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Best Mods/Enhancements for Qyzen?


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Somehow along the line I totally derped with modded gear on my sage toon, and I'm desperately trying to respec everything with the comms I have.


I know my sage focuses mainly on willpower, so I'm taking things like resolve hilts, mods, rage enhancements....


But I kept thinking Qyzen needed strength....he's glitched right? His primary stat is aim?


I found some battle trimuvate armor which I threw on him, now I'm trying to mod it correctly


I'm using reflex armoring/mods..... an should the enhancements be power or rage?

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Somehow along the line I totally derped with modded gear on my sage toon, and I'm desperately trying to respec everything with the comms I have.


I know my sage focuses mainly on willpower, so I'm taking things like resolve hilts, mods, rage enhancements....


But I kept thinking Qyzen needed strength....he's glitched right? His primary stat is aim?


I found some battle trimuvate armor which I threw on him, now I'm trying to mod it correctly


I'm using reflex armoring/mods..... an should the enhancements be power or rage?


Qyzen, as far as I remember, does need aim. But using reflex armoring/mods on a tank comp is..... A very bad idea.

You want Commando armoring, as it's more Endurance heavy, for enchantments you're probably better off stacking def or absorption(provided those are available). If you're still in mid 20's the power is good for Qyzen

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Wooow. Ok. That' make sense....



So Commando armoring/mods I get it......


and enchancements woul be rage, I take it?


I'm no expert on tanking but I'm pretty sure you want enhancements with Defense/Shield/Absorption on them (forgot the name).

Edited by Essence_of_Light
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I only hit. 29 a while back, so I don't see any mods with those as of yet..... I think rage is my best bet, more endur on it


Sucks, because I'm down to like 18 comms now, but I managed to get a few commando parts


Don't worry, planetary comms are easy to come by. They are practically thrown at you. :p

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Don't worry, planetary comms are easy to come by. They are practically thrown at you. :p


I don't know, for me it seems hard to get those, then again I have a full set of modifiable armor on myself, and my companion. Is there a trick to getting fast comms? I try to not even bother getting new mods except once every 10 levels or so. So far 20-30 seems to be what hits me in the head with a baseball bat when it comes to comms. 1-20 seemed like I couldn't spend them fast enough! (not sure about 30-40, my highest levels are only 30).

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I don't know, for me it seems hard to get those, then again I have a full set of modifiable armor on myself, and my companion. Is there a trick to getting fast comms? I try to not even bother getting new mods except once every 10 levels or so. So far 20-30 seems to be what hits me in the head with a baseball bat when it comes to comms. 1-20 seemed like I couldn't spend them fast enough! (not sure about 30-40, my highest levels are only 30).


Do heroics, and keep in mind that heroics are repeatable. If you are a trooper or smuggler then go back to ord mantell every day and do the three heroics which reward you 9 comms all together. The good thing about ord mantell is the heroics are all in the same area and it takes around 2-3 minutes to complete then all. For everyone else just do the heroics for comms.


If you plan on leveling a bunch of alts it helps to have at least 1 cybertech. I have a server filled with 18 toons and i have a level 55 cybertech with scavenging and underworld trading. I also have a 47 artifice with arch and treasure hunting. All my alts will have crew skills like scavenging, underworld trading and slicing. Or arch, treasure hunting and slicing, or bioanalysis, scavenging and slicing. The alts gather up mats in the world and from missioning UWT and TH and they send all the mats to my primary crafters. My primary crafters then build stuff and mail them off to my alts. I hop around on my alts a lot, and it was pretty common for my primary cybertech to have say 7 blue quality might armoring, 7 blue quality reflex armoring, 7 blue quality skill armoring all built in preparation for when my alts are about to level up and upgrade.


The way i do it if i have a cybertech is I will craft armoring for my toons at level 15-19-23-27-31-35-39-43-47. If i have lots of UW metal i will make blue quality armoring, if i dont have lots of UW metal i just make green quality. Then i use my comms to upgrade their hilt/barrel, mods, and enhancements. I do this for any new class that i level. But for my companions i do something different...for my companions i craft all green quality stuff. Armoring and mod starting at level 17-21-25-29-33-37-41-45. For their enhancement i will buy them their own if i have plenty of comms. OR i will rip out my old enhancements when i upgrade my gear and give my enhancement to them and i install my new ones.


