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Anyone else EXCITED about Player Housing?


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Strongholds will be the first significantly personalized thing in the game (not counting name, equipment, and vehicle, which are a given). Following are links to the official Galactic Strongholds video reveals, followed by Wish Lists for features that are essential or very desirable.


  • players who were subscribed by July 15th, 2014, will get to move into the Nar Shaddaa stronghold early
  • :)Subscriber Early Access starts August 19, 2014 (ALL FEATURES!)
  • Preferred Early Access starts September 16, 2014
  • Official Launch is on October 14, 2014
  • Guild-based planetary conquest - weekly guild competition with perks for the winner
  • Guild Flagship support - from orbit, provides guild members with a buff
  • host your friends at your Stronghold
  • mini-pets, companions, mounts and vehicles can be placed in your Stronghold!
  • Stronghold prestige (increased with each decoration) with a public ranking list
  • players subscribed as of May 11, 2014 will be receiving the Nar Shaddaa stronghold with 5 rooms unlocked
  • additional Strongholds will be bought with credits or Cartel Coins
  • strongholds will be available on Coruscant, Dromund Kaas, Nar Shaddaa, and Tatooine





New video (August 13, 2014):


  • Flashpoint snapshot decorations
  • throne decoration (with someone sitting on the throne)
  • fountain decorations
  • some kind of NPC decoration (looks like an imperial officer)
  • short clips of some kind of city battle which must be the planetary conquest missions






Video reveal (July 2, 2014): . .



  • customization cycling through choices of bed style !
  • a new video snapshot display on the wall (includes a rank marker in the lower left)
  • an interior shuttle docking bay
  • some kind of changeable relic decoration
  • a gigantic floating polyhedron decoration
  • a cantina with a JUKEBOX and DEJARIK table ! . . hmm
  • an outdoor ship landing pad





Video reveal (June 3, 2014): . .


What can be seen in this video:


  • curved seating (looks like connected chairs)
  • vehicle showroom (with an energy door that leads to outdoors Coruscant)
  • minipets as decorations, and some kind of deactivated droid deco


  • a golden wall painting of a hutt (probably Karagga)
  • shelf units
  • a glowing table
  • a large staircase with paintings decorating the walls
  • a new goddess statue
  • digital library wall decoration
  • round rugs, rectangular rugs




Video reveal (April 30, 2014): . .

What can be seen in this video:


  • a bar
  • a gambling machine
  • round cantina tables and stools
  • a neon Twi'lek dancer banner
  • multi-color holo tree deco
  • 4-sided neon advertisement kiosk deco
  • loot chest in front of the bed (what does that do?!)
  • purple curved couch
  • strange torso statue
  • huge beast skull wall deco
  • future opportunity to expand with balconies, staircases, and more





Video reveal (March 19, 2014): . .


What can be seen in this video:


  • confirmation of someone sitting on a couch !!! . \o/
  • a large wardrobe chest that's probably the Legacy Stronghold Storage !!!
  • crafting workstation for companions
  • the
    inside the Coruscant Home suggests free-form deco placement :D
  • holographic planetary display (probably a galaxy navigator)
  • a HUGE legacy-relationships display
  • a holographic ship model
  • our personal ships flying away from our Home, suggesting a personal docking bay :cool:
  • a closed door to somewhere - could be a room with door controls, or perhaps it's the door to the personal docking bay
  • I'm seeing a lot of rugs. It looks like there will be customizable rugs.
  • (Nar Shaddaa) a bar, 2 gambling terminals, a holographic xantha player, a cantina-style curved couch, and what certainly appears to be Cargo Hold access and Guild Bank access





Video announcement (March 6, 2014): . .

What can be seen in this video:


  • main room with high ceiling
  • at least 4 side rooms:
    • a bedroom (with domed windows up high)
    • 2 offices (they have a mail terminal, digital screen, and security camera at their doorway)
    • a conference room (that has a spiral shrubbery and a conference table)

    [*]at least 2 functional mail terminals

    [*]a cabinet that looks like Cargo Hold access

    [*]2 other terminal types that might be functional

    [*]an interesting item in the bedroom that looks like it could be a display case or auxiliary storage

    [*]the Coruscant stronghold is located to the West of the Coruscant Senate Plaza, in one of those buildings you can see when looking westward from the fountain. In the opening scene of the

    , the Coruscant spaceport is on the right, and the Senate Tower is on the left, with that large capital ship and a sun in the background.

