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discouraged with GSF


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so the moment GSF his servers for subscribers back in Dec. i was enjoying it- getting used to it. i could see the learning curve and file in no problem. matches would go by and my tar getting and tactics would improve. this is not Dec. any more though..


fast forward a month or two and things have obviously changed. i know a lot of elements have changed and updated but now i find myself with an extremely disparaging attitude. if i play 8 TDM matches, theres a good chance that 5-6 of those games are complete, absolute, murder. the average scores of my TDM recently have been somewhere along the lines of 50 - 8 or so. my matches consist of me attempting to rack in kills, getting killed, realize im starting to feed, to just avoiding combat altogether in empty space to avoid feeding.


granted, there's probably a lot of newer people in the matches- i just feel helpless. running dailies/ weeklys is a task and a half. what am i doing wrong? what do i need to do to improve? it feels like in most cases im blown out of the water before the first lock on notifier even finishes- and thats regardless of my ship build!


ill admit one of my biggest weakness right now is pursuit. pursuing targets is a *****. if i manage to get behind a decent target- most of time they will outmaneuver me. the rest of the time i get blown away by one of their teammates. very rarely do my blasters/ missiles do enough damage for a take down.


i know these are team games, and having noob teammates is probably a large part of it. but i feel like i should at least be doing my part and contributing in every way i can. when im doing well- GSF is fun. when i'm not- i rage like no other.


any input? thanks..

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In the nicest way possible, it seems like you are saying that you are having issues with your own gameplay.


As far as those lopsided TDMs go, yeah they suck. What I usually do in those situations is just wait out of range of the inevitable firing line of Gunships for those players in the opposing teams that are flying Strikes/Scouts to get bloodlust and go in for a kill. Then you can pounce within your court and hopefully get a kill.


The frustration and futility that I think most players that come on here and complain about imbalance feel stems from them constantly Leeroying into impossible situations without thinking and inevitably dying as a result.


This boils down to: If the chips are stacked against you, hang back and play to your strengths while still trying to make the most out of a ****** situation.


As far as pursuits are concerned, I think that it might be related to my first point. Players often get tunnel vision. In ground pvp and GSF alike. There is no point chasing a fleeing Gunship all the way back to their spawn point where you will get mobbed by respawning ships. The target you have in your sights is not the one you MUST kill come hell or highwater.


If the situation has got to the point where it is dangerous to you, then bug out and hunt another target (make sure to los the GS tho, as he might have a few slugs as a present for making him run :p )


Issues with finishing off kills and chasing down targets are player based problems. It will get easier with practice. That is all I can say to you in that regard. Either you stick with it and get better, or you give up.


Summing up, there are some situational awareness elements that you can incorporate that will make your quality of life in a losing match better. But the best, and really only thing you can do is keep flying, practicing and upgrading your ship.


Good luck.

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In the nicest way possible, it seems like you are saying that you are having issues with your own gameplay.


As far as those lopsided TDMs go, yeah they suck. What I usually do in those situations is just wait out of range of the inevitable firing line of Gunships for those players in the opposing teams that are flying Strikes/Scouts to get bloodlust and go in for a kill. Then you can pounce within your court and hopefully get a kill.


The frustration and futility that I think most players that come on here and complain about imbalance feel stems from them constantly Leeroying into impossible situations without thinking and inevitably dying as a result.


This boils down to: If the chips are stacked against you, hang back and play to your strengths while still trying to make the most out of a ****** situation.


As far as pursuits are concerned, I think that it might be related to my first point. Players often get tunnel vision. In ground pvp and GSF alike. There is no point chasing a fleeing Gunship all the way back to their spawn point where you will get mobbed by respawning ships. The target you have in your sights is not the one you MUST kill come hell or highwater.


If the situation has got to the point where it is dangerous to you, then bug out and hunt another target (make sure to los the GS tho, as he might have a few slugs as a present for making him run :p )


Issues with finishing off kills and chasing down targets are player based problems. It will get easier with practice. That is all I can say to you in that regard. Either you stick with it and get better, or you give up.


Summing up, there are some situational awareness elements that you can incorporate that will make your quality of life in a losing match better. But the best, and really only thing you can do is keep flying, practicing and upgrading your ship.


Good luck.


