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Class Changes that should also be in 2.7


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this is too good to be implemented..watch out or BW could employ you to NOT develop this stuff


I don't know why Bioware does not think of stuff like this.

I mean, if you played all the specs and classes (which you should have if you are in the combat balance team) it's quite easy to understand, what little fixes or buffs certain classes need in order to get viable.

Edited by Venjirai
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I don't know why Bioware does not think of stuff like this.

I mean, if you played all the specs and classes (which you should have if you are in the combat balance team) it's quite easy to understand, what little fixes or buffs certain classes need in order to get viable.


Problem lies in the fact that Bioware doesn't dare accept ideas from the players because then a *****torm could happen. Once they open the gates a FLOOD will come of people spouting ideas and demanding they should get implemented because they did it before etc etc.


But you're right. They've long since proven that they don't play their own game.

Edited by Aerilas
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Problem lies in the fact that Bioware doesn't dare accept ideas from the players because then a *****torm could happen. Once they open the gates a FLOOD will come of people spouting ideas and demanding they should get implemented because they did it before etc etc.


But you're right. They've long since proven that they don't play their own game.


I think it has more to do with EA. Its pretty clear that the budget BW has is nothing more than small scale content with focus on mostly the CM. EA doesn't want to spend money on QoL stuff. Just look at the tactical flashpoints. The very creation and design of those flashpoints is in direct response to AVOID adding cross server infrastructure.


Probably doesn't help that the games population keeps dwindling either. Then again, if EA bothered to let BW do more than what they do now people would come back and stay. But as they run out of things to do and as each patch continues to be small content...they get bored and leave.

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I will sign for VG changes, probably not necessary as I like where we are but I will take them.


With the exception of the tanking tree, I also like the position in which vanguards are in.

That's why the proposed changes to them aren't that significant compared to some other classes.



Wow AoE vicious slash would be awesome.


I really liked my AoE Slash you got after using Zen. It did not only help to push your damage but was also a key part to generate focus in the spec back then.

As much I would enjoy having this back, I do not think it will be enough to make focus viable again, as it doesn't increase single target damage or burst, which are the two things this spec needs.

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Love those Corruption/Seer ideas.


To keep the Consumption/Noble Sacrifice changes from being too OP, though (think - pre 1.2 sage/sorc who never ran out of force, ever, even if they weren't managing it well,) there might also need to be a change to Force Bending, lowering the two percentages of the reductions to the force costs slightly. (I'm thinking...if you manage it perfectly, it should be very slightly force negative- so you can last for a really long time but not INFINITE force.)


Do it right and it could also maybe break the heal hybrids that everyone seems to hate in arenas, because you would NEED those Force Surge stacks.

Edited by Gnoblesse
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there might also need to be a change to Force Bending, lowering the two percentages of the reductions to the force costs slightly. (I'm thinking...if you manage it perfectly, it should be very slightly force negative- so you can last for a really long time but not INFINITE force.)


I think there is a problem with Force Bending, but it is quite the opposite of what you were thinking.

The problem in my point of view is the fact, that the critical hit increase on Healing Trance/Innervate and Benevolence/Dark Heal is far superior to the 30% force cost reduction on the other abilities.


In order to fix this, I might propose other effects than the cost reduction.

The cast time reduction we had on Deliverance/Dark Infusion prior to the patch were actually quite good, but was removed because of an exploit. I would be happy to see that come back in some way.

Edited by Venjirai
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  • Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides now grant Interrupt Immunity for the first 4 seconds.


No, all we will see are powertechs Death from aboving after activating HO.. i don't like this. maybe for mando/mercs but do they really need buffs ? they melt ppl.


*edit. in retrospect they might need something in arenas. the mercs that is.



  • Force Mend/Unnatural Preservation now does not respect the gcd and neither causes one.



  • Noble Sacrifice/Consumption now restores double the force and doesn't consume health when activated with a stack of Resplendence/Force Surge.
  • Salvation/Revivification now gives all targets who are in the area upon activation a HoT for 10 seconds which heals 50% of the maximum heal where targets who stay in the area for up to 10 seconds also get the other 50% of the heal.
  • After activating Healing Trance/Innervate your next Deliverance/Dark Infusion is immune to interrupts (15 sec cd)



  • Abilities using a Presence of Mind/Wrath proc now don't cost any force
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now causes Force Armor/Static Barrier placed on yourself to not cost any force.
  • Telekinetic Focal Point/Focal Lightning has been redesigned, it now only stacks 3 times and gives 1% crit per point up to a maximum of 6% crit on 3 stacks. (Up from 4% alacrity)


I don't think making madness sorcs better is a good idea. no crits pls.t





  • Lambaste now lets Project/Shock automatically proc Force Breach/Discharge on the target while in Force Technique/Lightning Charge.
  • Physic Absorption/Devour now also causes Project/Shock to deal 25% more damage and cost 15 less force.
  • Mental Defense/Shapeless Spirit now also reduces the cooldown of Deflection by 30 seconds.