    [*]the terminal next to the bed looks blatantly like a personal Appearance Designer

    [*]in the 2nd camera view, you can see just inside the room in the background, a strange post jutting from the wall with a light on the end... I think this is door controls that will shut the door to make it a private meeting amongst whoever has made it into the room

    [*]the vid screen has a picture of a planet and its surface, so maybe the Home will function as a travel jump-point to any of the planets and other locations









features that would make strongholds awesome




The ESSENTIALS wish list (for minimum usefulness and fun factor, in order of importance) _ :cool:. . none of these features should be omitted!

  • a group congregation feature to bring the entire group quickly to one group member's Home. This is absolutely essential for the Home to be a useful feature
  • modifiable deco that can be cycled through various styles of bed, chairs, tables, plants, vases, and other excellent deco... maybe even a free-form deco ability so we can place these items anywhere in the room facing any direction. The more options for deco the better!
  • ALL sittable chairs/couches (
  • the option to "Go To House" from your ship, from all mini travel terminals, and when leaving FPs/Ops
  • Cargo Hold access (confirmed)
  • an entertainment room / social center that has dimmable lights, a jukebox, and an entertainment droid that sells a large variety of glitters and such



New Wish List: . :D

  • NEW! . a group deploy feature (working in conjunction with group congregate) that allows group members to use a Deployment Terminal in your stronghold to jump to your location (particularly to an Op). This provides a practical reason for people to visit other players' strongholds and get a quick look at it.
  • NEW! . a way to automatically connect to fleet chat. Probably the best way to do this is for 1 room in the stronghold to be designated the communications room, so that when you enter the room, it automatically switches you over to Fleet chat. Having the entire stronghold on Fleet chat would make it not as useful for throwing social gatherings where people will naturally want to chat to the entire stronghold (and to nowhere else).
  • 8+ panels of materials-only Legacy Stronghold Storage and materials stacking to 9999 units. A full-Legacy crafter has 3 gathering skills, 4 mission-gathering skills, and tons of specialty materials to store. For proper organization and stack management it's necessary to have 1 panel for each of the 7 gathering skills and also specialty materials. And if materials don't start stacking to 9999 units, it's ridiculous for the player who wants to guarantee a long-term supply (2000+ units) of their most common crafting materials. Alternative: one Legacy cargo hold pane with a scrollbar that has 8+ panels worth of storage space.
  • An additional Home in a variety of unannounced locations (the announced locations are Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine, and the factional Home-worlds). The unannounced houses would be nearly impossible to find just by searching around cities around the galaxy. It should have a public lobby with an entrance door whose access panel is extremely difficult to see (a small button hidden on a statue or a decorative wall panel would do). How a person gets ownership of one of these secretive Home locations could be an interesting detail.
  • a per-character Preference setting to Use Legacy Materials First or to Use Personal Cargo Hold Materials First



Wish List: (please please please please please) _ :D


  • an equipment mannequin that can hold a full set of equipment (14 items) and has both a UI to allow equipment to be swapped out individually, and a button to swap out the entire set with what you're wearing
  • a Visit-Home ability that brings you to your Home for only 1 minute (to swap out equipment, etc.) that has a tiny 2-minute cool down. This goes well with an equipment mannequin and/or auxiliary Home-only storage
  • a Priority Mission Terminal and an Operations Terminal, to allow the Home to function as a makeshift base-of-operations to serve the Republic
  • a Remote Chat Terminal that allows you to login to the chat on any planet or on Fleet so you can chat in any of those locations right from your Home
  • an extra storage space (only accessible from Home) that holds at least 2 panels of items
  • Legacy storage space that includes common materials access for crafting from any character (several separate panels that hold only materials would be keen) (confirmed! w00t)
  • changeable wall banners
  • a Crafting Room that gives a bonus to all crafting's +Critical Chance
  • Chat Bubbles activated in the Home and nowhere else, so that they can be in the game at least in one (low-population) place until the performance issues are solved
  • the Home droid in the reveal vid could be some kind of Home Assistant droid (that does the work for you when you customize your condo interior) and is a sort of cantina vendor
  • personal vendors placeable in our Home that would avoid GTN fees and would have a limited number of forever-on-sale slots, and then a much larger number of 30-day-sale slots. And items that time-out on this vendor should have a much longer auto-delete time. Items placed on people's personal vendors would be listed on the GTN, and when purchased it would either mail to the person as usual, or provide a Mission Items travel ticket that takes you to their Stronghold to pick up the item.
  • Deco crates that can be placed almost anywhere in the Home, which function as a 20-item auxiliary inventory would be completely awesome. There would need to be as many different styles of crates available as possible. Being able to name each crate and the name showing up above the crate would be keen, but not completely necessary.
  • some kind of interactive trinket that can be dropped as deco. An extreme example is the toy that has a double rail that carries a metal ball rolling along the track, and ramps down around bends and spirals and through swiveling arms and teeter totters and such, to reach the bottom and then be carried up a ladder to the top again. The key is that the item needs to be clicked (perhaps with more than one clickable form of control point) in order to make it function and begin its animation.


