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Kickball Friday


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Why don't you goml my ballsack? Why would I get on your level when I surpassed it by a long shot?

I said a few weeks back that I would be back with more than words, whereas you, still stick to the same BS day after day. I get things done.


Server first solo Q (class). Oh and btw, I didn't have to buy my way through it... maybe you should invest that money somewhere else, like moving out of the basement instead of ''servers'', who knows ;) As for ''your'' server first, that technically is not true, didn't happen on BC. You really are a whore when you think about it, buying your way to get a title that doesn't represent **** when you know the ''real'' story. ;)


As for best pvper.. I'll let you think about that in your corner. You've been a bad boy. Child please.


Please don't come at me with your ''who cares about this or that''... child, you're posting in a pvp record thread to show how much ''heals'' your assassin got...


You're desperate. I pity you.


Get a job. A real one ;)


PS: I bet a few ''kings'' will come at me about how much soloQ doesn't mean anything, but here they are, posting on a pvp record thread about how much they've done... Oh the irony.


You're trying so hard, it's adorable.


But Jelly is right, no need to derail this any further. Good game Yormik, you lose yet again bro :)


Back to the topic at hand:


No, you are not awesome Jelly. You stay the hell away from my marauder, she did nothing to you.

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You're trying so hard, it's adorable.


But Jelly is right, no need to derail this any further. Good game Yormik, you lose yet again bro :)


Back to the topic at hand:


No, you are not awesome Jelly. You stay the hell away from my marauder, she did nothing to you.


no you dont get it solo q means everything

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Lol @ yormik


Solo q means something? Yeah, sure pal. So does being a regstar now that I think of it.


If you want to mean something, Queue 4's so I can farm you, but it's ok, because I know your "guys" won't be online, just like the other times I've asked. It's ok, we all lie sometimes.


see you on pot5 kid solo q so hard


Yawn. Try harder next time, please bbeboiii :o I've asked you consistently to queue 4s, you didn't, and when you said you were queueing, no one in DP was on. When's the last time your VG did ranked? smh. Keep convincing yourself though if it makes you feel good, peasant :rolleyes:


*Knock Knock*

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Yawn. Try harder next time, please bbeboiii :o I've asked you consistently to queue 4s, you didn't, and when you said you were queueing, no one in DP was on. When's the last time your VG did ranked? smh. Keep convincing yourself though if it makes you feel good, peasant :rolleyes:


*Knock Knock*


lets be real m8 its not like boss does anything other than solo queue anyway

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Yawn. Try harder next time, please bbeboiii :o I've asked you consistently to queue 4s, you didn't, and when you said you were queueing, no one in DP was on. When's the last time your VG did ranked? smh. Keep convincing yourself though if it makes you feel good, peasant :rolleyes:


*Knock Knock*


now i know you're like dumb irl


you've never asked me to q 4's once, please quote on the forums where you did and I declined and I'll eat my words, pro tip: you can't dweeb


Willing to Q any night out of the week, if you don't pick a night in your reply dont even think of my name again you pathetic *******


solo q really does make someone the best holy **** revelations 2014

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first off, I'd like to thank Biowares terrible account management system for allowing me to post on the forums 2 weeks after i cancelled my sub. <3


Kickball sounds awesome, but since i'm a f2p scrub now i would only be able to do group ranked.


you're all beautiful <3


Whisper in my ear, Opus.

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