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Multi-Server Teams


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So the elite Aces I run with on Jung'Ma and I were talking last night in between matches (we had to split ourselves in half to keep the games fair), but we were discussing going over to different servers and playing the best teams from each server. It would require everyone to have alts on every server, so I'm not too sure how feasible the idea really is, but with the amount of games we play a night, it shouldn't be too hard to server hop and at least get our mainships to T3 relatively quickly.


Since multi-server match making is far away, this can be a player created campaign that would at least be coordinated to determine the TRUE Aces (since the thread is a popularity contest), as well as facilitate matchmaking that doesn't result in a complete faceroll of the other team.


It would pretty much be everyone server hoping (and Ideally coordinating between all of the servers). For example, on every sever, the Jung'Ma team would create a team / guild and these players would go to different servers to compete. There definitely would be a home field advantage until everyone has mastered ships on every server, but would balance by the fact that you could have a "season" much like the ground game's pvp system. There wouldn't be rewards excluding the bragging rights. We were all pretty keen on the idea, even if it meant grinding req on every server because it'd be more entertaining than just limiting the opposition pool.



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Hmm, sounds interesting, though once the update hits it's going to require a very long lever to pry me out of the Clarion's cockpit.


I do have level one alts on Bastion and Ebon Hawk for GSF purposes already, though to make something like this work I suppose we'd want GSF alts on both factions on every server.


That's an awful lot of req grind.

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It would take a serious amount of time to eliminate the Home Team Advantage, i.e. Home server would have access to all their best ships, not the one class they've been power leveling in preparation for the event.


Someone like this would be more feasible when PTS is up, everyone could just copy their toons there and slug it out, of course that would eliminate the F2pers, someone of whom, are really good.

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It would take a serious amount of time to eliminate the Home Team Advantage, i.e. Home server would have access to all their best ships, not the one class they've been power leveling in preparation for the event.


Someone like this would be more feasible when PTS is up, everyone could just copy their toons there and slug it out, of course that would eliminate the F2pers, someone of whom, are really good.


Ya. I feel like the devs aren't really devoting the effort to the only real change this game needs. The ships need to be more balanced, but Pilots Skill > Upgrades, and playing against newb pilots doesn't help anyone enjoy the game more. If they had a seperate, multi-server que, the newbs can learn on the server specific ques while the top tier pilots could play against people of their skill level. THAT would be the ultimate solution, but until then the PTS seems like the most likely way to get that going, yet no one I've spoken to seems too keen on that idea (plus the F2P not having access is also a deal breaker).

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facilitate matchmaking that doesn't result in a complete faceroll of the other team.

This is going to happen when you're running stock ships against loaded gunships/bombers/etc. in domination matches.


until everyone has mastered ships on every server

This would take forever, and grind-wise is a massive undertaking. That's coming from someone who's played 2400+ games and mastered almost every ship already.



I'm not sure the alternative of selecting a single server would work all that well, either. But the PTS idea has some merit. I'm sure teams from The Bastion would be willing to participate in some kind of PTS ladder. It would put everyone in their best ships and on very even footing. I don't know that with everyone's random play times and other responsibilities that they'd be willing to farm requisition on many other servers, though.


Either way, the idea is cool!

Edited by TrinityLyre
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Its a nice idea, but I am pretty sure any group that tried it would probably burn out of it after one server, and promptly dissolve. Remastering stuff on another server isn't exactly something done on a whim, let all a bunch of other servers.
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Its a nice idea, but I am pretty sure any group that tried it would probably burn out of it after one server, and promptly dissolve. Remastering stuff on another server isn't exactly something done on a whim, let all a bunch of other servers.


Yeah, we've both been there and it's not pretty.


If this were going to be a thing that was a thing, it'd be better done as picking a random server to be the "home base" for the season. Everyone rolls a new alt on that server; anyone who had a GSF character on that server rolls an alt for the competition. From there, organize into guilds such as <Aces of The Ebon Hawk> or what have you. Aces from any particular server decide via consensus which faction they want to represent; an ace who disagrees with this decision is free to either start a guild on the other faction or represent a different server.


As for requisition, I'm not sure the grinding issue wouldn't be solved just by having everyone start from scratch. That might be enough in and of itself. It might not. If it's not, we might want to agree to a form of honor system gating: no ace may fly a build with more than X requisition in upgrades (ignoring the cost of buying a T0 component), where X is based on how many weeks we're into the season. So, if you're limited to 30k req this week, you could have T3 BLCs, T2 clusters, T3 dfield, T3 quick-charge, and T0 everything else, and you'd be good because you're over 30k total requisition spent on the ship but you can't run dfield and quick-charge at the same time.

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Hmm, well what if you organized it so that all games were away games for both teams?


So for example if Jung Ma played Bastion, they'd have the match on Ebon Hawk or something like that.


Then your only problem is that unless you manage it for off peak hours the inability to form more than 4 person groups means that in a lot of cases it would be 1/3 or 2/3 of a server team actually getting into the match.


Of course for servers with smaller GSF populations the sudden influx of (hopefully) 12 or more good pilots on each faction at the same time might be really nice. Especially if you broadcast on fleet so that people would know that a) queue pops might be faster than normal, and b) there are likely to be good players on both factions, so in theory you might have a better chance of competitive games.


Solves some aspects of home field advantage, and maybe encourages new players?


Think that might work better than home vs away? Other suggestions or variations that might make it work better?


