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Why the Changes


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So why was it necessary to remove the capital ships ability to destroy enemies? Was base camping really that bad? Now that there is no spawn protection the enemy can camp spawns with mines???? Who thought that was a good idea? I had high hopes for GSF but all where crushed, with the insane disparity between a fresh player and anyone who's semi upgraded in addition to the unforgiving physics makes this a game mode far to frustrating to seek more. I hope more is done to even the playing field for new players because no one wants to eat **** for 50 games before they can even compete with the general populous.
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Yes it was necessary because the match turned into a giant GS turtle fest. The kicker is, removing the turrets turned it into Farmville. The one decent thing is at least with the current state of no turrets the match ends very quickly.
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Your really walking the QQ line there, especially the second half of your post.


The reason they stripped lasers from cap ships is because GS were not dying. Which is no big deal in Domination and hence the ship turrets are still there. However in TDM the only thing that matters is kills. So if GS are barrel rolling away at 10% health and you give up a point if you follow then your basically down 2 points while that GS can heal up and rejoin the fight.


There cannot be a place for any ship to escape death and also rack up a point for their own team without aiming or firing a shot.

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I still think the simplest fix for the cap ships was to turn off the turrets on the winning team, and turn them both off if the match is even. Not sure how complex this would be for them to do, but it seems to be the most sensible approach (at least it removes the winning team turret camping) - (or even better a static protected no entry spawn that you have to leave in a certain amount of time after spawning)


I dont look forward to chasing people back to cap ships again, but its far better than the current easily exploitable spawns. I know people can switch. but it still seems a tad silly to me.


Another thing like this is Barrel Roll, instead of doing a minor nerf they are doubling it.... same logic and same result (I forsee) at some point in the future they will end up back peddling on both (to some degree or another)


This appears to be a symptom of all game developers. Refusal to see easy answers right in front of them resulting in a series of over nerf / buff that sometimes never ends. They only learn in retrospect unfortunately.

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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People raged on the internets, thread after thread of butthurts crying about being camped. But this was all lies. The experience (it's not gear) gap between the pre-release players and the "two ships" was way too far. We've all suggested what seems to be 1000s of things, trainers, required simulator matches, expanded tutorials, etc to help.


The devs have done nothing and said nothing but the knee jerk reaction of taking the turrets off the capitals ships and adding extra spawn points. It created yet another problem for the "two ships"', they don't have a clue how to switch their damn spawn points.

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I honestly starting to believe they don't have a firm ideal they want to do with gsf. Its just minor tweaks that don't really make a lot of since or do much to make it a better game. Yeah dont expect much btw There will never be any real match macting cause at this point gsf is not big enough to permit 30 mins for a pop would just kill it.
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So why was it necessary to remove the capital ships ability to destroy enemies? Was base camping really that bad? Now that there is no spawn protection the enemy can camp spawns with mines???? Who thought that was a good idea? I had high hopes for GSF but all where crushed, with the insane disparity between a fresh player and anyone who's semi upgraded in addition to the unforgiving physics makes this a game mode far to frustrating to seek more. I hope more is done to even the playing field for new players because no one wants to eat **** for 50 games before they can even compete with the general populous.


Yes base camping really was that bad. I was in a lot of matches where all the other side did was sit in gunships over their capitals and snipe us. There was pretty much nothing we could do except die or ignore them and go flying round the map for 10 minutes only to lose anyway because there is always some noob who will fly into the wall of death repeatedly.


As for "oh noes they mined my spawn point"... you have 3 spawns available to you, use another one. I have never seen more than 1 spawn point camped.


Unforgiving physics? Were you hoping for a physics model where you could fly through asteroids? The physics model in GSF is very forgiving, try flying a proper flight sim or something like Kerbal Space Program then come back and talk to me about physics.

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all 3 spawn points can now be locked down with 3 gunships and 3 bombers... it's that easy...


It's not that easy. You can avoid being spawn camped with a little effort. I have yet to see a team successfully camp more than one spawn and even that isn't terribly hard to avoid. I've been on some terrible teams and have yet to be successfully spawn camped.

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It's not that easy. You can avoid being spawn camped with a little effort. I have yet to see a team successfully camp more than one spawn and even that isn't terribly hard to avoid. I've been on some terrible teams and have yet to be successfully spawn camped.


Yeah. If something like that was happening... there was a major skill gap between the two teams


Also, sometimes the "spawncamping" happens organically- One team gradually gets pushed back to near the spawn, and the fight just stays there for the rest of the match. If people aren't shifting their spawn points when the main battle gets close to a capital ship, the battle is going to stay there, simply because the team that's been pushed back isn't changing their spawn, so the other team really has nowhere else to go.

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