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Everything posted by RipperTheMad

  1. i was always happy when i overleveled cause it made it easier for me i dont want to have struggle to exp to be stuck on one guy and cry for help in chat. this is just ridiculous... ye i can see pvp server benefit in low lvl areas but as i said if im on pve it gives me nothing absolutely nothing. its no fun for me if i cant have the benfit of high level
  2. level sync ruins all the fun in being high level character on low level planet. this is why i hated guild wars every single zone kept owning my character because there was some rtard npc that owned everyone. i dont like that at all. i play on pve server and lvl sync has no point there as you cant kill other unless they are flagged for pvp so i think on pve its absolutely useless. i do want to go to taris and murder every single raghoul with one slash i rly do
  3. i changed all possible things i can change in terms of security so if you are reading this you douche dont do that your settings only ****d mine and i had put stuff back to order..... go harass your mother .....
  4. but its so wierd .... dude intended to keep my acc as his own he dind send any money anywhere the equpied stuff stayed and he just sold crafting stuff and some stuff from packs i was about to sell anyway but worst thing is u usually get like any email for one time pass and **** like that this time i got no post about the hacker changing email or pass, support told me it was some chineese email
  5. i do have smartphone ... but its windows phone : ( even wow supports wp but ..... or they even have sms codes ... so does origin why not SWToR.... taht dude inteded to keep and my acc ... what a *** he just sold those items mentioned above
  6. so my acc got hacked i kinda fixed it but that douche sold all my crafting tier 9 items (all of them from all other chars) and sold some stuff from my bank is there like any way i could get those things back ? oh ye + he used my CCs to get himself a rocket boost (yes i posted ticket ingame but i ask you guys if any of you ever experienced something like this before)
  7. Red Eclipse : Rep : Scavi, Tigrah(i hope i wrote it right), Heylan Imp : Devidose
  8. so there would be absolutely no reason to pick Sniper bcs you could have sniper rifle on every other char
  9. why wouldnt i choose Heavy armor over light with double bladed saber oh look you can choose really crappy paper guy or rly ****** heavy armored guy and then choose weapon ... umm thats up to you you know bcs this game has diversity in it -_- why not give commando sniper rifle then ?
  10. oh mai i cant wait if they release infiltrator class with stealth and **** how everyone will gooo **** its imposible he just pop by me and instakills me **** nerf theeem nerf everything but mee its gonna be hilarious if they did this by your comments here we all would have same hp same damage ( hp like 10k and dmg like 100, so it would prevent ik), same components same range, no pickups no obstacles on maps ... you guys just cry on forum hoping for a change .. gg guys gg i now get why are some teams so stupid
  11. cmon this is bad idea bcs it takes diversity from games ... you wanna have staff ? go for assassin/shadow its bad enuf you can be PUREBLOOD consular but if you start to mesh all classes/species/sides together you could just play twilek jedi juggernaut in light armor running around shooting people with sniper rifle its not gud idea sry
  12. i would love to see more of Revan but not as enemy, i dont rly care if it would be ghost or something else but yeah id like to see more of him in some story
  13. nerf everything ... you guys are like **** i am playing scout and this GS is killing me so much remove them or nerf thats you guys i dont say i am super invicible but i dealt with it
  14. I would call it Hero Class Fighters and for the sake of balace they would all have same stats for every class... i know same stats is boring but since you only get 1 of those ships it must be balanced
  15. well you get one shotted in sting/flashfire by gs but thats ok scouts are squishy and its ok if you want to 1shot ppl get GS too, its simple as that.... u have choice and u live with your choice i got 3 chars that i run GSF with and one is pure Scout other one is GS and the last one is SF and Bomber mashup i can play all classes kinda ok if are just dumb and u fly against proton torps or head on against bursts your fault
  16. Seismic Mine explosion does damage trough obstacles .... I am absolutely sure about this, and i hope someone else noticed this aswell I am ok with dmg and everything but sorry when i die just bcs i was on the other side of that rock ... thats not cool:mad:
  17. such a show off ... i lold Nominees: Red Eclipse : Imp : Kurlag - for his gs carry Rep: again Scavii - for his never ending bober support
  18. have u ever tried combining rapid fire and blaster overcharge plus frequency capacitor ? maaaaaan
  19. Since i'm more of a support player than killer my ratios arent high but i have pretty good obj stats and i help others to take kills with ion cannons on my sf or my shield healing drone as bomber
  20. The Red Eclipse Scavii - Republic Bomber
  21. *double post* Can we atleast get like date when in April ? 8th ? mid April ? April 27th ? May 1st ? Could we like see yellow text swing by and clarify stuff
  22. it was not mentioned anywhere on site here everyone got excited in insider vid we can see it in collection half a month (maybe more) and still nothing i thought we get it in 2.6.2 patch but noooo we get it in April ... maybe
  23. damn it but i want Razalon for my zabrak assasin
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