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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is all social armor limited to "Light"?


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I'd also like to see moddable gear scale with "highest" armor proficiency. This would solve a lot of issues, though I'm sure it would create many more.


Additionally, it would allow for things like: "I want to play single saber tank in robes without armor pieces," which is currently not possible without significantly gimping yourself.


As someone pointed out, if the moddable gear is, in fact, supposed to give players flexibility over how they look, restricting the most varied forms of that experience to only two classes for significant viability seems out of line with the stated goal.


No, it's possible. The Hammer Station guardian robes are heavy armor classified but still are cloth looking robes with no armor pieces attached.

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Social Gear is just another type of orange gear that is currently broken.


Current Bug: Slave Girl outfit drops the mods when you zone or log in. A player has to take off the outfit and put it back on every time they zone or the mods will be ignored by the system.


I would say the lack of scaling is also a bug/design issue they haven't tackled yet. Why create mods slots for social gear if no one is suppose to use it in combat?

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How is it no one has mentioned that making social armor available for combat use bones every synthweave and armormech out there? If everyone has access to modable armor from lvl 15 on then no one will buy the armor on the GTN.


BW needs to follow how Lord of The Rings did it with an appearance tab. You still get to raid as a sand peep/slave girl etc but crafters still remain viable. This way you never worry about how your character looks, and you are still rewarded for doing group flashpoints and quests. Otherwise everyone is going to roll cybertech and sit with the same look till 50 and only replace gear from raids/pvp.


Perhaps because we're already boned by the fact that most group quests and flashpoints award moddable armor. If people are getting moddable armor just for the mod slots, they don't need crafters even as it is now. It's the appearance that has any bearing on what we're discussing.

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No, it's possible. The Hammer Station guardian robes are heavy armor classified but still are cloth looking robes with no armor pieces attached.


Fair enough, but I still think it seems a bit arbitrary. And what if I want to look like a sand person while I tank? I just think offering an option that is only "viable" to a couple classes for combat is a poor design decision.

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Social Gear is just another type of orange gear that is currently broken.


Current Bug: Slave Girl outfit drops the mods when you zone or log in. A player has to take off the outfit and put it back on every time they zone or the mods will be ignored by the system.


I would say the lack of scaling is also a bug/design issue they haven't tackled yet. Why create mods slots for social gear if no one is suppose to use it in combat?


This happens with all the social armor at the moment, even after last night's patch. Drives me nuts having to remember to strip and redress after every single zoning.


I have bug reported this a few times, but honestly it's at a point now where I'm just waiting to get proper armor pieces to replace my modded social gear, and strip out all the good mods I have in it.


Makes it pretty much useless for now in my opinion, aside from the armor type factor.

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I didn't read the entire thread (just the first few pages), but I don't think this is an unfair issue. Everyone has two choices for looks (that are also viable in combat).


HEAVY ARMOR: Choice between Jedi heavy and Trooper heavy.

MEDIUM ARMOR: Choice between Jedi medium and Smuggler medium.

LIGHT ARMOR: Choice between Jedi light and..... and..... yup, Social.


I don't think it gets much simpler than this. I would love for my Scoundrel to wear moddable pilot armor, but if I were a Sage, I would HATE being limited to dresses and lampshades.

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I didn't read the entire thread (just the first few pages), but I don't think this is an unfair issue. Everyone has two choices for looks (that are also viable in combat).


HEAVY ARMOR: Choice between Jedi heavy and Trooper heavy.

MEDIUM ARMOR: Choice between Jedi medium and Smuggler medium.

LIGHT ARMOR: Choice between Jedi light and..... and..... yup, Social.


I don't think it gets much simpler than this. I would love for my Scoundrel to wear moddable pilot armor, but if I were a Sage, I would HATE being limited to dresses and lampshades.


Ok, but then what is the point for other classes than inquisitors and consulars to get social points? As i have not seen that much stuff that needs social rank other than these sets of gear.

