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BLCs, is it me or should these never have found their way into a scout?


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As the primary weapon on a gunship they make sense, a gunship can't really dogfight and since they can't outrun a scout or fighter it would make sense for them to have this powerful short range weapon. It fits the theme of gunships, crap defenses and mobility but superior fire power.


But why does the T2 scout get these? I dislike GS as much as the next guy, but shouldn't they get better weapons at a range they are not meant to fight then the guys specialized in close combat out to kill them?


I have a Sting and a FF but I don't use BLC on either because it really felt like cheating when I did...


As it stand now the T2 scout has access to BIS for every component, I think removing BLCs would be a good start to curve it's pretty obvious over budget components.


Just my 2 creds.

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So a battle scout (aka) dogfighter, should not have access to the premier short range weapon in the game? It Should only be available to the ship chassis with the longest range in the game?


Your logic is flawed im afraid =/


I sense that you somehow think flying at close range and dogfighting is easy and or without risk, neither of which is true.


Also your implying that burst lasers are a "heavy" weapon, which they are not.


The scout especially the T2 is: low defense, high firepower, with a evasion kicker (if you spec it) how does BLC not fit into this? IMO it is the quintessential scout weapon. Gunship only gets it as a side thought since people facetank them at extreme close range to avoid the rails.


Long story short I disagree whole-heartedly

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As the primary weapon on a gunship they make sense, a gunship can't really dogfight and since they can't outrun a scout or fighter it would make sense for them to have this powerful short range weapon. It fits the theme of gunships, crap defenses and mobility but superior fire power.


But why does the T2 scout get these? I dislike GS as much as the next guy, but shouldn't they get better weapons at a range they are not meant to fight then the guys specialized in close combat out to kill them?


I have a Sting and a FF but I don't use BLC on either because it really felt like cheating when I did...


As it stand now the T2 scout has access to BIS for every component, I think removing BLCs would be a good start to curve it's pretty obvious over budget components.


Just my 2 creds.


Nope. Completely agree with this. They're the best DPS in the game, especially when tied to the mobility of a scout. At least pre-BR nerf, GSs could get away / survive for a bit. Now, not so much. I get collapsed on super quick by 2 skilled T2 scouts (they're good players, but before I was able to survive for a little bit). instantly, and to a really negative effect, solely because those BLCs just tear you up super quick, and that's not the purpose of a scout

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So a battle scout (aka) dogfighter, should not have access to the premier short range weapon in the game? It Should only be available to the ship chassis with the longest range in the game?


Your logic is flawed im afraid =/


I sense that you somehow think flying at close range and dogfighting is easy and or without risk, neither of which is true.


Also your implying that burst lasers are a "heavy" weapon, which they are not.


The scout especially the T2 is: low defense, high firepower, with a evasion kicker (if you spec it) how does BLC not fit into this? IMO it is the quintessential scout weapon. Gunship only gets it as a side thought since people facetank them at extreme close range to avoid the rails.


Long story short I disagree whole-heartedly


I don't think you followed my logic, what I'm saying is that BLCs are too powerful and only a ship class that can't fully use them should have access to them, if any.

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I don't think you followed my logic, what I'm saying is that BLCs are too powerful and only a ship class that can't fully use them should have access to them, if any.


Case n point, flawed logic: "Its too good a close range weapon so only a class that cant use it properly should have access"


By your reasoning only scouts should have access to rail guns since they are not suited for them.


Thats not how the universe works, close range platforms have close range weapons, long range platforms have long range weapons.


A balancing argument is one thing, that is sustainable. But your logic wouldn't hold up to a babies breath im afraid (in its current form)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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By your reasoning only scouts should have access to rail guns since they are not suited for them.


Pretty much this.


Like it or not BLCs are pretty much the scout equivalent of GS railguns and thus it makes perfect logical sense to have scouts with BLCs. GS having BLC (especially when strikers, the other dogfighters in the game, don't have them) makes zero sense.

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Pretty much this.


Like it or not BLCs are pretty much the scout equivalent of GS railguns and thus it makes perfect logical sense to have scouts with BLCs. GS having BLC (especially when strikers, the other dogfighters in the game, don't have them) makes zero sense.


