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One shots have got to stop


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You may have killed them in one shot, but they were not at 100% shields and hull.


Again, you're wrong. I've had it happen to me on new alts, fresh out of the spawn point and I've done it to people with my mastered GS when they are fresh out of their spawn point. Sitting here and telling us it's impossible doesn't counter the in-game experience people besides me are reporting. The only fresh from spawn ship type I have not been able to one shot is a bomber. Those take 3 or 4 (the 4th usually just a love tap to finish them off.) So, I don't really care how much you say it isn't possible, it happens and with some regularity.

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You may have killed them in one shot, but they were not at 100% shields and hull.


When you say "100% shield" does that take into consideration the fact a stock Strike Fighter runs at 70% shields because of Quick Charge Shields?

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Sorry, but in-game experience says you are wrong. The tool tips may say it's impossible, but I assure you it happens with some regularity. The only class ship my mastered GS hasn't one shotted is a bomber. And I don't use any cheats, and only the slug rail-gun.


Actually there's apparently a method to two shot bombers with maxxed out health.

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I am yet to see a good pilot ever make this type of complaint. You get a kriffing giant red line of text whenever someone gets damage overcharge, is it too much for you to pay attention?


good pilots = gunship pilots anything else is supplemented by gunship pilots on their team

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Sorry, but in-game experience says you are wrong. The tool tips may say it's impossible, but I assure you it happens with some regularity. The only class ship my mastered GS hasn't one shotted is a bomber. And I don't use any cheats, and only the slug rail-gun.



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I checked some math. A fully-charged slug crit using bypass against a strike fighter with charged plating and no health upgrades can just barely go over 1450 damage.


but he claimed he was one-shotted five times, I highly doubt he would take five bypassed slug crits a one game.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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well you get one shotted in sting/flashfire by gs but thats ok scouts are squishy and its ok if you want to 1shot ppl get GS too, its simple as that.... u have choice and u live with your choice i got 3 chars that i run GSF with and one is pure Scout other one is GS and the last one is SF and Bomber mashup i can play all classes kinda ok

if are just dumb and u fly against proton torps or head on against bursts your fault

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If I crit, I can one shot a scout. My highest crit number that I've seen (I'll take a pic next time I see it, or will try to at least) has been 2400. I definitely don't think 100% of that went to hull and was probably min'd out by shields and what have you, but I've seen a 2400 red indicator pop up on a strike fighter and he didn't die. I don't use bypass, but still... The only time I'm able to consistently one shot anything is with Damage Overcharge. You just CAN'T take strikes down with 1 slug, even if fully charged. Calling BS on this one
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Gunship slug rail crits at max charge can one shot newer ships without damage overcharge though Crin.


Only if they are running charged plating.


The only way to one shot a non-charged plating is hitting a scout with a slug, but you need both bypass up and a crit, something that is rare.

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The only way to one shot a non-charged plating is hitting a scout with a slug, but you need both bypass up and a crit, something that is rare.


(it's still bull, you should never go from full shields to dead unless you asteroid yourself)

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but he claimed he was one-shotted five times, I highly doubt he would take five bypassed slug crits a one game.


Which says there's a problem, correct? Since it did happen to me and I've done it to other people. Something is wrong and needs to be fixed.

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Which says there's a problem, correct? Since it did happen to me and I've done it to other people. Something is wrong and needs to be fixed.


That's why your the only person, ever, to actually have this happen to them. The only thing that one-shots me are asteroids and I'm a frigging scout.

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That's why your the only person, ever, to actually have this happen to them. The only thing that one-shots me are asteroids and I'm a frigging scout.


BS. Other people in this thread have said it happened and I've told you I've done it to other people, fresh from their spawn point. Personally, I don't give a damn if you think it happens or not as long as BW fixes it.

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BS. Other people in this thread have said it happened and I've told you I've done it to other people, fresh from their spawn point. Personally, I don't give a damn if you think it happens or not as long as BW fixes it.


How is BW supposed to fix something that happens only once in a blue moon when the stars align?

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How is BW supposed to fix something that happens only once in a blue moon when the stars align?


By making it impossible to happen even then.


I personally think burst capabilities across the board are too strong, and as a result strikes are too weak.

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