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screw it... i ain't doin it anymore.


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That's completely true. On the other hand... I've never gotten blown out of the air mid-barrel roll by a human gunship. Drones have done this to me multiple times (once even when I had dfield up in the barrel roll). It's frustrating.


You've never flown against Rainous? He does that with regularity.


Or, at least, he did it to ME with regularity. XD

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Good point on parity. Unlike gunship pilots, railgun drones never seem to miss "tickling" any evading target in line of sight within their range. Firing rate aside, do railgun drones expire after delivering a certain number of shots or is their power supply inexhaustible?


I'd say their power supply is far more prone to exhaustion given the time it needs to charge to deliver what little damage it does.


I say "what little damage it does" because it's clear at this point you're almost exclusively a Scout pilot. Scouts are going to have a problem against railguns because Scouts aren't ubercraft. They were never meant to be, and hopefully never will be again.


I mean, you think it's boring with "just gunships and bombers"? Before the bombers, you might have well just called the feature "Galactic Scoutfighter". XD

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My 3 main gripes with Galactic Starfighter as of 2.6.1:


(3) Windows XP = No audio in GSF: This is an unresolved bug reported by testers numerous times starting with Galactic Starfighter beta. The complete lack of sound in GSF under Windows XP is nearly as frustrating as the utter lack of official word on when a patch will arrive to fix this issue. Until then, XP users like myself will keep struggling with missile-lock alarms and copilot warnings we simply cannot hear -- immersion-breaking, to say the least.


Did you update your motherboard's firmware, as well as the audio (ex: realtek ac97 audio)?


Were you running "swtor.exe" as an administrator in windows compatibility mode?

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Did you update your motherboard's firmware, as well as the audio (ex: realtek ac97 audio)?


Were you running "swtor.exe" as an administrator in windows compatibility mode?


Sound card drivers are updated but I haven't touched any motherboard firmware. In Windows XP I use another login which shares the Administrator privileges; my compatibility mode only goes up to Windows 2000, which SWTOR doesn't list as a supported OS, but it wouldn't hurt to try that. I have no other issues with the game's audio except for Galactic Starfighter battles.


If anyone has gotten GSF's sound to work in Windows XP, please share feedback to help resolve this problem.

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Of COURSE your dippy little Flashfire is gonna eat it against 8 gunners and 4 bombers! XD Scout craft aren't invincible fighters! They were never intended to be!


What you're asking is to turn the Flashfire into an omnicraft - something that's capable of handling EVERYTHING on the battlefield. No one ship is supposed to be able to do that, and guess what?


No one ship can. GSF is supposed to be about teamwork and coordination - not your best Maverick impersonation. This ain't Top Gun, man. -bp


Sure, but the only solution to the above makeup is to add gunships. You don't need bombers, eventually the team with the most gunships will win,

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Of COURSE your dippy little Flashfire is gonna eat it against 8 gunners and 4 bombers! XD Scout craft aren't invincible fighters! They were never intended to be!


What you're asking is to turn the Flashfire into an omnicraft - something that's capable of handling EVERYTHING on the battlefield. No one ship is supposed to be able to do that, and guess what?


No one ship can. GSF is supposed to be about teamwork and coordination - not your best Maverick impersonation. This ain't Top Gun, man. -bp


Does he act like he wants his Flashfire to handle everything? Why do you think other teams are going heavy on the bombers and the gunships? They just have too much of an advantage against the other classes of ships. Your team won't have any kind of chance for success against that group of 8 gunships and 4 bombers if they don't match them in bombers and gunships.

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If you took barrel roll away from gunships I'd be happy with them. Maybe tone down rail gun damage and range a bit and give them slightly more maneuverability. Keep them long range masters but not true snipers.


This. Barrel Roll + power to engines (you know, F3 by default) = a Gunship that can outrun certain Scouts. Gunships are heavy craft with heavy guns in compact craft designs. If a bomber doesn't have the power plant to push Barrel Roll, then it doesn't make sense to give that ability to the gunship.


But that's the only change I'd make. Their damage output is fine. Honestly, I don't know why some of you posters are so outright terrified of gunships. They're stupid-easy to negate. Hell, my very last GSF match I kept a premade gunball pinned near spawn on Domination. Solo. In a Gladiator.


Some of you can't do that? Why? -bp

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That's not the point. Massive damage plus massive range is bad design, because massive damage should be alleviated by higher skill requirements.


Remove the variable zoom from gunships.


That should up the skill required.