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I think it will be a fun addition to rp for some characters. For others the ship makes more sense. More choice is always a good thing, though, and while it wasn't something I really craved, I know others who are thrilled, so yeah, it's exciting. It's possible to be happy for others and it adds to possibility. Also, it adds a revenue stream, which is a good thing in terms of additional new content. Big picture, folks. Edited by errant_knight
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Putting aside the fact I love customizing my homes in games, this is very much needed from a rp standpoint so there is someplace to congregate away from the rampant trolls who live to harass anyone who doesn't conform to what they think is "gaming". (Usually anything that isn't pvp or pew pew pew)


Many people will feel the need to jump in now and say "Ships are for rp." Yes, in some circumstances, rp can be done on ships, but in very limited contexts. Personally I don't are to hang around the fleet due to a myriad of reasons. My server lateley has been bombed with beggar trolls who run up to you, try to open a trade and send tells demanding credits, then follow you around being an ***** if you don't comply (standing on you and others naked dancing and doing other annoying emotes)


Or the inevitable men pretending to be women bopping & clubdancing with other men pretending to be women in slave outfits trying to act out their Iesbian fantasies out in the open, list goes on.....

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Coming from SWG, I've always loved player housing, but I have a feeling TOR player housing will be pointless and feel wasted unless EAWare is able to pull something crazily amazing out of their butts. The main reason I think this is just because of the game design at its core. This game isn't set up to promote useful player housing. There's no reason to have housing here. For example, in SWG, housing had 2 fundamental uses that made it unique and necessary:


1) Housing was used to publicly (or privately if you chose) show off your trophies, rewards, unique finds accumulated over years dedicated to the game, and maybe most importantly, your craftiness of creating "scenes" for lack of a better word (for example, I made a wrestling ring in my house out of weapon power-ups and tables with R2 and C3PO inside of it) and decorating ability. It was a roadmap of where you've been, what you've done, and how successful you've been.


2) It was also used (most of the time, in conjunction with #1) as a public player shop/store/mall loaded with vendors, obviously attracting players on the entire server based on what you were selling, and thus, bringing traffic to your house/store allowing people to see all those trophies and decorations from #1. The game was based upon a player-driven economy and player housing was the perfect implementation to supplement that economic system type in a fun and creative way rather than the traditional "auction house" like in every other MMO.


In TOR, the game is designed in the exact opposite way. Because this game is based on the gear grind, there really are no extremely unique/rare finds to stumble upon while out exploring, killing, or doing quests. Therefore, there are no trophies to show off other than possibly displaying the different armor sets you've bought in the CM, which definitely aren't trophies by any means. Also, there isn't a player-driven economy in TOR because there are no crafting classes (not professions) that are mandatory to make the world go around; hence, the gear grind system. Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.


EDIT: For anyone who cares, or anyone who's interested and never saw SWG housing, here's my old house from the game. Literally everything in the house (even the small items on the tables) was either crafted, looted, found while exploring, or a reward of some kind. You could also rotate or turn items on any axis when placing them, which made even more possibilities (like those dozens of trees I turned upside down in the back room to use on the ceiling).

Edited by XxHazenxX
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While reading the other (supportive) posts I thought of something. The Coruscant condo could have one or more mannequins (that have a changeable body-type) that can be used to store a full set of equipment, everything you see in your own character screen (14 items). The obvious thing at that point is to have a button to swap out everything you're wearing with everything that's on the mannequin, with one button on the mannequin UI. Naturally you could also open the mannequin UI and swap out items 1-by-1 however you need.


But the awesome accompanying feature would be a special ability to recall to your condo for a limited 1 minute period of time (to swap out equipment or any other very quick task), at which point you'd be automatically recalled to where you were to start with. Ok so a normal recall-to-Home ability (that hopefully is part of the Home feature-set) would permanently transport you to your Home location and have a maybe 30-minute CD, but this 1-minute temporary recall-to-Home ability would have something like a tiny 2-minute CD.


a Go-Home ability that lasts for 1 minute and has only a 2-minute cooldown ! _


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Therefore, there isn't a heavy need for player-run stores, which means there isn't a way or good reason to attract traffic to your house. Everything I can think of based on the way the game is designed just points to player housing in TOR functioning exactly like your player ship, a stationary base that will be customizable to a degree and only allow people in that are grouped with you.