This last one is a little complicated but it's how i used to do things before i had a cybertech. I bought all my stuff from the modification commendation vendors but i hated doing heroics so my comms were limited. Starting at level 15 i buy a barrel/hilt, mod and enhancement for my weapons. At level 15 i also upgrade my chest, gloves and bracers. At level 19 i will upgrade my weapon again, but i alternate and upgrade my pants, boots and belt at level 19. Then at level 23 i upgrade my weapons again, and chest, gloves, bracers. NOW at level 27 is where i change it up just a little. There is a specialty vendor in Tatooine that sells custom weapons with barrels and mods for credits. So at level 27, instead of spending comms i use my credits to buy the 2-4 weapons for myself and my primary companion. Here's another catch...when you buy those weapons you cannot equip them until level 28. But it's the shell weapon itself that has a level 28 requirement. If you strip out the barrels, hilts, mods and enhancements from those purchased weapons they have a level 27 requirement. The Tatooine vendor allows me to save on about 22-44 comms. If you have a sith warrior with vette as your companion and both of you have moddable weapons thats 44 comms to upgrade it. BUT if you spend 48000 credits instead you can buy the weapons from the npc vendor and strip it. You *could* buy on the GTN as well but the prices there vary.


anyways thats all i have...pretty confusing huh? :p

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I'm no expert on tanking but I'm pretty sure you want enhancements with Defense/Shield/Absorption on them (forgot the name).


Tanking stats are good, obviously, but unless you're actively healing your companion (which you probably shouldn't because it's a massive dps loss) or using other sources of healing like your heroic moment, more endurance is better. This is very much contrary to the philosophy of gearing a PvE player tank, but you don't send a companion to tank an ops boss, and your companion doesn't have 2-4 healers watching his back constantly.


You can heal up your companion instantly after a fight, so you only need them to stay alive long enough for you to defeat the enemy.

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Planetary Comms are easy to come by: every day you play, run a flashpoint using Groupfinder. You get 10 planetary comms for running a FP in groupfinder, 10 more comms for doing the weekly Groupfinder quest (this is only once a week, obviously), and another 5 comms for the daily quest for that particular FP. That's 25 comms the first day of the week, and 15 comms/day after that.


ALSO, do your daily PvP missions. Every time you start getting close to cap for Warzone Comms, trade them in for Planetary. You will never run out, and will usually be able to keep your favorite companion upgraded along with your own gear.


If you're *still* running out of Planetary Comms, go back to lower-level planets (10 levels or more beneath you) and run Heroics. I'm not sure that the ones on Ord Mantell award Planetary Comms (so I'm hesitant to recommend those), but starting at the capital worlds (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant) all Heroics reward at least 1 Planetary Comm, usually 3.

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I'm not sure that the ones on Ord Mantell award Planetary Comms (so I'm hesitant to recommend those)


They do reward planetary comms...but you can only pick up the heroic missions up on smugglers and troopers since it's their starting world. I tried it on a JK and the NPCs had nothing for me. According to a few people i asked, Smuggs and Troopers would not be able to share it with me either.


Kinda sucks because JK and JC get 1 heroic, chamber of speech and it rewards a blue and no comms. While Smuggs and Troops get 3 heroics that can be completed in like 2-3 minutes and reward 9 comms total.

Edited by swtonewbie
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They do reward planetary comms...but you can only pick up the heroic missions up on smugglers and troopers since it's their starting world. I tried it on a JK and the NPCs had nothing for me. According to a few people i asked, Smuggs and Troopers would not be able to share it with me either.


Kinda sucks because JK and JC get 1 heroic, chamber of speech and it rewards a blue and no comms. While Smuggs and Troops get a heroic that can be completed in like 2-3 minutes.


Yeah, it has always puzzled me too as to why they have designed it like that, I was farming comms for a higher level trooper the other day and being able to run 3 heroics to get a total of 9 comms was rather good for less than 10 mins work (depending on how many other people on the island for the objectives).

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Qyzen is a tank. Most ranged tanks are AIM, heavy armor, using blaster rifle and shield. Unfortunately it looks like they changed Qyzen at the last moment before the game was released, and gave him a melee weapon but kept the AIM stat.


So you need AIM, heavy armor, and for modifications go for AIM / End, defense, and shield stats. Ignore power, crit, etc., Qyzen isn't there to do damage, he's there to hold the mobs off you, so YOU can do the damage. Give him defense and shields so he can soak up damage and not die.

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Take 1 thing in mind. If you are a very well geared dps it might be worth to put some dps gear on any tankcompanion. At least I have the issue that I constantly overaggro my comp at higher levels.


Also when gearing up a companion take in mind that they have 0 bonusses to shield/defense/absorb skilltree wise. Its very hard to get decent mitigation.

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How do I trade warzone comms for plaentary ones? I have 1242 warzone commendations


On fleet go to Combat Training area and speak to NPC next to PvP mission terminal. There's two of them so speak to both just in case. There should be option to exchange WZ comms to planetary comms. It's something like 10 WZ = 1 planetary.

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On fleet go to Combat Training area and speak to NPC next to PvP mission terminal. There's two of them so speak to both just in case. There should be option to exchange WZ comms to planetary comms. It's something like 10 WZ = 1 planetary.


40 WZ comms= 1 plantery ;)

Damn economy :D

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