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Sooo....PvP is only for level 50s?


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no, they need to make 2 brackets 10-30 30-50 because of abilities it makes it mearly impossible for lower levels to have any chance against 50's the only people that enjoy being high levels and owning lowbies are people who can't really pvp so have to take advantage anyway they can
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i agree, something needs to be done about the bolstering garbage. Just came out of a huttball with my team consisting of random <20's and a few 30+, with the other team clearly being a premade having everyone other than one person 45+.


Stomped us, didnt even stand a chance, couldnt make a dent in anyone even though we all had a similiar healthpool.


Hope they plan to change something before pvp dies because of it. And ppl saying "oh its good cuz we dont have to wait" are delusional or are the ppl who just rushed to 50 enjoying the spoils.


Sad too i really love the pvp and huttball, but when your trying to fight a brickwall with a spoon, it kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth, even if they were to fix it down the road.

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As daft as it sounds, it's not a level issue...more a class balance issue.


Currently there are a lot of BH's that went healing because they were ex-beta testers and noted that the healing spec of the BH/Commando tree is....to put it quite frank, overpowered as hell.


It's not uncommon right now to run into a pre-made with at least 3 heal specced BH's making it pretty impossible to win since BH healing is very hard to interupt, heals for large amounts and has pretty low cooldowns when specced for it.


When Bioware get around to upping the cooldowns on BH/Commando heals and tuning the heat system so fighting one isn't a case of "stunlock or die" you'll notice levels dont really matter too much.

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i agree, something needs to be done about the bolstering garbage. Just came out of a huttball with my team consisting of random <20's and a few 30+, with the other team clearly being a premade having everyone other than one person 45+.


Stomped us, didnt even stand a chance, couldnt make a dent in anyone even though we all had a similiar healthpool.


Hope they plan to change something before pvp dies because of it. And ppl saying "oh its good cuz we dont have to wait" are delusional or are the ppl who just rushed to 50 enjoying the spoils.


Sad too i really love the pvp and huttball, but when your trying to fight a brickwall with a spoon, it kinda leaves a bad taste in your mouth, even if they were to fix it down the road.


Here´s my view on the situation.


In a few months time there will be hardly any lvl 10-40 characters. The queue times would be horrific for the few who are.

I don't think that makes me "delusional", it´s just how I believe it would be.


Now, I´m not saying the bolstering system is flawless, I am simply saying that you have to take the good with the bad and make the best of it.


I agree that it can be annoying when meeting these premade 50s (I´m lvl 26 atm) but sometimes I get thrown in a team with them, and then it's my turn to win.

Most of the time I would say the teams are pretty even.

Imo, this isn´t a big deal.


I think the fact that they are working together, and your team isn't, makes a bigger inpact on the outcome than the fact that they are lvl 50.


Personally I think only 2 brackets would be needed. 1-49 and 50s alone.

This because the lvl 50s will get too powerful with the expertise gear they can get.



With all that said, I do believe and hope there will be more coming regarding PvP.

I think we will see the option to fight in 8v8 premades.

I have a feeling they have some goodies in store for us.




Edited by Birdflew
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I wouldn't recommend PvP until you get Sprint (level 14).


I rarely have issues with someone simply because they're level 50 (I'm level 22), nor have I seen glaring class imbalance issues. However, if the opposing team is a pre-made then you will most likely lose.


Fortunately, losing awards approximately 80% of the awards, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Unless of course you're a competitive person, and you just hate losing.

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Yeah higher level players owns lower level players. It doesn't matter that your BASE stats are the same. (lvl50) when your gear is lvl 10. I just played my sorc (lvl 14). and I didn't even got a change to kill any lvl 40+ player. It takes about 10 lightning strikes to kill someone when they can just kill you with two.. My toon is basicaly naked lvl 50. Also lack of spells doesn't really help either.


Also I hate Huttball. Last 15 games was only Huttball games and we won 3 of those. (Empire side) Why even make different maps if you can't even see those maps? I liket to play pvp but I'm loosing interest because 95% it's huttball.

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its a class balance issue and a lvl issue.


imperial class's seem to do stupid amounts of damage and im not even kidding im getting 2 shot by most of them. were as when im fighting republic players they barely dent me.



the bolster system in warzones is just idiotic how it is now and lvl brackets must be added.


something in the lines of maybe 10-25 26-39 40-50


the lvl brackets system would have to be bolsterd

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