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Love the concept behind ESO PvP.. Thoughts for SWTOR?


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Good enough that I'll be double-subbing at some point to check it out further.


I'd link you a PVP vid but they all seem to feature backpeddlers fighting NPCs :confused:


Created an account.. Did a crash course in the lay of the land.


No early.access ramping?

3 realms..

Many combos for roles.



Methinks bye bye for now SWTOR. Even if its not great, its probably easier to stomach than getting the "No" answer to all PvP issues.



[Edit]My buddy also said he loved the ES on 360... So with that thumbs up. Any guilds recruiting?:rak_02:

Edited by L-RANDLE
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However if the dip in frames when I pass the GTN is any indication of how SWTOR handles a dense group of 50 - 100 players then I would wait till they optimize their game engine for dealing with large groups of enemies before looking to see anything like the PvP in DAoC or GW2.


Just FYI, they licensed the same engine as this game. Meaning the potential is there to have the same problems as we had with Ilum at launch.


From what I played, it doesn't feel as bad frame wise, and the game runs pretty smooth. The problem with ESO is the clunky controls and mechanics, which are much more suited for a console controller. I didn't play long though, because my opinion was it is a steaming pile of *******.


As far as having that kind of OWPVP for SWTOR? I'd love it. It could be done to. It won't get accomplished though, because EA as a whole won't give this game's developers the budget nor the manpower to do it. Their plan is to ride this until the wheels fall off.

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Just FYI, they licensed the same engine as this game. Meaning the potential is there to have the same problems as we had with Ilum at launch.


From what I played, it doesn't feel as bad frame wise, and the game runs pretty smooth. The problem with ESO is the clunky controls and mechanics, which are much more suited for a console controller. I didn't play long though, because my opinion was it is a steaming pile of *******.


As far as having that kind of OWPVP for SWTOR? I'd love it. It could be done to. It won't get accomplished though, because EA as a whole won't give this game's developers the budget nor the manpower to do it. Their plan is to ride this until the wheels fall off.


No, it is not the same engine. SWTOR took the Hero Engine while it was in beta and heavily modified it prior to a lot of fixes it got to where it was so different by then, they could not use those fixes. ESO took the Hero Engine well after beta and after the fixes and I assume modified it as well.


The combat is that of Skyrim with hotkeys added in. That's pretty much it. It's not really clunky at all unless the user is clunky.


I don't even know that it could. They had issues with Illum at launch and that was not even close to the numbers I have seen in Cyrodiil just in Beta and Illum was a slideshow.


In my wildest dreams, they do something like Final Fantasy did by shutting down and relaunching with RR, but as you said with EA, I seriously doubt it. I just loved this game as well, but the underlying issues of no cross server, no way to have bigger battles even if it just means larger scale warzones, along with so many other "no" anything stacked on top of a cracked foundation is only going to make it collapse on its own weight.

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. The problem with ESO is the clunky controls and mechanics, which are much more suited for a console controller. I didn't play long though, because my opinion was it is a steaming pile of *******.




I participated in in multiple TESO betas but came away thinking much the same thing.

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Whats your thoughts?


My thoughts are that what matters most is the vibe and atmosphere.

The concept is not bad on paper,but i can't stand ESO ,despite the fact that i am a vivid Elder Scrolls fan and a living encyclopedia on it's lore ,so it's a no.

It felt as if i was playing Guild Wars 2(which i tried and then refunded) in Tamriel.


The ES franchise is not meant for mmo or any kind of multiplayer in my view.

Edited by Kaedusz
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No, it is not the same engine. SWTOR took the Hero Engine while it was in beta and heavily modified it prior to a lot of fixes it got to where it was so different by then, they could not use those fixes. ESO took the Hero Engine well after beta and after the fixes and I assume modified it as well.


The combat is that of Skyrim with hotkeys added in. That's pretty much it. It's not really clunky at all unless the user is clunky.


I don't even know that it could. They had issues with Illum at launch and that was not even close to the numbers I have seen in Cyrodiil just in Beta and Illum was a slideshow.


In my wildest dreams, they do something like Final Fantasy did by shutting down and relaunching with RR, but as you said with EA, I seriously doubt it. I just loved this game as well, but the underlying issues of no cross server, no way to have bigger battles even if it just means larger scale warzones, along with so many other "no" anything stacked on top of a cracked foundation is only going to make it collapse on its own weight.


I said they licensed the same engine, which they in fact did. I never said the problems that exist here will exist there, just that there is the potential. As for the for the clunky controls, I'm talking about responsiveness not layout. Mechanics....bare bones. I like a lot of slotted abilities to use. It rewards smarter players and adds at the very least something of a strategy past rock, paper, scissors. What they have now will work now. People will be bored 6 months in though.


FWIW, I hope it works out for all of you that plan to go. Don't mistake me for a white knighting defender of all things SWTOR. I understand why you're going, I just don't see a reason to at this point. Besides, I'll be doing the Destiny beta soon.

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ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Skills in SWTOR!!!!!!!!!!! you mean stuns, right?


Believe it or not, coordinating CC and avoiding a white bar does in fact take skill. CC's are key in arenas which is why bad players don't like it. They don't know when to break or when to cc or when to focus. They just go all out on one target.

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