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One shots have got to stop


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What's the point of playing when an unmodded strike gets one shotted repeatedly. You claim it isn't gear, but I call BS. It's ALL about gear in GSF. Fix it. I was just in a 50 to 5 match where I got one shotted by gunships 4 times in an unmodified strike fighter. This is totally stupid game design. When I play a character with modded ships they can compete, I get good scores. When I play one without mods, I stand no chance at all. The GSF team needs to get in and fix this. I did BETA testing and liked GSF and still do, but this is crazy. Why play when you stand no chance?
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  1. There is no strike fighter build that can be one-shotted, even by a crit, without damage overcharge.
  2. If you do well in an upgraded ship and poorly in an unupgraded one, you are probably a bad pilot.


1) I don't care what causes it, 1 shots are absolutely terrible game design. Period.

2) Really? You don't know me, haven't seen me fly and have an opinion of my skill?

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1) I don't care what causes it, 1 shots are absolutely terrible game design. Period.

2) Really? You don't know me, haven't seen me fly and have an opinion of my skill?


I am yet to see a good pilot ever make this type of complaint. You get a kriffing giant red line of text whenever someone gets damage overcharge, is it too much for you to pay attention?

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You are letting your frustration cause you to exaggerate. I don't feel that one-shots are horrible game design. Most games have a one shot death. FPS games have head-shots, knife in the back, point blank grenade explosions, etc. Even the swtor ground game operation bosses have one shot mechanics if you don't do things right.


If you are dying a lot to damage overcharge then maybe you need to pay attention to your messages and take note who picks them up and kill him first or at least harass him until it wears off. Outside of that if you are claiming shot shots then you are just exaggerating because as people have said you can't get one shot by anything else on a strike.

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4 one shots in a 6 minute match and 3 from people who didn't even show up on the radar. Not much you can do to avoid that, now is there? Yes, I'm frustrated. I actually like this game. Imagine how many people run into those matches once or twice and never come back? That's poor design pure and simple.
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I started leveling an alt and the main problems I've found compared to flying my mastered star guard on my main is that the tactics I'm used to didn't necessarily work either because I hadn't unlocked the components I liked yet or because I just hadn't unlocked the tiers that made those tactics feasible.


Once I adapted my strategy to account for that I did fine. Mostly what I end up thinking during a match is "shoot if only this was my main I could use tactic XYZ to kill that guy!" not "shoot my components are totally insufficient to kill that guy!"


Is anyone really surprised that a fully mastered ship has wider range of tactical options than a ship that is not fully mastered yet? No one is really surprised that a level 12 DPS toon doesn't have the full DPS rotation and tactical flexibility a level 55 has. But honestly a level 12 would have no chance against a level 55 in the ground game whereas in GSF a little tactical thought that accounts for the gear difference can go a long way towards evening the odds.


Now this all being said I play pub on JC where the pubs have a slight advantage over imps. So it probably helps that my team is generally going to have an edge in skill or be even with the imps skill wise.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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4 one shots in a 6 minute match and 3 from people who didn't even show up on the radar. Not much you can do to avoid that, now is there? Yes, I'm frustrated. I actually like this game. Imagine how many people run into those matches once or twice and never come back? That's poor design pure and simple.


Woah, woah, woah, a six-minute TDM match?


Either you had the worst team ever, were flying against the best team ever, or somebody's overvaluing their abilities.

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I've been in a TDM match today that ended 3 to 50, we had 2 bombers (a mine layer and drone carrier) covering 3 gunships with 3 flashfires riddling with missiles anyone who managed to get past he GS fire and mines/drones...


By the end of the match I saw one guy spawn, fly to us get one shot by one of the GS, re-spawn Barrel Roll, get one shot by the same GS, this happened 2 more time before he and other stopped spawning in the same place and moved to another point.


It was horrible, the one or 2 guys who regularly managed to get a couple pod shots at the GSs went up in smoke the next second and to add insult to explosive decompression the repair drone negated their efforts.


