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Please buff sniper in PVP


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Thanks that looks like a step in the right direction. What I would like to see is a way to cleans DoT's maybe while using covered escape as part of the skills tree. As of now Snipers have no way to clean themselves and multple DoT damage is pretty much a death sentence.


Are you *********** serious?

How dare you complain on the sniper forums AND on the pvp forums that snipers don't have good defensive abilities (Their abilities are already *********** amazing pre-2.7) while:


1. You obviously don't know **** about the class

2. You don't take an effort to look up things about the class and upcoming changes



As to explain 1.: Evasion cleanses ALL dots, roots, snares, slows. It does now and it still will in the future.


Jesus christ. Now after all these posts do you understand why I called you a troll?

Some people never cease to amaze me.

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Shield probe? Really? It's next to useless. Knock back? Again who? Merc, Sorcs, Ops don't need to be that close to you to throw DoTs. They can just throw them and run. "Apply Liberally and watch it go away".... Just keep up the DoTs...


Shield Probe next to useless? Yea it's going on 20sec CD, lasting 10 Seconds when you pop it, and it will be increased to ~6k damage absorb ( EVERY 20 SECONDS, 14seconds if you spec into it).


"Knockback? Again who?" Well you're apparently not using it against melee.

If you have trouble with Mercs and Sorcs or Ops maybe use your root? Leg Shot, if you didn't know you had that ability. You might've missed it since you apparently only fill 2 skill bars (I fill 4 on my sniper). All keybound.


Please just... stop posting and save yourself some face.

Edited by Aerilas
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Thanks that looks like a step in the right direction. What I would like to see is a way to cleans DoT's maybe while using covered escape as part of the skills tree. As of now Snipers have no way to clean themselves and multple DoT damage is pretty much a death sentence.


Doesn't evasion purge all effects?

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Are you *********** serious?

How dare you complain on the sniper forums AND on the pvp forums that snipers don't have good defensive abilities (Their abilities are already *********** amazing pre-2.7) while:


1. You obviously don't know **** about the class

2. You don't take an effort to look up things about the class and upcoming changes



As to explain 1.: Evasion cleanses ALL dots, roots, snares, slows. It does now and it still will in the future.


Jesus christ. Now after all these posts do you understand why I called you a troll?

Some people never cease to amaze me.


Evasion does not cleans DoT. It cleans movement impairing affects. Check yourself. I play Scoundrel and Sniper. You think I don't know my own skills? ... who's the troll now?

Edited by chosonman
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Evasion does not cleans DoT. It cleans movement impairing affects. Check yourself.


1/10 Troll. It cleanses ALL dots, except for the Weaker version of Sniper dots when going full lethality. Those are the only things that can't be cleansed in the game, not even by cleanses from healers.


Dude. Seriously. Stop posting until you at least know something about what you're talking about.

Edited by Aerilas
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Yea you haven't shown me anything.


What. You want me to make you a video where my Evasion cleanses dots? While you could just go online and have a friend dot you up and you use Evasion, then come crawling back that you were wrong?


(oh also edited last post, might want to read that)


Evasion is the strongest cleanse in the game.

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What. You want me to make you a video where my Evasion cleanses dots? While you could just go online and have a friend dot you up and you use Evasion, then come crawling back that you were wrong?


(oh also edited last post, might want to read that)


Evasion is the strongest cleanse in the game.



Ok so you may be right. But if you we're such an ***** I might have listened to you earlier. I have no problems with being wrong but don't like to be talked down to.

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Ok so you may be right. But if you we're such an ***** I might have listened to you earlier. I have no problems with being wrong but don't like to be talked down to.


Your type of people (claiming their class is bad, they need buffs, not knowing anything about their class in the meanwhile, not looking anything up for themselves) pop up alot on these forums. They don't listen when you talk to them nicely. Tried and failed. Look at the amount of times I had to repeat myself before you believed me.


Snipers are fine, and are yet getting a huge defensive buff. It's been the majority of threads on this forum the last week that they will be OP, they are GODMODE, and serious nerfs are needed.

Reading before you post doesn't hurt....


And if you don't want to be talked down to then don't dismiss what people are saying as wrong while you don't know yourself and refuse to believe it while these people know what they're talking about...

Edited by Aerilas
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Ok question. If you're a sniper you get hit by Crushing Darkness, Flame, Bleed what do you do?


Sentinel - Escape use force speed

Sage - Bubble and run

Operative - Cleans and disappear

Jug/Guardian - Throw up some skills

Assassin - Shroud Vanish

Mer/Trooper - cleans heal buff...

Sniper - Die


This is my favorite one. Especially Guardian, all they have to do is "throw up some skills." So many epople falling for this crappy troll attempt.

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Shield probe? Really? It's next to useless. Knock back? Again who? Merc, Sorcs, Ops don't need to be that close to you to throw DoTs. They can just throw them and run. "Apply Liberally and watch it go away".... Just keep up the DoTs...


You should be winning a straight DPS battle with sorcs and mercs no problem, and an op has to be within 10m to use cull, and without cull, his DoTs aren't anything worth worrying about.

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Your type of people (claiming their class is bad, they need buffs, not knowing anything about their class in the meanwhile, not looking anything up for themselves) pop up alot on these forums. They don't listen when you talk to them nicely. Tried and failed. Look at the amount of times I had to repeat myself before you believed me.


Snipers are fine, and are yet getting a huge defensive buff. It's been the majority of threads on this forum the last week that they will be OP, they are GODMODE, and serious nerfs are needed.

Reading before you post doesn't hurt....


And if you don't want to be talked down to then don't dismiss what people are saying as wrong while you don't know yourself and refuse to believe it while these people know what they're talking about...


