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Sith. What's with the majority?


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The sith warrior storyline was enjoyable to say the least. Small spoliers ahead. Choking and killing two people at once, it does not get better then that. Toying with Jedi masters always fun. The only let down was the end. I wont say much except that I was looking forward to some long drawn out torture for certain person, instead I just got a simple kill. The quinn thing, I know hes the healing companion, but I would have liked to torture and kill him too. Those were the only two major disappointments I ran across.


Yes this is a game, and no I am not insane, at least not yet. Things are rough for people, especially middle, and poor class's right now. Being able to take your frustrations out on a npc, helps a little.

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The consular got some pretty cool Voice actor but the text itself is pretty boring.


JC/SI story requires some thinking and it also helps if you know something about SW universe. Not a story for those who think Commando/Predator is best movie ever.



Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain power.

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


It's "Kill or be killed" if one certain companion can be trusted on this one.

Edited by Halinalle
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Some/many people who play online games frequently do so because real life sucks in some way for them so they wanna be a tough guy in fantasy. They want the respect and power they wont get in real life. Simple.


The sith stories make you feel powerful and strong while the jedi stories are about you being selfless and helping others while not losing your temper. Who wants to fantasize they are a goody two shoes? You can be one in real life no one will stop you.




edit: Ive played through all the classes and IMO all the empire are best played lightside and all the republic is best played darkside. Makes it more interesting when they dont act how you would expect.


The whole "jedi are good guys" argument really doesn't work when you have the choice of how you want to play your character. My jedi is a complete evil b*stard.

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I was stifling through some YouTube vids on swtor and out of 10 vids, 9 were sith, or sith affiliated, (note, not the species). What gives? Ik that the sith are dominant in PvP, but really, a lot of people are sith, when I made a sith, my first character, it just fell through for me. I don't really see why they are more popular... Is everyone just that cold hearted?


*starts reading the post*

-hmm, I don't remember sith being overrepresented on youtube...

*reads "Ik that the sith are dominant in PvP, but..."

-aaah... he's looking for PvP videos. Well no wonder then.


I'm going to express my opinion here.

I want to make it perfectly clear that this is just my opinion that I base on my own personal experience with the so-called hard-core PvP crowd.

Did all of you understand that what I will say next is just opinion, and not fact?


Here goes:

I find that most PvP players in MMO's are self absorbed people who are so insecure about themselves that they need to "pwn" others, preferably in an enviroment where they have an advantage (either by gear or level) and this also leads them to think that sith are "cool" and "bad-arse" types while jedi (or any 'good guys') are just carebears.

This is also why alot of PvP players seem to dislike GSF (where I can kill a better geared oponent if I'm better than him, just because it is much more skill based than ground PvP).

Now, there are exceptions (as always) and most people who simply "like" PvP are not part of this "hard-core" PvP crowd.

Just like people who like to play tennis are not "tennis pro's".


Now, I might want to reiterate againt that this was my opinion, and not fact.


Just so nobody gets their panties in a bunch.


But yeah, this is why there is an overrepresentation of sith in PvP youtube videos, in my opinion.


so... what's your theory?

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Older gamers tend to prefer the moral complexity and ambiguity implied by playing the perceived "bad guys". The community among the Empire faction tends to be older and perhaps because of that are more comfortable doing things like putting videos on youtube.


When I post a video, nobody asks me if I'm 12 years old, they can hear my voice. They simply instead ask me to stop singing because, again, they can hear my voice.


Hahaha no... just no.

There is no "moral complexity" in playing the badguy.

If anything, there is much more complexity and ambiguity playing a good guy.

Bad guys simply do whatever the heck they want.

Good guys have to weigh both sides of the argument and try to ignore their own feelings on the matter.

Both factions tend to have older players because star wars has a very old following, it has nothing to do with liking sith or jedi more.

In fact, having played both sides (and different guilds on both sides) I'd say that there are more older guys on the republic side because the people who grew up on the original movies actuall did like luke more than darth vader.

When I grew up, most people wanted to be luke and not vader when playing imaginary star wars battles.


Because those of us who grew up in the 70's and 80's actually wanted to be the good guys when playing games most of the time.

That has changed over time tho.

Nowadays my nephews mostly want to be clone troopers or sith because they "look cool and get to do what they want" (which makes no sense when it comes to clone troopers, I know).

When I ask if they want to be a jedi they most often say no and cite that "they have to follow the rules and that's boring".


It isn't about kids liking badguys and older people liking good guys. It's about what generation you were born in.

There is a definate trend in society at large to be more egotistic and self centered nowadays than there was in say the 50-70s.


But no, people don't play sith because it offers a more complex moral choice. Because it doesn't. (not even when you play light side)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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*starts reading the post*

-hmm, I don't remember sith being overrepresented on youtube...

*reads "Ik that the sith are dominant in PvP, but..."

-aaah... he's looking for PvP videos. Well no wonder then.


I'm going to express my opinion here.

I want to make it perfectly clear that this is just my opinion that I base on my own personal experience with the so-called hard-core PvP crowd.

Did all of you understand that what I will say next is just opinion, and not fact?


Here goes:

I find that most PvP players in MMO's are self absorbed people who are so insecure about themselves that they need to "pwn" others, preferably in an enviroment where they have an advantage (either by gear or level) and this also leads them to think that sith are "cool" and "bad-arse" types while jedi (or any 'good guys') are just carebears.