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Ok, but then what is the point for other classes than inquisitors and consulars to get social points? As i have not seen that much stuff that needs social rank other than these sets of gear.


True. The social system feels only half fleshed out right now. I'm sure BW will make changes once they have the other kinks worked out of the system.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Make Armor type mods be classified as light/medium/heavy, and let the orange item in question be based off that. Problem solved.




Simple as. Or else it needs to be some of each. Or even better. Make a copy for each armor type for each social piece of equipment. That way you get more moneysinks for no work whatsoever. and people are happy. And I can get Kaliyo look like an Imperial Dancer! :-)



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This particular change in the release version of the game really grinds my gears. All of the previous beta builds that I played had numerous sets of social armor of every type on each planet. It all gets removed and there's no mention of it anywhere. All anyone can do is try and speculate on why it is gone or try and defend another baffling decision from the developers. In all the months I tested I NEVER once read a post or saw another tester type, "Damn, there is just too much Social armor! They need to take it all out except for the light versions!" or, "This color matching system is the worst idea ever - I hope it gets removed from the final build!"


These are features that were universally applauded from all of the testing groups (many of us were combined during the last two months of testing) and serves as a point of contention for many players, as evidenced by this thread. Social armor was a fair and balanced system where every player had a unique look no matter what level they were. I hope it comes back in it's original form at some point in the near future.


The only reason I can see for it's absence is:


1. It was removed to be sold to us at a later date - as DLC.

2. Players were able to obtain a full suit of custom armor faster than the developers would have liked.

Edited by McGristle
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Social Gear should take on whatever type of armor your class wears when purchased. It is all Bind on Pickup so it shouldn't be too hard. Could even be based on what mods and enchancements you put in that changes armor.


Socia Gear is for people who want to look a certain way while they play the game. If you weren't supposed to be able to use Social Gear as actual armor than it shouldn't have been moddable.


Seems silly there is a trooper officer uniform that is only light armor. Give people the option to wear these cool looking outfits and actually be competitive. It is only penalizing certain classes now as light armor classes can wear this gear with no problem. With the changes to gear/mods, people will be able to take end game gear and switch it over to gear they just like the look of. Let Social Gear be usable. Otherwise what is the point of grinding for social points to get some gear you will only wear sometimes when you are making auctions at the fleet?

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If you play a class that uses light armor, Social armor can 100% replace actual armor. It adds a huge amount of what your class can look like.


No it can't because you can't pull all the mods out of the best armor, nor can you take out the set bonuses. Maybe when they add those things they'll address modable armor types.

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As I'm sure most have found there are armor sets with unique looks. Seems like just about every world has one (Aka the sand people armor set on Tatooine). Now at first glance I thought they were just social bits. Dress up if you will. Guild is having a party so go grab your favorite planet's set and dance in style. Then I noticed they can equip mods.


Suddenly, I'm confused.


I've run into several bits of armor that can be modded, and I get the idea. You like the look so instead of replacing with greens and blues whenever they offer you more stats, you keep upgrading the old armor. However, all these bits that I've run across while leveling were usable. Aka I wear medium, I find medium mod-able armor. I wear heavy, I find heavy mod-able armor.


So here is why I'm confused. All the social armor is "Light" armor.


If the purpose of mod-able armor in general is to give the player flexibility in the look of their characters, why is there no Medium or Heavy versions of social gear? A tank that wears heavy armor might like the look of say the balmorra rebels set, but if they go through all the trouble of modding it they have taken a step backward. Yes, they have the same endurance. Yes, they have the same amount of their primary stat. However, they've got about 40% less armor. Aka they take a lot more damage than they should, just because they want to look like they want. For medium it's about a 20% loss in armor.