Sorry but a lot of us don't have all day to (troll) there forums. The whole public forum concept it distasteful at best with you regulars thinking that everyone who joins has the vast catalog of knowledge you have amassed over the months you've spent camping this site. Constructive vs Destructive but you can't help being part of the crowd I guess.

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Obviously not a serious thread, so allow me to partake in the silliness.


OP, I agree completely. Snipers do not have enough skills to be able to compete. Jedis have light swords (which are totally overpowered IMO) that can reflect anything that a sniper shoots. HOW IS THIS FAIR. The only way to make snipers useful is to give them light swords too. Remove the guns. Just make them be jedis too. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE SNIPERS NOT USELESS.


^^ Am I doing it right?

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OK I'll take the bait.

Did you even read the 2.7 patchnotes that are upcoming?

Snipers are already getting a MASSIVE defensive (read: survivability) buff, which they didn't really need in the first place. Speaking as a sniper. I'll even do the effort you clearly are too lazy to put in:

2.7 patch notes

Sniper specific:







Evasion now gives the Sniper 100% chance to resist Tech and Force attacks for 3 seconds.

Entrench is no longer removed when you leave cover. However, you must return to cover to gain the protections offered by Entrench.


Lethality (Sniper)


Hold Your Ground will now reduce Shield Probe by 3/6 seconds. (Down from 7.5/15)



If you have that much survivability problems the problem doesn't lie with the class, it lies with you. (inb4 NO, IM GOOD AND THE CLASS SUCKS, I WANT BUFFS)


That and shield probe is on a quicker cooldown and absorbs more damage :)

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Sorry you people are right. What was I thinking. It probably comes from the fact that my Sentinel and Scoundrel are just too OP is probably why I put up this thread. Please Nerf Sentinal and Scoundrel please. They are way too survivable. And have way too many skills to help fight off debuffs. (Lets not forget Assassins, Jugs, Sorces. Please nerf them too)


Maybe you're still in the melee mind set and not positioning right? Could always record yourself in a warzone and put it up on the forums for us to see exactly what is going on and why you're "melting" so fast.

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Snipers could use some help. There is a reason why they are mostly absent from Leaderboards.


The reason being that a turrets weakness is and always should be LoS. Buffing (or over buffing) their defenses to make them a face tanking turret is a weird way to compensate for this.

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I play 3 main classes (Sentinel, Scoundrel, and Sniper) and have several minor classes (Assassin, Jug, Merc, Sage, and Vanguard) and without a doubt Sniper is one of the more helpless classes out there in PVP. We simply cannot survive for long periods without a lot of help. As a Sentinel and Scoundrel I look for Snipers/Slinger since they are usually easy marks if they don't have a healer buffing them.


Here's my list of grips being a sniper.

1) Basically we are turrets of the battlefield. (Especially if you play marksman) While most other classes are built around mobility, Snipers are usually stationary targets.

2) We have very little option for escaping in a bad situation. Got invisibility? Great. Got Speed bust wonderful!, Got Carbonite bombs to freeze someone? Fantastic!. Got a dinky roll with a 20 second cooldown? You in trouble...

3) No cleanses.... Got burned? Just wait to die. Got mind zapped? wait to die...

4) Skills? My skills bar is pretty much empty compared to my other toons. I would post up a screen shot but you can just picture it. My scoundrel has 4 full bars of skills with little room to spare. My sniper barely fills up 2 bars....

5) We can get blown out of cover by a merc... What's the point of being in cover if they can just walk up next to us and blow us out of cover. Cover should be our sanctuary.


Here's what we need.

1) Better survivability in the form of cleanses and escape.

2) An extra bag of tricks would help.

3) Maybe even a healing buff. Or improve the healing done while in cover.


Can't tell if trolling or serious.

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I play 3 main classes (Sentinel, Scoundrel, and Sniper) and have several minor classes (Assassin, Jug, Merc, Sage, and Vanguard) and without a doubt Sniper is one of the more helpless classes out there in PVP. We simply cannot survive for long periods without a lot of help. As a Sentinel and Scoundrel I look for Snipers/Slinger since they are usually easy marks if they don't have a healer buffing them.


Here's my list of grips being a sniper.

1) Basically we are turrets of the battlefield. (Especially if you play marksman) While most other classes are built around mobility, Snipers are usually stationary targets.

2) We have very little option for escaping in a bad situation. Got invisibility? Great. Got Speed bust wonderful!, Got Carbonite bombs to freeze someone? Fantastic!. Got a dinky roll with a 20 second cooldown? You in trouble...

3) No cleanses.... Got burned? Just wait to die. Got mind zapped? wait to die...

4) Skills? My skills bar is pretty much empty compared to my other toons. I would post up a screen shot but you can just picture it. My scoundrel has 4 full bars of skills with little room to spare. My sniper barely fills up 2 bars....

5) We can get blown out of cover by a merc... What's the point of being in cover if they can just walk up next to us and blow us out of cover. Cover should be our sanctuary.


Here's what we need.

1) Better survivability in the form of cleanses and escape.

2) An extra bag of tricks would help.

3) Maybe even a healing buff. Or improve the healing done while in cover.


Lol 3 and 4 are hilarious you're two mains are sniper and scoundrel and you didn't know evasion cleanses dots? And snipers have a ton of moves definitely 4 bars worth.

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Thanks that looks like a step in the right direction. What I would like to see is a way to cleans DoT's maybe while using covered escape as part of the skills tree. As of now Snipers have no way to clean themselves and multple DoT damage is pretty much a death sentence.


Just a question, but what do you use to cleanse DoT's on your sentinel, cause they have great... you know, cleanse moves.

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