This is also why alot of PvP players seem to dislike GSF (where I can kill a better geared oponent if I'm better than him, just because it is much more skill based than ground PvP).

Now, there are exceptions (as always) and most people who simply "like" PvP are not part of this "hard-core" PvP crowd.

Just like people who like to play tennis are not "tennis pro's".


Now, I might want to reiterate againt that this was my opinion, and not fact.


Just so nobody gets their panties in a bunch.


But yeah, this is why there is an overrepresentation of sith in PvP youtube videos, in my opinion.


so... what's your theory?


I wasn't looking for just PvP videos, but you have a very interesting point here. The sith are controlled by the hardcore PvPers, I do get frustrated when I lose to a 3v1 choke fest but that is the only time I get generically pissed at PvP.

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Hm, also - if I search on youtube I find quite a lot of jedi videos.


Maybe if you don't use "Juggernaught" "Marauder" "Oerative" ... or "Sith" in the search phrase things would look different?


"swtor pvp 2.6" (i.e.) in google: Fist hits in video are:


Lethality vs Concealment






Looks kind of equal to me.

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When I started to play SWTOR I said to myself: "I just want to see Jedi Consular and Sith Inquisitor storylines. Nothing else." ... but I ended up with all possible variants of characters. :rolleyes:

Sometimes I play on the light side, sometimes on the dark. And all variants gives so much fun.

One think I must admit. Dark side stories are much more interesting and intriguing.

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Interesting fact about that, Nolan North is one of my favorite voice actors...


On another note, choosing Brian Bloom to voice the male trooper really worked for me, cause a couple of years ago I watched the Avengers cartoon that had him voicing Captain America. And a full LS trooper definately felt like Captain America, especially as a Vanguard.

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For me it was back in the days:


I was uncertain wich one I wanted to play:

warrior or guardian



Sooo... as soon as one get's to the point of the class story where the Jedi basically say that freedom, love and passion are BAD... They lost me. Add the look of the guardians (back then) end game gear... wich was a mix of powerranger and ... samurai/weirdo... NO! Playing a goofy looking, calm and disciplined errand boy is not my vision of a jedi/sith I want to be in a game.




Also... those snotty, demanding, stupid, arrogant and idiotic quest givers... and I can't even be arrogant back and them and tell them to fix their own plumbing? I like the rep-playerbase as far as I met them. They seem a bit more civilized... a bit... not much! But I'd prefer hundreds of whiny little dweebs over playing a character that represents resenting love, happiness, freedom and chaos. Yes, the first are EMOTIONS! Peace, serenity and harmony? COME ON! :rak_03:


You totally miss the point with what the Jedi are saying. Their philosophy is actually very in keeping with Buddhism.

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I'll be 40 this year, I was 6yrs old when I saw SW for the first time. I understood why Luke & them won, but I wanted to be Vader after I saw him force choke someone for the first time. :eek: And once I saw the emperor shoot force lightning.....that was it....I wanted to grow up to be Sith! :D 30+years later, I've got ppl who depend on me, so I HAVE to be nice and polite and smile all day. So naturally the first thing I wanna do when I get home is shoot lightning at and force choke arrogant and annoying npc's :mad: and 90% of ppl I deal with everyday should be VERY thankful I can't use the force.
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I'll be 40 this year, I was 6yrs old when I saw SW for the first time. I understood why Luke & them won, but I wanted to be Vader after I saw him force choke someone for the first time. :eek: And once I saw the emperor shoot force lightning.....that was it....I wanted to grow up to be Sith! :D 30+years later, I've got ppl who depend on me, so I HAVE to be nice and polite and smile all day. So naturally the first thing I wanna do when I get home is shoot lightning at and force choke arrogant and annoying npc's :mad: and 90% of ppl I deal with everyday should be VERY thankful I can't use the force.


Congrats on the big four-oh and yea, I'm working on a sith assassin and I hope it is better than the warrior story line

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Congrats on the big four-oh and yea, I'm working on a sith assassin and I hope it is better than the warrior story line


Thanks! And imo....the warrior is better. Of course my biggest issue with the SI story was

the fact that you can't turn Ashara to the darkside. Although if you play a lightside Sith she fits perfectly....


Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Warrior isn't perfect, either...


You don't get to gut, eviscerate and strangle Quinn with his own intenstines. I think that was the 'on good behaviour' treatment for HIS crime? Well, at least now I got to replace his face with a cyborg-alternative. Should have fixed most. What a !"§$!"§%. Could I not just get vette to strap on some heal-gear and respec? At least she knows her place.


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Warrior isn't perfect, either...


You don't get to gut, eviscerate and strangle Quinn with his own intenstines. I think that was the 'on good behaviour' treatment for HIS crime? Well, at least now I got to replace his face with a cyborg-alternative. Should have fixed most. What a !"§$!"§%. Could I not just get vette to strap on some heal-gear and respec? At least she knows her place.


You should check out my Sith Warrior storyline videos :)


I did some editing there and he ended up nothing more than a brain in a jar pretty much. All that is left of him is now encased in a droid body :D

Also, just watch it for the painful screams I added to get some joy out of it hehehe


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