So yeah, a GS can one shot a Strike Fighter over and over, I've seeing it no later then tonight.

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unmodified strike fighter


Why? Are you purposely not spending your reqs? Thats like asking why I can't do lvl 55 pvp or pve in my green armor. Do you remember those days? Just hitting max lvl 50, forced into a new bracket of play wearing nothing but crap gear? Before the days Bioware handed out a free set of starter gear? That was bad game design, giving folks a pass on grinding. Take your licks and get better.


And don't give me bs that its a new character, grab the daily, play a match and boom...first upgrade.

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Woah, woah, woah, a six-minute TDM match?


Either you had the worst team ever, were flying against the best team ever, or somebody's overvaluing their abilities.


6 mins. We had 5 people with 2 ships, two with 3 and one with 4. They had 7 with 5 and 1 with 3. Great matchmaking there.... My team got 5 or 6 kills.

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Why? Are you purposely not spending your reqs? Thats like asking why I can't do lvl 55 pvp or pve in my green armor. Do you remember those days? Just hitting max lvl 50, forced into a new bracket of play wearing nothing but crap gear? Before the days Bioware handed out a free set of starter gear? That was bad game design, giving folks a pass on grinding. Take your licks and get better.


And don't give me bs that its a new character, grab the daily, play a match and boom...first upgrade.


I started a new character on a different server. No reqs built up. And, you can't grab the daily until you get to fleet.

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Gunships can not one shot strike fighters without damage over charge period. Your anecdotal evidence does not change the math. A fully upgraded slug railgun set up with maximum shield bypass can not do enough damage in one shot to kill a strike fighter even if they get a critical hit. Edited by Lendul
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4 one shots in a 6 minute match and 3 from people who didn't even show up on the radar. Not much you can do to avoid that, now is there? Yes, I'm frustrated. I actually like this game. Imagine how many people run into those matches once or twice and never come back? That's poor design pure and simple.


In order:


* They're right, you know. There isn't a single SF build that can be one-shot by a single GS, even a mastered GS vs. stock SF straight outta the hangar. The math simply isn't there, and math doesn't lie. (Statistics do, but generally not in a mathy way. But I digress.) Can you verify that you're not being tag-teamed? We have several good GS pilots on Ebon Hawk that like to do that and are very, very good at it.


* Okay, now I'm a little more convinced you ran into skilled GS pilots working as a team. If they weren't on your radar, it's because they know what they're doing with their signal suppression. Some can suppress at ranges of over 11 km. That's why communication among teammates is so important.


* We'll combine the rest and wrap this up here: I understand you're frustrated, but don't presume everyone feels or acts exactly as you do when confronted with a good GS pilot (or three). I know one guy on the Imperial side of TEH who had every RIGHT to give up on GSF because, simply put, the teammates he had around him at the time were terribad.


He stuck with it, though, and now Fiveoffive has my deepest respect. As well as a decent Scout piloting technique.


But you appear to have responded by blaming the game itself, claiming "poor design". If it is, indeed, poor design as you claim and not, say, a mental approach to playing the game that hinders you, then it should be as simple as replicating the imbalance in question (as the imbalance you claim is present would be present, also, for you and all you'd have to do is one-shot a stock SF to demonstrate).


I eagerly await replication of this issue; in the event that it cannot be replicated, might I suggest trying the Pike with Charged Plating and Nullify for a crew skill? Nothing - and I mean NOTHING - can one-shot THAT. ;) -bp

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What's the point of playing when an unmodded strike gets one shotted repeatedly. You claim it isn't gear, but I call BS. It's ALL about gear in GSF. Fix it. I was just in a 50 to 5 match where I got one shotted by gunships 4 times in an unmodified strike fighter. This is totally stupid game design. When I play a character with modded ships they can compete, I get good scores. When I play one without mods, I stand no chance at all. The GSF team needs to get in and fix this. I did BETA testing and liked GSF and still do, but this is crazy. Why play when you stand no chance?


if your getting one shotted all the time, firstly:


!) it may feel like it, but if two gunships working together hit you at about same time one with ion railgun and the other slug it would feel like you been one shotted but you havnt.