I didn't have anything to add. It just needed to be said twice. Well put. -bp

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Completely agree with the second poster. Don't get discouraged dude - no one likes getting picked apart, and a good practice is to, as the 2nd poster said, to hang back. Rushing into combat ultimately doesn't do much unless you're a top tier pilot, and even then it's risky depending on your opposition. Learn to recognize enemy names, and know who the big boys are and avoid them. Hang back, and if your team does the same, they have to fly into your defense nexus instead of you, as an individual, flying into all of them. Tactics, my friend, tactics.


It could also be your build too - find people that you see are pulling high numbers in the ship you want to use, and ask them about what they recommend for a load out. That way, you know you'll have the best set up to learn and develop your skills on a good system. Stack accuracy, tracking, and firing arc w/ In Your Sights if you want to be able to hit them more. If you need more speed to keep up, try another component that boosts speed. Slowing down will help your turning radius and steady for aim too.


Pursuit is definitely a b****. I play with a mastered gunship, and use the dailies / weeklies to build my other ships up so it doesn't tarnish my KD as much. I tried one out, and even in the first match on a ship I've never used, I got the most kills, most damage, and least deaths. The message behind this - once you've adjusted to the mechanics of the game, and can really understand the feel of your ship, you're able to do a lot more (and you'll survive longer too!).


Don't get discouraged, because this game is far from easy when you're working the kinks out. When you get the right foundation, you'll build up your abilities quicker, stronger, and more effectively. Good luck!

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Here are two things yo work on that might make a difference for you...


When you are not pursuing or you are being hit tab target to find who is on you. Then make a decision to engage them or try to run. Immediatly switch power to engines if they are low else power to shields. A lot of factors determine what you should do here so take into account ship types, power levels, cool downs, etc.


Master power management. Alot of problems taking down targets can come from a lack of power management. The damage difference between power to shields or engines vs neutral or power yo guns is significant.

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Also, TDM has power ups!! Abuse the crap outta those dude


This can't be said enough, use those power-ups they are a game changer! The RED (Damage overcharge) will allow you to kill most ships with just a couple hits. The shield boost can be a life saver and the engine power up lets you stay speedy for a lot longer. The power-ups are a big help, especially in lopsided matches.

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To the OP:


If you like, PM me with which server and faction you are on, and your character name. I'll roll an alt there and be your wingman for a few games to see if i can give you any suggestions.


i appreciate that. im going to go in in over the next couple of days with an open mind and more relaxed attitude (as well as finally get around to trying the gunship) and see how i fair. if im still having issues i may take you up on that :)

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All I can say is to find some people who play gsf aswell. Start a group a good 4 man group can overcome a lot of the newies out there that have no idea .

I know that isn't the answer a lot of people want to hear but as a person who plays both side and loves all gsf imp and yes my pub. The best thing you could do is fly with a squad that is what it is desgined around . Not all players are kb getters some of us run stuff like wing man buff and the evade buff and other stuff. Way to many people are building ships to b killers but seem to forget this is a team sport. A squad with balanced ships to support each other goes farther then every one in a gunship or a bomber and all runin crit builds or single person evade build .


It is team work that wins these matchs and cap cap cap and defend with your bombers to the point of the die I run back I die I run back don't give up. @ people distract wile other's fast cap .

It all comes down to team work not nesacerily what anyone person is doing wrong . It is hard I know it is.

I started out in gsf by myself and I met 1 person we started playing together regularly.Then we met another person named larica and then andragaurd and next thing you know we had a squad. Then we had a guild of like minded people to fly with and talk to and work out builds and timing of abiltys just like pve rotation of your styles and spells.

we where beaten so many imes early on no doubt about it we had a lot of loss's.

Eventually we got better as a whole and it showed and we started wining 50% of the time even aginst very and I do mean very good impire pilots shout out to toe and kegger and all the member's that made up death squadron.


so with a lot of deaths and a lot of practice we are now the force that death squadron has become .

It all goes back to team work though and it's the same for al good gsf guild's and squads out there.


yea we get harassed in gen chat for trying to talk to people about gsf some times. but in order for you to get better. You have to be with like minded and to be honest people who are intristed in what you are.

Flying solo is ok and some maybe great at it or better then others in gsf guild's.

At the end of the day the match is about a win and to have fun and enjoy it.