**Edit: Armonddd and I were having more or less the same idea at about the same time.


Well another consideration regarding the groupmaking limitations imposed on us, is that as fun as epeen comparison contests can be, it might be worth considering whether a greater focus on concentrating population and balancing faction potency might actually be more fun and better for the game. If we got away teams from lots of servers all in one place maybe the matchmaking system would finally have enough to work with to really produce close contests.

Edited by Ramalina
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Having a what would amount to as a ranked match with unupgraded ships isn't going to work. Think about it, you have a bunch of ships armed with unupgraded rapids.


Think dominion. Remember those days before bombers when node defenders where scouts running around the satellite, remember there was always that one guy that always took forever to kill of the node? Now you would be tasked with clearing that guy with unupgraded rapids.


See it now?

Edited by Zoom_VI
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The idea of a home server that everyone would roll a new alt on would be the best way - you could have a season and then playoffs. That would be very neat. I agree mastering ships on multiple servers is too much to ask, but besides having everyone go to the PTS which may have bugs , the home server idea sounds really cool.
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Having a what would amount to as a ranked match with unupgraded ships isn't going to work. Think about it, you have a bunch of ships armed with unupgraded rapids.


Think dominion. Remember those days before bombers when node defenders where scouts running around the satellite, remember there was always that one guy that always took forever to kill of the node? Now you would be tasked with clearing that guy with unupgraded rapids.


See it now?


That's why you let people buy T0 components at no penalty.

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Nobody would die still, unupgraded stuff isn't bursty enough to kill a competent pilot.


Not sure I agree with that entirely. Besides, it's not like you'd never get upgrades -- I was just considering guidelines for how many upgrades people would have at a given time.

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Well, if we use one server per season and require all teams participating to roll an alt, everyone can START on equal footing. Those who have more time SHOULDN'T level their GSF toon's ships but they could given certain conditions (hell I'd be all for it, but it means the people who can devote more time to playing will do better, but that doesn't really represent the skill fairly b/c aces need gear more than newbs. Jung'Ma aces that I spoke to were pretty down. We made some alts on Pot5 yesterday too, as we're going server hoping to find the best competition and get a feel for overall que times between the servers. This really could work out
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We went and made alts on POT5 last night and honestly the time it took to get to the point where we were just wrecking everything again was only 6 matches or so. Though not being used to only having one missile break through me for a complete loop when people started recognizing me as somebody to spam.
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I say screw a server rotation. As the Jung Ma group let's just unilaterally pick a server and establish a real presence there. If other servers follow suit then bam, we have one GSF server.


Lets not and say we did mkay? They tried to do that with ranked when server transfers first dropped and it ended up just harming a lot of servers and ultimately didn't even accomplish the goal.


I don't want to see that happen with GSF

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Yesterday was a blast though. I hope more from the GSF community do what we did (though not at the same time we're doing it, cuz if they go to Jung'Ma and we're not there, it kind of defeats the purpose). We'd universally (community-wise) need to pick a server to make a GSF server, else it will be just like any other server. The advantage that we'd have by making toons on all the servers is that no matter what, we'll always have a different pool of people to play against, and it will help stop new players from quitting b/c we'd work on getting the dailies and then drift to a different server.


This is actually doesn't fix the matchmaking issue as best as I'd hope though - we'd still lack coordination enough to have 12v12 FULL ACE match, especially if we're picking a different server to play everyday (cuz yesterday was a freakin blast with the 4 of us starting from nothing and still destroying people, but then getting to the fleet at level 8 was a bummer). Maybe make a thread on the forums and have a coordinated match like once every few days or something, until we've established a dedicated GSF server

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Might be able to build up an alt hangar on one server...but multiple? Ugh, would take forever and with work...not really feasible for some of us.


Now, if there was consensus on a server that could serve as a GSF hub...that would be interesting.

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We went and made alts on POT5 last night and honestly the time it took to get to the point where we were just wrecking everything again was only 6 matches or so. Though not being used to only having one missile break through me for a complete loop when people started recognizing me as somebody to spam.


Welcome To Pot5! Be sure that you guys jump in to The Pilot channels (Same for both factions.) See you guys out there.

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Might be able to build up an alt hangar on one server...but multiple? Ugh, would take forever and with work...not really feasible for some of us.


Now, if there was consensus on a server that could serve as a GSF hub...that would be interesting.


Everyone would recommend their own server though so that they wouldn't have to restart all their efforts :/


Welcome To Pot5! Be sure that you guys jump in to The Pilot channels (Same for both factions.) See you guys out there.


Thanks! We /cjoin GSF, but their's a /cjoin ThePilots channel too?

Edited by SammyGStatus
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Everyone would recommend their own server though so that they wouldn't have to restart all their efforts :/


I said it last night, lets just put time aside to make alts on all servers, like we did last night with ord mantell

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Welcome To Pot5! Be sure that you guys jump in to The Pilot channels (Same for both factions.) See you guys out there.


Thanks man, we actually joined the GSF channel because thats what we had on JM, we definitely enjoyed your queue time during primetime. Ill probably be Rumina on imp side and im tomeateeje on pub side if you want to add me

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I said it last night, lets just put time aside to make alts on all servers, like we did last night with ord mantell


Which I'm totally down to keep doing - it was quite the blast, but that means tht the Aces from other servers would have to do the same thing, and if we're bouncing between servers and another server's team is bouncing too, then we'll never have a true 12v12 Full Ace game, which is the only thing that can truly test us when we're grouping together

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