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A thank you to all who helped us kill Dread Entity, and a call for some advice.


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Hey B.C.


I wanna start this thread by saying that this isn't an official notice of a progression clear. As we we're short 3 members of what makes our ops team the 10 necessary players to continue to post as an ops team, i am just shouting out thank you's and asking for advice, as you will see within...


Last Night a month of practice came to fruition as Dread Entity's health bar ticked down to 0%. Even though it wont be the clear that we post under our team name, it felt great to finally down that beast. Some may say that DE isnt hard, or a challenge, and thats fine for them, but this was a great feat for us and myself as a tank. Trying with 2-3 pulls a time once a week usually, we made a lot of mistakes and tried a lot of different strategy. In the end we found that using every single inch of space given to us was what was called for. Being calm, and having everyone know where they were supposed to be at all times helped. Without the leadership of Gridirongrace and Shrederat, we also would have been lost. I wanna thank the people we pugged from fleet for that run, and (the main reason for this post) I wanna thank the B.C. community, all the people who gave us such great advice, and came on our practice runs to give us corrections and critique. I think our server is a great place, and the people here are definitely some of the best in the game, thanks all.


As I mentioned above, I need to call on the community for some more advice, because after a few more orbs are in our possession we are taking the next logical step...Hateful Entity! BomBomBom

I know in terms of the progression forum, Hateful has not been done much but i also know that not everyone posts their clears. So i ask the community at large to please, if you can, post in this thread any advice or tricks you may have to help us become Eternal Warriors. Your guys' time and advice are much appreciated


As one last side note, I know that for a progression forum post, a screenshot is needed, and I want to post one here as well. If i am not successful with posting the screenshot on this post, can someone please tell this tard how to do it, lol

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Hi as far as i am aware no one on bc has cleared hateful ( beside those who payed aurum.) however a few guilds that transfered off bc have namely both epic/ epic gaming and hit and run/ textbook execution. i am only occasionally online on bc in epic and thorazine is once in a while on bc also ( not sure on who.) and i would be glad to offer any advice about the fight i can. if u want me to hop online just send me a pm.
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Congratulations on the long haul man. I just showed up for the fight and was very glad to have been a part of it. Was fun as heck, and well organized and executed. All those leading the raid were very good to those of us who just showed up and did not know the fight.
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A word of advice: take the gear check seriously.


When my group first downed the Dreadful Entity, we immediately went into working on the Hateful as a means of progression. However, after spending two weekends on pulling the boss, our group found themselves celebrating after managing to get the boss under 90% health.


The Hateful is a pretty substantial step up from the Dreadful, and if you guys were struggling this long to finally down him, then you should probably look into better gearing yourselves before you make a serious attempt at the Hateful. The check calls for a minimum of Kell Dragon gear, so I wouldn't advise pulling it until you have a good majority of your group decked out in Dread Forged, especially the mainhands.


Good luck to you though, you'd be the first group to down HE here if you pull it off though!

Edited by ZooMzy
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I agree with Zu and that loser Ammut, you need to have 78 mainhands before you even attempt the hateful. In my opinion it is the toughest boss in the game, even though in 78s you technically over gear the instance. Unless you are clearing 16 man hm DP consistently, I do not think your group has the coordination to take down the hateful. I know this may sound mean, but I am just being honest and truthful with you.
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I agree with Zu and that loser Ammut, you need to have 78 mainhands before you even attempt the hateful. In my opinion it is the toughest boss in the game, even though in 78s you technically over gear the instance. Unless you are clearing 16 man hm DP consistently, I do not think your group has the coordination to take down the hateful. I know this may sound mean, but I am just being honest and truthful with you.


Can I raid tonight babes? My shadow is itching to kill something :rak_01:

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I agree with Zu and that loser Ammut, you need to have 78 mainhands before you even attempt the hateful. In my opinion it is the toughest boss in the game, even though in 78s you technically over gear the instance. Unless you are clearing 16 man hm DP consistently, I do not think your group has the coordination to take down the hateful. I know this may sound mean, but I am just being honest and truthful with you.


You do not Need 78 mainhands as Severity showed that it was possible to do it without them.

However 78 mainhands would make the fight alot easier as the DPS check is tight and having more DPS would give you more margin for error.

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You do not Need 78 mainhands as Severity showed that it was possible to do it without them.

However 78 mainhands would make the fight alot easier as the DPS check is tight and having more DPS would give you more margin for error.


While this may be true, in the case of these guys, they are not world first top tier raiders so they will need 78 mainhands to do it. At this point in the game its easier to get 78 mhs than 75s. I think instead of everyone here trying to give advice for the boss, this group should be clearing the progression content that is meant to be done before this boss. Either NiM SV or Hm palace.

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Well, good luck on Hateful Entity!


I have plans to renew the progression format for secret bosses. Whichever guild/ops group that got the server first on Hateful Entity are in for a pleasant surprise (only epeen-wise, nothing materialistic)

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Well, good luck on Hateful Entity!


I have plans to renew the progression format for secret bosses. Whichever guild/ops group that got the server first on Hateful Entity are in for a pleasant surprise (only epeen-wise, nothing materialistic)


I haz proof I soloed it.

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While this may be true, in the case of these guys, they are not world first top tier raiders so they will need 78 mainhands to do it. At this point in the game its easier to get 78 mhs than 75s. I think instead of everyone here trying to give advice for the boss, this group should be clearing the progression content that is meant to be done before this boss. Either NiM SV or Hm palace.


babe your soo smart...;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

also i would personally work as a 16 man team on some NiM content two reasons:

1) most of the fights in NiM TFB 16 man are easier than hateful so if you are having problems there you need to work on them

2) as of 2.7 with the NiM lockouts being different to hard you will need to clear SV Nim to even access hateful and hateful in my opinion is easier than some of the fights in Nim SV


even a lot of the guilds here (harbinger) will be screwed as i know a few guilds that have cleared hateful but wont have the team to clear Nim SV


and also the whole don't need 78 MH thing, yes technically the fight is tuned for 75s, but don't forget severity gaming was the ONLY guild WORLDWIDE to do at progression level

and i am pretty sure their team was fully decked in BiS 75 or close to, and 78 MH much easier to get than 75

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