To clarify, this is the total armor amount, not the amount of damage reduction. Aka a medium armor set could give you 1000 armor total, while the light set would give you 800 armor total, but your damage reduction would change by say 4% (the percent seems to be based on level and a formula that I don't know so just making that number up). However, whatever the number might be, a tank taking more damage is never a good thing. And I'd bet a medium armor wearer is gonna be pissed if they took their fancy soical gear into say a PvP match and got smashed because they just naturally take more damage then they should.


Like I said, I'm confused.


If the purpose of mod-able gear is to give more options, then social gear works against that basic purpose. I've tried to think of why social armor is only light, but I've not gotten a solid idea yet. It's not like the social items give perks. A mod-able light armor chest from a commendation vendor and a mod-able social chest have the same stats when fully modded. So it's not like all tanks would be forced to wear social gear if there were medium and heavy versions.


So my question is: Why is social gear light armor?


It seems to me on the surface a rather simple thing to fix. Duplicate the armors but add a bit to the name and switch the armor type. "Fortified social chest" or "Reinforced social chest" for example.


LOL is this an actual question? Because if they make it light ANYONE can wear it, but if they make it heavy than only 25% of people can wear it. So they obviously made it light so that anyone could have access to it. How would you feel if it were locked as LIGHT ONLY and you couldnt wear it as a heavy or medium armor wearer? That would kind of suck huh, now put yourself in the shoes of the clothies out there that only have access to about 25% of armor sets and bam, there ya go.

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Social gear is not bugged or imbalanced or unfair to med/heavey. It is moddable. Throw in your mods you now have stats that would relate to your med/heavy gear. There is armouring mods for a reason. Tank related mods have additional armour.
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Social gear is not bugged or imbalanced or unfair to med/heavey. It is moddable. Throw in your mods you now have stats that would relate to your med/heavy gear. There is armouring mods for a reason. Tank related mods have additional armour.




Though keep in mind that light armor has a different armor calculation in it then heavy armor. You can test this for yourself. If you have moddable light and heavy armor and put the same armor mods in them, the heavy armor will have more damage mitigation because it will have a higher resulting amror level. This is something that will piss off the min/maxers, but then again everything that is not perfect with gear pisses them off.


NOW, that said, it's isn't that big of a deal. I observed about 4-5% difference in armor mitigation between light and heavy armor with the same mod and 2-3% between light and medium. Min/maxers wil complain (but hey, they wont wear moddable armor anyway, they will just complain that they cant pull mods out of high end drops and put them in moddable armor).


Would it be better to make light/medium/heavy variants of all moddable gear? Not really, because I don't thnk a Sage should be running around in a light variant of Trooper gear. But thy can solve this by putting class restrictions on the gear like they do on some now (but I have issues with that, see below). I do think they will mak medium and heavy variants of light gear at some future point.


The other thing I think they need to do is to remove class restrictions on gear overall though. I had some sweet modable light gear that I wanted to put on Kira. I could not because it was "requires Consular".

Edited by Andryah
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I think a lot of people in this thread are missing the point.



On the Republic side (and probably the same for the empire) if you are a female, light armor wearer you have a HUGE advantage over all other armor classes.


The social armor on Coruscant is modifiable and only costs something like 1200 credits for a full set. Which means that at around level 10 a female, light armor wearer can get armor that they will be able to use all the way through level 50.


Even if you aren't a female character you can get full sets of customizable armor REALLY CHEAP on the first few planets from social vendors if you wear light armor.


Yes, medium and heavy armor people can wear this stuff for looks but as far as use is concerned...Take a light armor and a heavy army of the same level...put the same armoring/mod and enhancement in them...THEY WILL NOT HAVE THE SAME STATS.


The point is: light armor wearers (particularly female characters) can get armor that is essentially elite quality for the entire game VERY CHEAPLY and VERY EARLY. No one else can. Everyone else has to depend on drops/quest rewards or spend around 10,000 creds PER PIECE (as opposed to 1,200 for a full set). This is a major imbalance.

Edited by bigbearlyke
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