I suspect that, unless I'm really wrong, that there won't really even be traffic to your house. I suspect it will just be an instance that you click on an elevator button, the same elevator button everyone presses, to go to your personal instance. I highly doubt you'll be able to just walk by other people's condos and if you're able to go in, it'll only be because you grouped with someone and coordinated such that they allowed you to enter their housing instance.

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Nope. Not in the least.


Still waiting for fixes from over a year and a half ago since ea took full reign, but all that's done is fluff without substance or actual game needs like fixing and repairing what they break.


We were told we had our ships and that there would be no player housing.

I have spent millions into perks for my ship and sure as heck will not bother with some planet-side closet.


So much more truly useful things could have been done in making the game work better by concentrating on the game and it's "Known Issues" rather than the futures ($$$$ ea can make off real-estate / housing / 'furniture' blowout sales) of the Cartel Market

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I used to play Phantasy Star Universe and the apartments in PSU were brilliant! Places for people to congregate before going on missions together. Fully upgradeable...you could buy different sizes of apartments depending on how rich you were, you could put trophies on display, theme your rooms, even set up a shop in there!


This gives so much scope to add to the game...I think this could be brilliant! Lots of folks will be sceptical, but if Bioware use this to its full potential, this could be wonderful!


What I would like to see is the apartment NOT being like a story area where you enter through a green see through door...but free roaming blocks of apartments of different standards on different planets, where we can either permanently lock to be completely private, give keys to friends or guild members so they can visit when they like, or even an open door apartment so we can show off our wares to anyone interested! The idea of apartment blocks is so we can move and live next to friends or guild members, we could have the ability to sell our apartments and move, thereby creating an entirely fluid and genuine property market within the game which reflects the desirability of certain apartment blocks and planets they are on! If we set up our own shop then it could encourage visitors as this shop may not need to be linked to the GTN and certain crafters and sellers will become in high demand and can gain a reputation within the game which would add to the sense of community.


Bioware have probably decided already how they are going to do this, I just hope my wish list is along the right lines!



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This is a minor tweak but is still a necessity - the SWToR Home should have at least 1 vendor that has a "Sell Junk" button, for quick pop-ins after running a mission when we might be dropping off items to storage and swapping out gear.


This is figuring that there's Cargo Hold access in the Home, as well as a quick-travel to Home ability that has a cooldown at least as small as 20 minutes. This means of course that a GTN terminal would be awesome to have, though I'm not sure it's contextually proper for someone to have a personal GTN terminal in their home. Maybe there could be a public lobby outside the SWToR Home, where a GTN terminal is found.

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Deco crates that can be placed almost anywhere in the Home, which function as a 20-item auxiliary inventory would be completely awesome. There would need to be as many different styles of crates available as possible.
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I think the SWToR Home should have some kind of interactive trinket that can be dropped as deco. As an extreme example, the toy that has a double rail that carries a metal ball rolling along the track, and ramps down around bends and spirals and through swiveling arms and teeter totters and such, to reach the bottom and then be carried up a ladder to the top again. The key is that the item needs to be clicked (perhaps with more than one clickable form of control point) in order to make it function and begin its animation.
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I like most of the ideas, except the chat bubbles. Any time I read this term I get an mental image of SWTOR tuning into an Mickey Mouse comic ...


Does anyone have a screenshot of how they looked like in the beta ? Or Alpha ? But I guess then making screenshots was prohibited by the NDA anyway ...


What I'd like to see is all Companions (inclusive the ship droid) being there as well.


And perhaps even having several rooms, because one could run out of space in the long run ... ;)


An own landing platform would be nice as well. :) Perhaps even with an own taxi droid ?


It would also be nice if I could have my meditation chamber (Cartel Market item) stand there all day long, visible for anyone who enters there. It would look good as a sign of power as well. ;)

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Guild Command Center in Fleet (one of the elevator could take the there)



  • Guild meetings
  • Holographic map of the galaxy and pointers
  • Guild Bank
  • Vendor items
  • Wardrobe to share with guildmates


Yes we really need guild housing too

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I like most of the ideas, except the chat bubbles. Any time I read this term I get an mental image of SWTOR tuning into an Mickey Mouse comic ...