2) Damage overcharge is operpowered at the min and in the hands of a good gunship ya doomed no matter what class u play, what mods you got.


3) this is most important one, LEARN,


i fly a unmodified scout, and a unmodified strike fighter and can still take gunships out and finish top 3 each game, mods are nice cherry on the cake but GSF is not about mods its about skill, you need to learn the gunship, know its strengths, weakness same with all class of ships.


example: you have no engine power, you brake the 15k range point ya toast with no escape.


the number of scouts, strike fighters that take a direct path to me when im on a gunship and wonder why they die one after another, other night i was sat on a base as they came 1 by 1, 2 by 2 what ever and all died, THEN one guy suddenly came from no where BEHIND me throw me completely off guard i killed him but was bout destroyed but then his mates from other side managed to get to me and finish me off, the point is even the best of the best on any server can be over thrown if you make him fight on YOUR terms.


Learn the ranges, learn the recharge times, learn the rate of turning,


I fly every ship because coz i want to be able to kill everything and be good at every ship class.


Little tip, i guarentee you any experienced gunship that u spot and start heading towards if your in his area off sight will have clocked you and the moment you brake the 15k range hes already got a fully charged ion railgun ready to hit you at 14900 range, then at approx 11500k a slug railgun charge to finish you off. This doesnt mean there OP, it means your fighting him on his terms, he mostlike knows your class and u dont know his, GSF has a learning curve and you could have fully maxed ships and it wont make a damn bit of difference if you havnt even learned what i put above.


Try next time u respawn, instead off hitting that barrel roll, space baring all the way to the fight, cruise for a second look at what enemy ships are where, where your team mates are, is there a defensive line they have, and when u find your gunship target, target him, look at ya map gives u idea direction he facing, then plan ya attack, ofc all that happens in seconds so start learning and wish you best of luck.

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If you do well in an upgraded ship and poorly in an unupgraded one, you are probably a bad pilot.


Or it could be something to do with the fact that upgraded ships have significant advantages in DPS, range, missile lock time, railgun charge time, crit chance, weapon/shield/engine ability power usage, total weapon/shield/engine power pool, weapon/shield/engine recharge speed, speed, agility, health/evasion, sensor range/damping.


And access to outright better abilities, with shorter cooldowns - barrel roll, distortion field, fortress shield, blaster overcharge, shield piercing copilot ability, armour-ignoring slug railgun, AE-damage ion railgun, and so on.


Did I miss anything?


I recently rolled a new character, and the fact I run out of blaster/engine power much more quickly is evident. Skill is always a factor, but non-upgraded fighters suck.

Edited by Rigsta
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Just the part where good pilots do well in stock ships because player skill is so much more important than upgrades.


I can do well in a stock ship as well. That damage number you achieved looks very similar to region I hit when the enemy team doesn't harass my gunship. If that was with a stock strike fighter or scout, props. If it was a gunship that kinda defeats the point as new pilots don't have gunships.


(edit, misread the other team's score as it was obscured)


But I can do much better in an upgraded one. There some very obvious examples:



  • Times I eat a missile with less than 5 seconds left on barrel roll
  • Much better travel times with upgraded barrel roll and engine power/speed.
  • Wishing I HAD barrel roll (koiogran turn? pah)
  • Run out of weapon power after 3 railgun shots (or is it 4?)
  • Running out of engine power much faster than the other guy


This is frustrating for me as an experienced pilot, but it must be outright painful as a new pilot.

Edited by Rigsta
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I can do well in a stock ship as well. That damage number you achieved looks very similar to region I hit when the enemy team doesn't harass my gunship. If that was with a stock strike fighter or scout, props. If it was a gunship that kinda defeats the point as new pilots don't have gunships.


Yep playing against a bad enemy team while you are on a good team is probably the greatest skill you can have in this game.