What I was getting at, is that BLCs are too powerful a weapon I don't mind GS having them since they can't make full use of them but on a scout? Highly unbalanced, scout are supposed to be "fragile" and mobile but anyone who has spent any sort of time playing GSF knows evasion and "not being were the enemy is shooting" are pretty much the only working defenses.


Damage reduction? Shields? Those can easely be circumvented (damage reduction might as well not exist in many cases) and now with the new patch missiles are deadlier then ever and every scout can get an extra missile lock break.


They have few hits points, but scouts are possible the hardest ship class to kill and the T2 scout has the top burst dps to boot, I love my Sting and FF but they are clearly OP...

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By your reasoning only scouts should have access to rail guns since they are not suited for them.


How are scouts not suited for rail guns?


Scouts with railguns would be better snipers than gunships are. Gunships with BLC are not better close combat fighters than scouts or strikers.

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Yeah, English is my 3rd language It would seem that I still have a way to go.


I mean to say that since they are basically screwed if it gets to a dogfight versus a scout I could understand them getting this pretty overpowered primary weapon when facing enemies that are meant to fight in close range.


I don't know if that makes more sense.

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Yeah, English is my 3rd language It would seem that I still have a way to go.


I mean to say that since they are basically screwed if it gets to a dogfight versus a scout I could understand them getting this pretty overpowered primary weapon when facing enemies that are meant to fight in close range.


I don't know if that makes more sense.

They can't be better at long range and equal at close range.

That's the very definition of being overpowered, and that's why wanting the Gunship to be the only one to have the best close range weapon because they're bad otherwise don't make sense at all.

As long as you allow them to have an overwhelming advantage at long range, you have to make them lacking elsewhere.

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They can't be better at long range and equal at close range.

That's the very definition of being overpowered, and that's why wanting the Gunship to be the only one to have the best close range weapon because they're bad otherwise don't make sense at all.

As long as you allow them to have an overwhelming advantage at long range, you have to make them lacking elsewhere.


Oh I'm not sayiing GS *should* have it, just that scouts shouldn't.


Remove BLCs all together, that would be okay too.

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Yeah, English is my 3rd language It would seem that I still have a way to go.


>knowing three languages


All is forgiven, apologies for my rudeness.


I mean to say that since they are basically screwed if it gets to a dogfight versus a scout I could understand them getting this pretty overpowered primary weapon when facing enemies that are meant to fight in close range.


I don't know if that makes more sense.


It does, but I disagree with the argument. I think that since scouts are only really strong in the 0-3000 range, and strikes can build to be strong in the 4000-7000 or 4000-10000 range, and railguns are strong in the 7000-15000 range, gunships don't need to also be strong in the 0-3000 range.


Admittedly, though, gunships are significantly less strong with BLCs than scouts are, since they don't have the scout's maneuverability or mobility.

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>knowing three languages


All is forgiven, apologies for my rudeness.




It does, but I disagree with the argument. I think that since scouts are only really strong in the 0-3000 range, and strikes can build to be strong in the 4000-7000 or 4000-10000 range, and railguns are strong in the 7000-15000 range, gunships don't need to also be strong in the 0-3000 range.


Admittedly, though, gunships are significantly less strong with BLCs than scouts are, since they don't have the scout's maneuverability or mobility.


You were not rude, if anything I was kinda angry at myself.


I knew what I meant to say, but could not seem to make it make sense.

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BLC are clearly OP and even scout pilots approve - actually the only thing to discuss is how to balance them? First of all they should repair that retarded bug which makes half of the BLC shots invisible, then... Hmmm... Maybe RoF nerf? BLC must hit like a truck in point blank - that's the idea of such Benelli-like weapons, so their damage is IMHO OK, but RoF could be toned down like 2x slower. Now they are spammable. With such alpha - they shouldn't be spam guns. Every single shot aimed at ship should be accurate, not "full retard mode, let's aim our guns to the west and see what we hit".


o7 Lindemann

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BLC are clearly OP and even scout pilots approve - actually the only thing to discuss is how to balance them? First of all they should repair that retarded bug which makes half of the BLC shots invisible, then... Hmmm... Maybe RoF nerf? BLC must hit like a truck in point blank - that's the idea of such Benelli-like weapons, so their damage is IMHO OK, but RoF could be toned down like 2x slower. Now they are spammable. With such alpha - they shouldn't be spam guns. Every single shot aimed at ship should be accurate, not "full retard mode, let's aim our guns to the west and see what we hit".