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The problem I see is Gunships range is fine, a distance that can easily be covered by a enemy pilot with barrel roll or afterburners. Gunships really are very easy to take out if you sneak up on them or cover the distance to them very fast. If you think its easy lining up a shot on a enemy opponent and nailing them your crazy in sniper mode. Which in itself I call weird, because I can line up perfectly on my republic gunship and hit imperials 90% of the time, but when I'm on my Imperial gunship I hit 65% of the time. So if two ships and two pilots are equally skilled and geared, then there is another factor making it harder to hit a republic ship over a imperial.


With the introduction of stealth fighters, I think they need to re-intruduce dampening back to where it was before live, else gunships will be a thing of the past. If all ships can be seen within 15k meters and I see some as far out as 30k meters, why should a gunship with max dampening still be able to be seen instead of only within 4k meters unless a scout with max sensors is scouting for them.

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Game mechanics aside, I just find it's boring. The whole game. Tip to tail. Ground to space. My subscription runs out on March 29th and I'm not renewing. I've already uninstalled the apps.


Played through both factions, and it never once felt like a Star Wars game.

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Game mechanics aside, I just find it's boring. The whole game. Tip to tail. Ground to space. My subscription runs out on March 29th and I'm not renewing. I've already uninstalled the apps.


Played through both factions, and it never once felt like a Star Wars game.


I have to agree. And I really, really don't want to. It was good fanfic, but that's what it felt like. Fanfic.

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Been playing a gunship all this time and never knew about the scroll wheel (didn't have one). Tried it and wow I'll stick with not zooming in for shooting my enemy with my slug cannon. It was very slow to aim and prooved to be less accurate because targets moved across my scope even faster then I could track.
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Been playing a gunship all this time and never knew about the scroll wheel (didn't have one). Tried it and wow I'll stick with not zooming in for shooting my enemy with my slug cannon. It was very slow to aim and prooved to be less accurate because targets moved across my scope even faster then I could track.


Try scrolling the other way.

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This whole thing is fubar...

I am on a server that rep is king. I can deal with that.

What I cant deal with is when the imps finally get a war game it still is lop sided.

The whole mechanic needs to be thought over again.

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This matchmaking is really a issue and causing alot of frustration. You can't have 1-2 people having 5 ships and the rest 2 ships verse pre-made groups who get priority over solo players having 7-8 people with 5 ships and the rest having 3-4 ships. Matchs are becomeing so lop sided and the removal of the turrents in TDM has those teams just droppign payloads of weapons on the spawn point. I've about reached my point where I quit playing the entire game because of how frustrating it's gotten.
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This matchmaking is really a issue and causing alot of frustration. You can't have 1-2 people having 5 ships and the rest 2 ships verse pre-made groups who get priority over solo players having 7-8 people with 5 ships and the rest having 3-4 ships.


I just solo queued a game where my team (Empire) had 3 ships or above (only two people had only 3) and there were only two players pubside who had a decent fleet (one had five, other had four). The pub side had two ships.


Empire lost.


PEBKAC is my diagnosis. Having ships, having upgrades, doesn't make you any good at all.

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This matchmaking is really a issue and causing alot of frustration. You can't have 1-2 people having 5 ships and the rest 2 ships verse pre-made groups who get priority over solo players having 7-8 people with 5 ships and the rest having 3-4 ships. Matchs are becomeing so lop sided and the removal of the turrents in TDM has those teams just droppign payloads of weapons on the spawn point. I've about reached my point where I quit playing the entire game because of how frustrating it's gotten.


You know, in beta they reduced the range of gunships to 10000km. This was great as it meant that the dogfights didn't get broken up so quick. It also meant that torpedo's were more effective at dislodging camping gunships.


The problem is not with the bomber class or the gunship class as a single entity. Singular instances of these ships are actually ok.


The problem arises when you get 4+ gunships, supported by 2 or 3 drone/mine layers. Penetrating this security net the gunships have with the support of the bombers is nigh impossible with out gunships of your own. In fact the only actual working way i have seen this defence broken is by adding more gunships than the other team currently have.


The gunships clear the Mines/drones with the ion cannons, this allows your strikes and scouts to get to the gunships to dislodge them, once they are dislodged the rest of your gunships can finish off the bombers then pick off the running gunships.


In order to counter this counter, the opposing team needs to enlist more gunships, once the scouts and strikes have been eliminated by the extra gunships it becomes a sniping match.


I see this in almost every team deathmatch. And its rather silly, gunships or the number of gunships, should not decide how the match will play out. Pilot skill and team domination should.


This should be a game of intensive dogfighting, but in reality its a little dogfighting until you start a lot of gunship chasing.

Edited by Yndras
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