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Best lvl To Change From Anni to Carnage?


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I've been rolling with my mara for a few weeks now and have been really liking her a lot. I started out with a smash build but ditched it as it wasn't my style. I then switched to Anni and have enjoyed it. I'm now lvl 38. Reading the forums it looks carnage is the current strong favorite for PvP play (which I do 95% of the time).


I remember reading here (or somewhere) that Anni does ok up to around the mid 30's or 40's, but the better option at that point is to change to Carnage. The problem is I can't find the thread any longer and I'd like to dabble in Carnage to see if it's where I want to move to. Ultimately I want to give Carnage a fair shake by making the move when the spec is opening up at a good level.


Any help here would be appreciated.

Edited by Tusken
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I wouldn't change to Carnage until lvl48, without Enraged Slash you would be rage starved in Carange. Even with it you have to manage your rage carefuly to be good, without it? No chance.


But by the time you hit 48, most of the time you never get past your Gore > Crit Scream and at that point you shouldnt be Rage Starved...

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But by the time you hit 48, most of the time you never get past your Gore > Crit Scream and at that point you shouldnt be Rage Starved...


You are saying you can kill a whole pack of trash or a 20k HP elite with 1 gore scream?

Also he said he PVPs a lot, so again you would be rage starved there. If you can wait until 45 you should really wait another 3 lvl and actually be viable.

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Carnage without Enraged SLash goes out of Rage in literally 3 seconds with Berserk->Mass spam, I'd switch to carnage at lv 50. Though what I did was just wait till 48 to get massacre and got Enraged Slash before. Seriously, Carnage without Enraged Slash goes rage starved so dam fast its insane. Edited by Tevzz
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