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Space Combat is phenominal. Bioware job well done!!


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quick question, you don't have to be specific, but are there any boss style ships in game?


thinking along the lines of end bosses in starfox etc.


but really i'm on a nostalgia trip and hoping for some 1944 arcade style bosses.



(1944 arcade game for those that might not know was and still is awesome. shooting power-ups to change them. - much like the shooter in the canteen in starcraft 2).


boss mobs would be cool if they haven't got them already. if they do - awesome.



incidentally i bought an MMORPG, any extras like a mini game are a plus for me.


can see why others might want it expanded but lets be honest, no one bought this game solely to play an arcade style shooter online and alone.


They'll work on it i'm sure but this is a welcome extra not deep and required content.

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I enjoy the space combat as a nice mini-game to break up the questing but lets give credit where credit is due...


BioWare did not create this. Origin did. It's basically just Wing Commander.


I enjoy this game's space combat BUT do not dare compare this game's space combat to Wing Commander.

Edited by Dark_Larva
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I enjoy this game's space combat BUT do not dare compare this game's space combat to Wing Commander.


wing commander/privateer


they were tons of fun. The last few wing commanders were a bit meh but they did have Mark Hamill.


they could have made more if they didn't add freekin freddy prince jnr and matthew lillard to the franchise with a poor movie adaptation.


scratch that. I like Matthew lillard, I don't know why, I just do. I even enjoyed scooby doo somewhat. (something i will likely only admit to in real life after some hefty alcohol abuse).


BUT FREEKIN freddy prince ****** JR.! why?? eurgh.



probably best if they avoid making the mini game anything like wing commander as there is a line in my gaming habits that i do not wish to cross-


it involves one of those japanese "convenience" chairs that prevent the need to Ever leave your screen....EVER.

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It is no fun at all being lead around on a leash while the only real control I have is aiming and spamming the fire button.

You understand that your experience in "land" is, in essence, exactly the same. Just get to push more buttons and go back and forth between planets. :p


I do like Space Combat. They may add "Super duper Tie-Fighter on the rocks space PvP" if they want later, but keep this in game because it's a very nice option. Hopefully, we can see more stuff/options added to it too.

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You're kidding right? The gameplay of the space combat is like a 90's Star Wars game, its the exact same just newer graphics. At least some of the 90's games was X-wing / Tie-figher etc, where you could control your own ship.


This is terrible :)

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Space Combat is fun. I enjoy it, its not perfect but its nowhere near the atrocity others are making it out to be.


I think a lot of that horrible feedback comes from disappointment that it isn't Rogue Squadron II type combat or Battlefront II space combat (which by the way, would be awesome to put into TOR).


It is fun for what it is though, I enjoy it and i'll do a space mission or 2 a day. It is a nice break from the typical MMO combat.

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