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Interesting new Glitch


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I've seen this 4 times now, so the idea of it being a random glitch is out the window in my mind.


A bomber fly's in close to a satellite in Domination, takes a steep angle up and away then drops a repair drone. The drone goes INSIDE the satellite and becomes untargetable, but will still heal passing ships. Bomber #2 comes along and does the same thing.

Bomber who laid the 1st drone circles the repair drone laying mines and drones getting all damage taken healed by 2 non-targetable drones. Now my assumption is they are putting full power to shields because I opened up with Burst Cannons and blaster overcharge and if a buddy hadn't come along (after I called out to focus the bomber by name) to help me out the 2 repair drones would have been able to keep the bomber up for quite a while.


As I said I have seen this 4 times, all in the same map at the same node. So I'm guessing it has something to do with that particular map and node.


BW you need to look into this.

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This is a known exploit (at least I think someone has mentioned it to devs at least once). Bomber pilots can release a drone near an object, the drone naturally moves back as part of its activation sequence / animation. The drones if deployed properly will go into walls, nodes, .... well anything.


The worst part about this is that drones inside a wall can effectively see through the wall and shoot at / heal any target that comes into range regardless of los issues, But you cant shoot "in" to where it is. Effectively it becomes an invulnerable drone.


Its kind of wonky at best, since it doesn't always work. But I have seen this done countless times (and no I have never flown a bomber before)

Edited by DamascusAdontise
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It's known to US, it is known to BW?



A drone or mine should either be unwilling to enter solid space, or should be destroyed on attempt. Certainly physics shouldn't suspend themselves.


Alternatively, change physics so I can drive my car in a straight line to school/work/etc.

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Alternatively, change physics so I can drive my car in a straight line to school/work/etc.


But what if there is a bathroom or something between your home and work? That would just be awkward. Rather people should just grow wings so they can go as the crow flies.

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Generally speaking, when dealing with a bug, particularly if you've reported it, the answer to the question of, "Does Bioware know about it?" is yes. What they don't know yet, is exactly how to fix it. Because programming is not just simply changing a few zeroes into ones, people.


Drones in general seem to have had some issues with walls and objects. The way to fix it probably involves a more sophisticated behavior for mines once they're launched, but it's one thing to say that, and another thing to create such a thing AND test it to make it sure it doesn't break anything obvious/critical.

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I have programmed some games (nothing as complex as the programming in SWTOR mind you) and there is a code string for what to do about "Collisions" you either allow an object to pass through another object or you program in some type of penalty for the collision.

In my opinion the mines/drones should explode or lose health upon contact just like our fighters do. That being said I'm sure the coding issue is more complicated than that if this is a Known issue. I just hope they get it fixed; fighting a nearly invincible ship flying around a node sucks.

Edited by RiVaN_
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In my opinion the mines/drones should explode or lose health upon contact just like our fighters do. That being said I'm sure the coding issue is more complicated than that if this is a Known issue. I just hope they get it fixed; fighting a nearly invincible ship flying around a node sucks.


Play a bomber some time. You'll find that estimating where your drone or mine will land in a rear-facing trajectory while you're facing forward and trying not to get shot is not as easy as you think. That's why a lot of the time this is not actually being exploited. The number of occasions where I have the leisure to drop mines/drones into the wall is quite rare in most matches. Usually, I'm just hauling ***, turn turn to face the ships aft, fire and hope for the best. The drones/mines wind up in expected places ALL the time.


So I don't think mines or drones should explode or lose health (of which they have very little), they should just stop next to or close to the wall and not in the wall.

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