So I say to answer your question what are you doing wrong the answer is simple find a squad or make one.

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if i play 8 TDM matches, theres a good chance that 5-6 of those games are complete, absolute, murder.

ill admit one of my biggest weakness right now is pursuit. pursuing targets is a *****. if i manage to get behind a decent target- most of time they will outmaneuver me.

any input? thanks..


first, the other posters have it right. keep flying, it will get better :)


"if i play 8 TDM matches, theres a good chance that 5-6 of those games are complete, absolute, murder."


second, the player base for GSF is just getting better over time, so taking a beating is going to happen... a lot.

until you get to the same lvl of experience. even then expect to lose half your matches. (or so).


"ill admit one of my biggest weakness right now is pursuit. pursuing targets is a *****. if i manage to get behind a decent target- most of time they will outmaneuver me."


learn and use your power settings. it is critical for survival and killing. F1 and F4 are your friends.

when behind a target try hitting the 'S' key to throttle back (slow down) for a few seconds. that'll help to keep the target in your sights. also, swap power from engines to weapons or shields as needed.


the nearest target may not be the best target. boost away to make some space between you and the ***** target ( :p )

that's giving you the run around.


assist assist assist.... if a team mate is engaging an enemy swoop in and strafe the target. if the enemy is in a tight group smack a few on your way through the mob. you will definitely get their attention and maybe give your team mates an opening to attack everyone that's chasing you.


'Tab" targeting and 'R' targeting are good to practice too.


a moving target is hardest to hit. use boost a lot... hit and run, strafe, los, then boost back in for another strafing run.

a long dog fight in the open means you're just cannon fodder for the nearest GS. good pilots know this and will set you up for their GS's to snipe.


lastly, GSF has some real depth, (contrary to what some might say) it really is skill based and I'm still surprised by some of the new tactics I often see.


bottom line, practice. watch what the really good pilots do. and most of all... have fun :p


hope this helps a bit - good luck

Edited by magecutter
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There are a lot of threads that detail GSF really well and give a lot of good tips so I won't make a super long post to repeat what more knowledgeable people have said.


I will give one tip. Focus on learning one aspect of GSF at a time. I would say master staying alive first. Learn how to evade and disengage from a fight. This is especially useful in TDM but it also applies to domination. I've found it is sometimes better to disengage from the satellite, to either pulling them away or get them to target someone else, and then re-engage. The benefit of surviving in TDM is obvious. Try and get 4 or less deaths in a match (or set your own goal. Mine is zero. I average 2-3). Once you can consistently survive an engagement then work and killing things quickly.


Practicing this is even better in a blowout match because you have to learn how to do it in a solo environment without the help of your teammates.

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To the OP: For newer pilots TDM is much harder to play, imo, than Domination, so don't be too hard on yourself. It takes a long time to get used to the maps and the tactics. If you find your team is constantly losing 50-8 and you are just getting farmed, you might try switching up your ship type to the one that gives you the edge. I'd suggest using the ship that you are best at and has the most upgrades over a brand new ship that you are learning.


You already mentioned that you need to stop pursuing. You need good situational awareness in TDM, so don't pursue too far from your teammates. Break off and get back to safety. Be a wingman to other pilots instead of going solo. Bring up the map and see where your teammates are and head there. You know you are on a good team when you see 2 or more teammates attacking the same target. At the start of the match, see which pilots have 5 ships and go fly with them. Chances are they are experienced pilots. If you are like me, you'll get to know the good pilots to fly with and also learn which enemy pilots to avoid (especially ace pilots on gunships--they are a terror in TDM).


Surviving for as long as possible is another key to a successful TDM. Each time you die you give a point to the enemy so basically deny them the points by surviving. Use Distortion Field if you have it when heading into fire or when you are taking damage. Check your crew abilities--the hull repair option can be a lifesaver as is Barrel Roll. Once you see your shields getting low or your hull hitting orange, it's time to break off and heal up. Barrel Roll away, power to shields and repair your hull before going back in. Barrel Roll away when you hear the missile lock sound. Try to manage your engine power so you have power to escape--running on fumes often means you are helpless when you need to escape.


Lastly, just have fun. It's a tough road to improving and having inexperienced teammates makes it very frustrating, but hang in there and you'll make progress.

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