RoTHC launched all the previous types of end-game currency were rolled into classic coms.


If handled similar this time around, all your tokens will be merged and used for buying 180 gear. Ultimates will convert at a higher rate than elites.

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I dunno. I am the only one left in my guild at the moment because people got so bored they're playing Wildstar. Don't get me wrong, it's not that they really wanted to play Wildstar as such but since they are so bored here, they went over there.


I'll be interested to see what will happen news wise in the next couple of weeks as they have said they will update us but there is certainly a lack of new content at the moment. Enough for some people to try Wildstar lol.

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They probably said Soon, which is much more flexible. Personally I think it's too soon for a new level cap, and would like to see new FPs and OPs released first. Still, I won't complain either way. Having another Makeb-sized expansion would be lovely.
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They probably said Soon, which is much more flexible. Personally I think it's too soon for a new level cap, and would like to see new FPs and OPs released first. Still, I won't complain either way. Having another Makeb-sized expansion would be lovely.


Sadly, we're probably looking at early 2015 now. I don't think we're getting an ops before then. likely will get a FP when Forged Allances part 2 is released.

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Sadly, we're probably looking at early 2015 now. I don't think we're getting an ops before then. likely will get a FP when Forged Allances part 2 is released.


I tend to agree with you, it would be around mid December at this point for 3.0, and releasing a major patch a week before Christmas is probably not smart.


For that matter, Forged Allances is taking too long, I've already lost interest, it has been more than a month since I've run those FP. They talk a big game about a "new story arc", but when you release bits of the story 6 months apart, who cares?


Level 60 is overdue, should have hit with 2.7, but they weren't done milking 180/186 etc. gear :)


What we really need is appearance tabs. I have 15 alts and haven't changed any of their clothes since any of them hit 55, it simply costs too much. Moving the mods is bad enough, but to install a full set of augment slots? No thanks...

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I kinda want a level increase as well purely out of selfish reasons. The entry level content is so goddamn old that going in and saying "Never tanked this before" will get you kicked instantly, or the people there doing it have such high level gear that taunt is the only way to keep agro and when that drops, agro drops and *then* you get kicked for not holding agro, which btw is impossible unless it's single target.
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3 months is "very soon" by software standards.


This "soon" was when they would talk about the level cap raising expansion and let us know what it was about, not when it would be implemented in game. They already said it would be implemented in game in 2014 and context clues made it clear they were aiming for the December update. However, they have missed their own stated time frame of when they would let us know details.


Well, unless we're back to the 2012 definition of soon that posters decided was so pathetically not soon that they started putting the trademark sign after it anytime Bioware said the word. In my opinion it was earned, as they really didn't communicate very fast back then. Keep in mind the majority of employees who brought us that poor communication are no longer employed by Bioware. Read into that what you will.

Edited by annabethchase
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People like to complain a lot either the content isn't coming fast enough or they are not giving out info about upcoming content to suit your schedules. Sorry to say this but they don't work on your schedule they work on their own and don't even try to pull the entitlement BS with me like "you pay for the game and inturn their paychecks are thanks to you so you deserve info" it doesn't work that way.


Try to remember when you go on your whinny rants that EA cut their staff by a pretty big amount.

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