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liking what I'm seeing with Denon: Studio Insider

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In the latest insider video they showed clips of the new map and I have to say I'm loving what I'm seeing. Favorite part is seeing that the Capitol ships will Actually be firing at each other and things will be exploding throughout the map.


Bring on the Chaos! Bring on the War!


Insider Video:

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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Cap ship turrets are one of my favorite things in this game, so I definitely approve. If the cap ships focus on each other when they are in range and on starfighters who fly too close when out of range, that would get my peen even happier about GSF than it already is.
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Really looking forward to this map, if only to break up the rotation that we currently get. The stage is set with this map though for some really cool and new gameplay.


Yeah, I think this is my favorite part... should be pretty different from the other maps, which will add to all of their replayability.

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Does it mean you will actually log in? BECAUSE WE MISSS YOU


Not on my Rep gunship though. Then I hit you just fine.


Got my new PSU on order finally, as it stands now sometimes pc eats it toward the end of a match (sometimes painfully so like in the middle of a lock lol) should be back in the swing of things soon (fingers crossed)

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