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Unfortunately, Leveling is too easy


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i bought the game and had an early access, but i find that, leveling is too easy in this game there are too many ways to get 50 in 2 days, i might be only 34 but i think this game will only last a few months even less. Hence the ammount of money lost by the subscriptions.


In 8 days of casual gaming and i am level 34? And the worst is i skipped alot of quests. Besides i would divide the xps ammount by 4 or even 5 IF not 10. This is way to easy. In 8 days i am level 34? IMO i should be level 15 at the most. And enjoy exploring everything about the planets (datacrons) NOT SKIPPING cause i'm too high.


Very good game i must agree but too easy to achieve 50. I think i will not even pay 1 more month of subsciption.


In conclusion, it is a very good game everything was very enjoyable but, i want to play for MONTHS.






I really hate people like this. Im sorry that nit everyone like to spend an entire year just to hit the lvl cap. Maybe its just me but i HATE lvling in mmos because it take too long. I want to get to the end game cintent as soon as possible. Idk why people get to caught up on the lvling process in games so much. If u want to play a game with a huge grinding system go play aion. I the the lvling in the game is fine and to say you wont play the game for more than a month becayse you lvl too fast is just obsurd. I dont thonk mmos are for you buddy.

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i bought the game and had an early access, but i find that, leveling is too easy in this game there are too many ways to get 50 in 2 days, i might be only 34 but i think this game will only last a few months even less. Hence the ammount of money lost by the subscriptions.


In 8 days of casual gaming and i am level 34? And the worst is i skipped alot of quests. Besides i would divide the xps ammount by 4 or even 5 IF not 10. This is way to easy. In 8 days i am level 34? IMO i should be level 15 at the most. And enjoy exploring everything about the planets (datacrons) NOT SKIPPING cause i'm too high.


Very good game i must agree but too easy to achieve 50. I think i will not even pay 1 more month of subsciption.


In conclusion, it is a very good game everything was very enjoyable but, i want to play for MONTHS.






Would levelling be too easy for say, someone who has a life outside gaming? I mean i don't and i play games all the time and i don't have any complaints, well not big ones, with ToR but someone who has a job, kids, and other commitments wouldn't level as fast as me or you. You make your own bed to lie in so lie in it.

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They make WOW very easy to level to ensure you don't play ALONE. Since almost everybody is at MAX level and most have many toons at MAX level too. But still WOW has, if you make slow leveling EVERYBODY will be at the same level range, now in my guild have 50 to 1, 50 need to wait level 1. Hopfully everybody uunderstand if you level slow there are less game between levels therefore everybody can play together.
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Walk down the wrong alley in Dromund Kaas. You'll meet a full figured Bothan who- for a few credits will show you the time of your life and inflict you with the horrible disease known as Alt-itis.


Once you've got it you won't ever have to worry about fast leveling again.

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They make WOW very easy to level to ensure you don't play ALONE. Since almost everybody is at MAX level and most have many toons at MAX level too. But still WOW has, if you make slow leveling EVERYBODY will be at the same level range, now in my guild have 50 to 1, 50 need to wait level 1. Hopfully everybody uunderstand if you level slow there are less game between levels therefore everybody can play together.


I have no idea what you just said.

I found this for you though.




Its all in good fun, don't hate.

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i hit thirty 2 days into the game...thought it was a little fast..but i recall sto and on Q's double boost weekends in 2 days i'm max level. in wow (when i did play) 2 days could get me to 20 (thank you dungeon finder) so i think the leveling is fine. now that i am thirty, it taking its time. BUT this game has story and content...wow and sto and lotro bore me needlessly. I'm playing for the story and for the fun because this game is fun. PLUS i want to play the other side and more classes. They are different in both play styles, story and content that goes by them. I almost want to finish getting to 50 so i can start the next one....never felt that way in any other mmo. my 2cents
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incredibly people are in the rantings and flammings, AND yes i do have a life as i said i am Casual gamer,


The only point i bring is it IS TOO EASY TO level, i you don't play other MMO and you are not good at playing not my problem.

Please rant me more and flame, i hear the voice of kids,


Don't you want to play a game for many months? Or just play for some weeks? Imagine all the money a developper would make if they can entertain all the way to max levels and thus, keeping their customers for many years like WOW?

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incredibly people are in the rantings and flammings, AND yes i do have a life as i said i am Casual gamer,


The only point i bring is it IS TOO EASY TO level, i you don't play other MMO and you are not good at playing not my problem.

Please rant me more and flame, i hear the voice of kids,


Don't you want to play a game for many months? Or just play for some weeks? Imagine all the money a developper would make if they can entertain all the way to max levels and thus, keeping their customers for many years like WOW?

It is NOT to easy to level. However our opinions differ on this. Yes I have played other MMO's, namely EQ I and EQ II along with vanilla WoW and others.


This game is fairly balanced.

I have been playing for 8 days and over 40 hours, yet I still have nothing over level 23, and a second under 10.

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The problem is, I like to be challenge throughout the game, if I do every quest and the heroics once on each planet I end up being 2 levels above the next planets range (thru levels 10-32). If I do PvP or space combat its even worse. This makes all mobs very easy to kill and therefore no effort/satisfaction/accomplishment comes of it. I'm also an assasin so I stealth by a lot of mobs and their xp in dungeons.


So I have to limit myself and miss content so I can stay within a planets level range. I'm sure this is not what the developers had in mind. As I'm now 32 I'm "hoping" things slow down (ppl have said it does), in that case just the lower level quest xp needs to be adjusted.


Theoretically you should be able to do every quest on a planet and be just a little bit off the max level for that planets range or damn well near it.

Edited by Formant
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I have to agree, you get to much xp from random stuff.


I like to follow the storryline, but I also like to do my daily PvP and space combat.

If I do keep to the storrylline and do all the quests I find on the way along the line, all my quest around the storry ends up gray to fast.



And dont forget your flashpoint. If you try to do a few of them everyday to get your social up, it will also contribute to make the quests go gray very fast.

Edited by Mamono
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I still don't know what you guys are crying about, I ran out of quests before I hit level 50... I had to start doing dailies to get to 50. That was with rank 16 valor (just means I did like 20ish bgs) and doing like 1/2 of the space missions. Leveling might be slightly faster but it is a lot more challenging then other games that I've played. Oh... another thing, if you aren't level 50 stop crying about how easy it is to level, i got to level 20 in the first day, level 29 the second day, and it took me 6 more days (rl days not in game days) to get to 50. Edited by Ollos
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well I only said that to point out that the poster's argument that he got to 34 with 5 days of casual playing meant leveling was too easy. i got there with a little over 2 days of playing like 8+ hours a day and it still took me 6 more days.



Also, its "wow a whole 6 days"

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If you do all quests it has been said there is atleast 200 hours needed. If youm play 2 hours a day thats 100 days PER class to reach level 50. That's exclusing crafting, exploring, bantering etc. I'd say that more than enough.
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