At some point around when I first saw the requests for such a feature I looked it up (this is the first MMO I've had any interest in so I haven't played anything that did use it) and I saw some screenshots of other games using it... and... Well, in very small doses I could say "sure, fine, whatever" but in a crowded place with lots of conversation going on at once it's just a huge *********** mess that makes the game look like a terrible joke.






I don't know what the games are (the second one can't really be WoW, can it? that doesn't look right) but if they made it possible for swtor to look like that I would disable the **** out of the chat. And if disabling it wasn't an option... I don't know, time to avoid ever setting foot on fleet any longer than is absolutely necessary, I guess.

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To be honest, it doesn't excite me at all. Nice, it could be... but I agree that it must be a social thing for it to be a benefit to the game. While some people will really get into their own private space, in addition to their ship, it get's old being in there alone after a while. (this speaking as a former EQ2/SWG player with various fancy status homes and TONS of end game / crafting trinkets etc.)


The social possibilities are nice, and housing is interesting to some but also another fracturing off of the community as well. Given that we already have player ships, I'd prefer housing be something of a rarity and not given to all (perhaps guild housing with a multi-million credit price tag? I don't know... maybe a steep regular upkeep such that those who want it can pay for it, but those who don't won't want to feel the sting in their checkbooks).


Anyway, I don't want to be a downer but I'm only excited at some of the ideas of player housing and wary of it at the same time.


Now... if it were down on the planets we already have and required us to travel there as we do already (no instant options, but current speeders QT points etc.) that would be awesome. Also, if there were unique benefits to being in the houses to make people go to them, we could hugely increase the traffic on all the story planets and, if done well, could add a cool dynamic to the game. I mean who wouldn't want a flat hidden in some alleyway on Nar Shaddaa or Courscant? Or a destination home on Alderaan? But... quick travel to home would completely ruin it there. It could be great immersion.

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O.o to the above poster, that's kinda.. elitest... So basicly you think everyone should live in their van unless the have a million creds? Harsh :p


Seriously though. I look at player ships like RVs. Convenient to nap in while traveling, but would you really want to live in a winnebago forever? Especially the BH and smuggler ships, god those things are -ugly-

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To be honest, it doesn't excite me at all. Nice, it could be... but I agree that it must be a social thing for it to be a benefit to the game. While some people will really get into their own private space, in addition to their ship, it get's old being in there alone after a while. (this speaking as a former EQ2/SWG player with various fancy status homes and TONS of end game / crafting trinkets etc.)


Now... if it were down on the planets we already have and required us to travel there as we do already (no instant options, but current speeders QT points etc.) that would be awesome. Also, if there were unique benefits to being in the houses to make people go to them, we could hugely increase the traffic on all the story planets and, if done well, could add a cool dynamic to the game. I mean who wouldn't want a flat hidden in some alleyway on Nar Shaddaa or Courscant? Or a destination home on Alderaan? But... quick travel to home would completely ruin it there. It could be great immersion.


Let me start by saying, I like your idea of Homes that are in more or less hidden locations throughout the galaxy. Places that most people wouldn't probably notice them even if they pass right by the "front" door.


For the standard building-top Homes, the way I see it, for the Home to be a decent social environment, it's actually required to have a quick-travel to take the owner and group members to it. Maybe this can only be done from Fleet... though I think it should also be possible from inside a completed Op.


Let me explain why. From completing an Op, what was the high point? Distributing the loot of course! It's also fantastic when the team has pulled together and pulled a win out of the the jaws of defeat. But the loot, we can distribute from our homes! I suggest a craftable home deco item, called something like a Prize Disbursement Terminal, that allows the group leader (when Master Looter is switched on) to drop the newfangled Prize Chest containing all the Op's collected loot into this Disbursement Terminal and place items 1-by-1 up for /roll. Group members open the terminal interface and have the option to Need on an item, and each person's /roll puts them into a list that's ordered highest /roll first. Now, the group leader still has control over who gets each loot item, by way of invalidating individual /roll results, if a person already has better equipment, or has already won enough items from this Op and should not receive more... however the entire group gets to see in real-time who's gotten the highest /roll so it would be much more fun than doing it all in the Op's public chat. This new terminal should also support stacks of premium materials being put up on the Disbursement Terminal using a "top 6 /roll's wins 1 item" rule, and it all happens through the terminal with very little effort from the group leader.


This terminal would create at least 1 facet of usefulness in the Home, since the Prize Disbursement Terminal would be exclusive to the Home. I think other excellent features are possible that would make the Home a central point for in-game activities.

Edited by anonnn
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