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if your getting one shotted all the time, firstly:


!) it may feel like it, but if two gunships working together hit you at about same time one with ion railgun and the other slug it would feel like you been one shotted but you havnt.


2) Damage overcharge is operpowered at the min and in the hands of a good gunship ya doomed no matter what class u play, what mods you got.


3) this is most important one, LEARN,


i fly a unmodified scout, and a unmodified strike fighter and can still take gunships out and finish top 3 each game, mods are nice cherry on the cake but GSF is not about mods its about skill, you need to learn the gunship, know its strengths, weakness same with all class of ships.


example: you have no engine power, you brake the 15k range point ya toast with no escape.


the number of scouts, strike fighters that take a direct path to me when im on a gunship and wonder why they die one after another, other night i was sat on a base as they came 1 by 1, 2 by 2 what ever and all died, THEN one guy suddenly came from no where BEHIND me throw me completely off guard i killed him but was bout destroyed but then his mates from other side managed to get to me and finish me off, the point is even the best of the best on any server can be over thrown if you make him fight on YOUR terms.


Learn the ranges, learn the recharge times, learn the rate of turning,


I fly every ship because coz i want to be able to kill everything and be good at every ship class.


Little tip, i guarentee you any experienced gunship that u spot and start heading towards if your in his area off sight will have clocked you and the moment you brake the 15k range hes already got a fully charged ion railgun ready to hit you at 14900 range, then at approx 11500k a slug railgun charge to finish you off. This doesnt mean there OP, it means your fighting him on his terms, he mostlike knows your class and u dont know his, GSF has a learning curve and you could have fully maxed ships and it wont make a damn bit of difference if you havnt even learned what i put above.


Try next time u respawn, instead off hitting that barrel roll, space baring all the way to the fight, cruise for a second look at what enemy ships are where, where your team mates are, is there a defensive line they have, and when u find your gunship target, target him, look at ya map gives u idea direction he facing, then plan ya attack, ofc all that happens in seconds so start learning and wish you best of luck.



all good advice from a good player of Gunships


if you see someone get damage overcharge just stay away from them, if its a gunship it will just blast you away before you even see them.

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  1. There is no strike fighter build that can be one-shotted, even by a crit, without damage overcharge.


I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially if the strike has reduced power to shields. I personally have witnessed a GS taking out multiple ships of all classes all one shots. While it is possible he did collect that many overcharges, the players I was with were also reporting a massive amount of one shot deaths.


Our theory was that this person was getting super accuracy, moreover this was also a person who should have been a known player on the server based on his performance but this was not the case. Nor is this person listed on the Aces thread. If this person was simply using an aim exploit then yes it is very possible to one shot a strike with enough accuracy.

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I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially if the strike has reduced power to shields. I personally have witnessed a GS taking out multiple ships of all classes all one shots. While it is possible he did collect that many overcharges, the players I was with were also reporting a massive amount of one shot deaths.


Our theory was that this person was getting super accuracy, moreover this was also a person who should have been a known player on the server based on his performance but this was not the case. Nor is this person listed on the Aces thread. If this person was simply using an aim exploit then yes it is very possible to one shot a strike with enough accuracy.

I am sure about that. It is not possible for a gunship to do 1450 hull damage with undamaged shields. Damage over charge is the only way for a gunship to one shot a strike fighter. Edited by Lendul
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I am sure about that. It is not possible for a gunship to do 1450 hull damage with undamaged shields. Damage over charge is the only way for a gunship to one shot a strike fighter.


Sorry, but in-game experience says you are wrong. The tool tips may say it's impossible, but I assure you it happens with some regularity. The only class ship my mastered GS hasn't one shotted is a bomber. And I don't use any cheats, and only the slug rail-gun.

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Sorry, but in-game experience says you are wrong. The tool tips may say it's impossible, but I assure you it happens with some regularity. The only class ship my mastered GS hasn't one shotted is a bomber. And I don't use any cheats, and only the slug rail-gun.
You may have killed them in one shot, but they were not at 100% shields and hull.
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