o7 Lindemann


First off keep your short sighted and offensive opinions to yourself :mad: (as to the r word, its bad form)


BTW not all scout pilots agree, and GSF dev's have already answered that their balance is where they want it. I think perhaps the malcontent GS pilots are the ones that keep repeating this over and over. (IMO they could be tuned, but it would be a very small tweak nothing close to 50% ROF)


And am I mistaken or do you have to get within 3k or closer and actually aim? Your acting like BLC is easy like mines (little to no effort) when in reality it is as easy to hit with as any other laser weapon in this game. If BLC is so easy and scouts are so OP then why are there so may bad scout pilots?

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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And am I mistaken or do you have to get within 3k or closer and actually aim? Your acting like BLC is easy like mines (little to no effort) when in reality it is as easy to hit with as any other laser weapon in this game.


BLCs are easier to hit with than other lasers, since you're not punished nearly so much for taking your time to line up a shot. Decreasing the rate of fire only exasperates that -- taken to the extreme, you have a slug railgun, which has plenty of time to line up a shot. Of course, that's only one part of aiming.


I feel like BLCs could use a slight damage nerf (say, 5%) and decrease the short range while maintaining the maximum range (meaning it's even more important to get as close to your target as possible, with all the risks that involves).


For the most part, I feel like BLCs only really excel in the hands of a skilled pilot. On the other hand, it's maybe easier to get to that level than it should be, and they're probably a touch too powerful at that level.


If BLC is so easy and scouts are so OP then why are there so may bad scout pilots?


Cause people are bad. I have several thousands of kills, and the vast majority of them are because people simply refuse to move when their shields light up.

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First off keep your short sighted and offensive opinions to yourself


Calm down, nobody asked you about your opinion about my opinion.


BTW not all scout pilots agree, and GSF dev's have already answered that their balance is where they want it.


No. Devs said they are observing BLC's efficiency for now. There is nothing about "balance being where it is wanted".


I think perhaps the malcontent GS pilots are the ones that keep repeating this over and over.


Show me where bad gunship touched you.


And am I mistaken or do you have to get within 3k or closer and actually aim?


4k, sweetheart. Just like Light Laser Cannon and Rapid Laser Cannon and both of them aren't even 50% effective as Bursts.

Your acting like BLC is easy like mines (little to no effort) when in reality it is as easy to hit with as any other laser weapon in this game.


Because it is MUCH easier. Bursts have no tracking penalty, wherever you land a shot in the circle - you will hit. Other, BALANCED laser cannons works differently.


If BLC is so easy and scouts are so OP then why are there so may bad scout pilots?


Because scouts are majority of the GSF "community" and it is law of the life - more challengers, more terribads amongst them.


As I see I've just tried to discuss with BLC QQboy flying bugged Cartel Market scout (Ocula and it's pathetic 1 pixel hitbox). I'll just jump over other posts like that.


o7 Lindemann

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Calm down, nobody asked you about your opinion about my opinion.

This is a forum, deal with it.



Show me where bad gunship touched you.

Show me where the bad scout touched you



4k, sweetheart. Just like Light Laser Cannon and Rapid Laser Cannon and both of them aren't even 50% effective as Bursts.


Because it is MUCH easier. Bursts have no tracking penalty, wherever you land a shot in the circle - you will hit. Other, BALANCED laser cannons works differently.


If your even firing your BLC at 4km range your doing it wrong. At 4km range BLC have less DPS than rapids do. Also at 4km range they have 72% accuracy. In fact at 4km range, every other primary weapon in the game is better than BLC.


Seriously the range of BLC is 2km, preferably less. And if your having difficulty keeping someone from getting within 2km range of you your just being bad and should stop flying in straight lines.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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BLCs make perfect sense on Scouts. Scouts get to close range and tear up the house.


BLCs make sense on Gunships. Gunships wait for somebody to get close to them and then pull out that nasty little surprise.


This being said, I don't use them. They don't fit my playstyle. But they make sense to me on whatever they're mounted on. When I get blown up by them, I just say, 'Nice shot!' and move on. They're not cheese, I don't even think they're overpowered. They're good at the range they're meant to be good at.

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