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<PurpleParallel> republic guild killed up through Corruptor zero.


Didn't get any screenshots during the operations but we have the videos and I'll post screenshots here of time of kills from my achievements. I'm mountain time so 1 hour ahead of PST.


Corruptor Zero: http://imgur.com/zXCqRDu 5/28/14 10:01:10 PM PST



Grob'thok: http://imgur.com/YEwm4aM 5/25/14 8:24:48 PM PST



Draxus: http://imgur.com/pzPFJfH 4/20/14 10:16:40 PM PST



Nefra: http://imgur.com/42nmlq8 4/9/14 7:34:19 PM PST



As you can see in the Nefra / drax video that the only "non-guildie" we had was the scoundrel healer Ynah. However, recently her guild was absorbed into ours and in the corruptor zero video you can see she now has a PurpleParallel tag.

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As you can see in the Nefra / drax video that the only "non-guildie" we had was the scoundrel healer Ynah. However, recently her guild was absorbed into ours and in the corruptor zero video you can see she now has a PurpleParallel tag.


Killik much?

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After cycling through about 5 or 6 players and then 2 or 3 in absentia, Phobos has downed it.

Several of us are taking a leave of absence (or have already) from the game (myself included).

Phobos - Brontes

5/30/2014 9:11:53PM PST


Kill shot






Edited by Falver
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After cycling through about 5 or 6 players and then 2 or 3 in absentia, Phobos has downed it.

Several of us are taking a leave of absence (or have already) from the game (myself included).

Phobos - Brontes

5/30/2014 9:11:53PM PST


Kill shot








but to behonest, most guilds have been having personnel issues

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After cycling through about 5 or 6 players and then 2 or 3 in absentia, Phobos has downed it.

Several of us are taking a leave of absence (or have already) from the game (myself included).

Phobos - Brontes

5/30/2014 9:11:53PM PST


Kill shot







Congratulations. Unfortunately, beating stuff like this requires the best team you can get at the time. Hopefully, the benched people understand that's just the only way progression works and don't take it the wrong way.

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This tier of content really destroyed many, many guilds. Congrats though, well deserved!



Browsing your forums here, to see how other servers fare compared to mind, I have stumbled across this topic. You made a very excellent point here my dear friend, please find below. Amazing progress on this server in terms of PVE. Move to europe :D




When NiM hits, it seems that most just forget the friendships they make and open the door for FOTM classes to get that no1 kill in the world. After all the hype is gone, and the dust is settled, was it worth it? Some say yes, some on my server actually regret, kicking half their team at the expense of progress.


My team, not the best in the game like some of you here, but can hold its own, killed Brontes with the 'wrong classes so to say. We originally started with 1 guardian tank, 1 scoundrel dps, 1 sage healer. The guardian was a sub, the sage healer had some personal things to take care off, hence we kept at it with the wrong specs as well. You saw the streams, we were all dot specs at one point because people did not enjoy the fight on the 'wrong spec. We failed, we also had the scoundrel damage dealer who created issues during the fight : random cloak putting balls on healers and getting two shot by Brontes in the final phase making healing horrible.


We sat down, we discussed, we agreed to change a few things and specs. I did not bench half my team, kick them from the group and replace them. There was no need for all that and the fact that we spent 4 more weeks at the boss at the expense of having the whole team together was worth it. Was there DRAMA? Yes, did we quit or bench people? No, the scoundrel rolled a guardian, and the sage was replaced with a commando because we did not have a sage. Little did we know that this will be FOTM at Brontes.


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After cycling through about 5 or 6 players and then 2 or 3 in absentia, Phobos has downed it.

Several of us are taking a leave of absence (or have already) from the game (myself included).

Phobos - Brontes

5/30/2014 9:11:53PM PST


Kill shot







Grats. Hope the break is short. Hate to see raiders leave.

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Nice to see Milas is looking up my posts and stuff. I had to voice my displeasure at being benched because my class isn't designed to be the best healer role for Brontes even though it is definitely doable with a sorc healer.


Trash talk all you want. Raid guilds rise and fall all the time.

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Nice to see Milas is looking up my posts and stuff. I had to voice my displeasure at being benched because my class isn't designed to be the best healer role for Brontes even though it is definitely doable with a sorc healer.


Trash talk all you want. Raid guilds rise and fall all the time.


Finally. /poke

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Nice to see Milas is looking up my posts and stuff. I had to voice my displeasure at being benched because my class isn't designed to be the best healer role for Brontes even though it is definitely doable with a sorc healer.


Trash talk all you want. Raid guilds rise and fall all the time.


The fight is doable alright, with all three healer classes in fact, it just needs the right person pressing the buttons on the keyboard.


ILY Soulschnitzel <3


On a more relevant note, Grats to Epic Gaming nice job inb4 2.8

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First They've been bookmarked since you posted them, I found them utterly disrespectful and not something that belonged in a world progression guild players mindset. Progression to me is about using your best and attempting to be the best. I felt while you can clear content you weren't a better option than the other options we had regardless of classes.



No one likes being benched. People improve so they don't have to be benched due to their skills. When you get benched because of your class inadequacies it sucks. Everyone has some way to cope with it. When I have to sit outside an instance for 12 hrs a day for those brontes days it is whatever. I don't like it, no one likes it but I sucked it up. In those posts you linked, 2 of them are responses to people who were wondering why I was sitting outside DF or were not part of brontes progression. I simply answered them why. How is that disrespectful? The other post was simply complaining about my class when a double ops are a possible better alternatives than a sorc healer for that fight. So tell me again why it is utterly disrespectful for me to answer questions or complain about my class inadequacies? I don't mind being benched for Brontes progression kill, but when I get benched for subsequent Brontes kills and you didn't want those not part of the first kill to be on those subsequent kills it is an issue.


Is it disrespectful for a progression raider to quit the game multiple times for whatever reason like you did?



Carl is loyal and is loyalty based players use people based off tenure, friendship to said guild, and other feeling based crap. Nothing personal dulfy, I never had a issue with you outside of fighting you on not putting up PTS videos to show our competitors what we were doing. For example on grob'thok Thiol and I stucking to prevent you from getting a upload because you were able to pull the boss into the magnet at the very start and it not be an auto wipe.


Those PTS issues you raised were not an issue at all for several reasons. Firstly I agreed to edit out that part out of the video and secondly they patched it before they launched it on live. Grob'thok weren't even a progression blocker for most serious competition as everyone was stuck on Brontes and whoever kills Brontes first wins the race. Wasting hours of PTS attempts over such a small issue is just bad.



The second part is hilarious we can portray me as a villain if necessary. I still feel like **** for Hatred dying, Carl & noodles are in my top five swtor raiders I've raided with they are amazing. Outside of releasing private conversations and emails which would turn extremely ugly for certain individuals I can't defend that stab.


I never wanted anyone booted outside of wanting C group to contribute to guild funds and raiders who didn't touch progression pulls but spoke on our behalf or trying to be put in my group.



Since you took a screencap of my msg before the edit, I will tell you why I edited it out. After I posted the msg, I asked Carl the exact reason for all the drama. He said you weren't primarily responsible, it was another person who didn't want me to be part of the progression kill basically spreading rumors and causing drama. Now that I know who it is, I edited that part out as I didn't want to falsely accuse you for something you weren't primarily responsible.


Both Carl and Noodles felt backstabbed. Noodles quit the game over this. At end of the day it is a game and something you probably won't even recall in 5-10 years. The fact that some people had to go out of their way to purposely screw over someone is disgusting.


Honestly I didn't have much issue with you either but when you go out of your way to look up my posts and talk crap about me then don't expect me to respond in kind

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