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GSF Missile Damage


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I just left a GSF round. The game ended on the first shot right after it began.


That one shot was a missile and it killed me .I was first in field and watched as the opposing strike fighter

set himself up to fire at me.


He fired and I was killed and game quit as if the team suddenly forfeited.


My question is this, without any damage overcharger or power up, how can a strike fighters missile or any missile kill on one shot? Might I add I was on eng power , and had Quik shields active we it hit me, at full armor also.

It was first few secs of match.



None of my fully upgraded Fighters (2 of them) can. it takes me usually 3-4 missiles shots to bring down most full fitrs.Combination Ion/Concusiin/Proton etc, None kill in one shot. even with Crtical at 8% it seems to be impossible.


Please, if any one could explain this, link a chart or guide on weps/dam.

I can get frustrated with this because I keep seeing others do what I can not with the same stuff.


Thank You,



Edited by RandalR
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I will have to look at that using proton missiles with components set to Critical


I thought the concussions missiles would....I have had some kills at close ranges....

going hed to hed.. but typically I lose.


Appreciate any more replies and or comments......back in the day, used to be weapons/amage layouts...

I spose these games are too robust for that now.



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Other than proton torps, the more likely situation is that you were actually hit by at least one other person just prior to the missile hitting you.


When two people hit you at the same time, it can often appear as a 'one-shot', but it is not.

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If a game ends because of lack of players, both teams lose. The current score doesn't matter.


Nope. Both lose if the score is a tie.


I have witnessed (not played myself but was standing beside the one playing) a match that ended early, but one guy on the team succeeded to kill one guy a fraction of second before it ended.

Result : 1-0 => Win

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If a game ends because of lack of players, both teams lose. The current score doesn't matter.


Actually your wrong on that. I've been in a match that started, I zoomed to the opponent got a kill, the match ends due to lack of players and we won. If a team has more points then the other when it ends due to lack of players, the team with the highest points wins.

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I just left a GSF round. The game ended on the first shot right after it began.


That one shot was a missile and it killed me .I was first in field and watched as the opposing strike fighter

set himself up to fire at me.


He fired and I was killed and game quit as if the team suddenly forfeited.


My question is this, without any damage overcharger or power up, how can a strike fighters missile or any missile kill on one shot? Might I add I was on eng power , and had Quik shields active we it hit me, at full armor also.

It was first few secs of match.



None of my fully upgraded Fighters (2 of them) can. it takes me usually 3-4 missiles shots to bring down most full fitrs.Combination Ion/Concusiin/Proton etc, None kill in one shot. even with Crtical at 8% it seems to be impossible.


Please, if any one could explain this, link a chart or guide on weps/dam.

I can get frustrated with this because I keep seeing others do what I can not with the same stuff.


Thank You,




Most likely you got proton torpedo'd. It ignores shields and armour and can crit. Concentrated fire seems to work with missiles as well. So that would give you a 40%ish chance to crit.


You got unlucky.

Edited by Yndras
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