  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.


I don't think this will be enough to save this spec or the mara's spec. but could give it a go.



  • Removal of the bleeding effects on Blade Storm/Force Scream and Overhead Slash/Impale while boosting their upfront damage.







  • Heightened Power/Cascading Power now also makes Blade Storm/Force Scream in the next 5 seconds after using Force Sweep/Smash an automatically critical hit.




  • Merciless Zeal/Hungering now causes your dots to heal you for 2% of your maximum health on a critical hit while in Juyo Form.
  • Weakening Wounds/Agonizing Sabers now cause your dots to be uncleansable.
  • Critical hits with Merciless slash/Annihilate now builds two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator instead of one.
    Merciless Slash/Annihilate now also gives your target a debuff for 5 seconds which increases your dot damage on that target by 10%
  • Zen/Berserk now builds up two stacks of Merciless/Annihilator while in Juyo Form.




  • Hand of Justice/Slaughter now won't proc if Precision Slash/Gore is not on cooldown.
  • Opportune Attack/Execute now lets Blade Rush/Massacre build a stack, on two stacks your next Blade Storm/Force Scream will be a critical hit.
  • Combat Trance/Blood Frenzy now causes Blade Storm/Force Scream to recover 2 focus/rage instead of one.


This right here is good




Tactics/Advanced Prototype


  • Battlefield Training/Pneumatic Boots now additionally increases High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot damage by 10%.
  • Combat Tactics/Charged Gauntlets now additionally let High Impact Bolt/Rail Shot build a stack of Pulse Generator/Prototype Flame Thrower.


Assault Specialist/Pyrotech


  • Rapid Recharge/Rapid Venting now increases ranged and tech crit chance by 2% (former 2% alacrity)
  • Riot Augs/Power Bracer now increases damage of the mentioned abilities by 10% (Up from 6%).


No, i do not see the point of making PT pyro stronger at all, they are already very very strong and also hard as **** to kill.



Shield Specialist/Shield Tech


  • Pulse Engine/Flame Engine now also causes Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower to immobilize all affected targets for the duration.
  • Soldier's Grit/Coolant now gives you 10% damage reduction instead of 5% alacrity when Battle Focus/Explosive Fuel is active.
  • Energy Blast/Heat Blast now has a cooldown of 9 seconds (Down from 15). Does not require Power Screen/Heat Blast anymore but now respects the gcd.
  • Power Screen/Heat Screen has been redesigned. It now passively gives 3% absorption and let your Stock Strike/Rocket Punch immobilize the target for 4 seconds (Directs damage after 2 seconds ends the effect).






  • Hot Shot/Electrified Blast has been redesigned. Using Charged Burst/Snipe on a target affected with Blazing Speed/Electrified Railgun will give you a stack, on two stacks the cooldown of Sabotage Charge/Explosive Probe will be reset.


Dirty Fighting/Lethality


  • Shrap Bomb/Corrosive Grenade now only affects one target.
  • Concussion/Toxic Regulators will now give Shrap Bomb/Corrosive Grenade the aoe effect back.
    (Does not change anything if you take both skills, but now you can purposely make the aoe dot a single target dot)


I don't see any buffs to operative/scoundrel dps survivability here ? which is pretty much zero. also scou/op heals are too good with that energy never going down. they don't even have to think about it, meanwhile sorcs have to; even with your buffs added.

Edited by XeniusX
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The reason why there are no scoundrel/ops changes is that the changes they have coming for them in 2.7 are rather big and we have to see how that turns out.


For example, with shield probe absorbing more and on a 20 second cooldown it's like the scoundrel's version of the sorcerer's bubble.

Scrapper will have his double roll every 10 seconds which does not cost any energy and with a chance to resist attacks (Will sure be more annoying than the sniper roll).

Lethality will have shield probe on a 14 second cooldown while even absorbing more damage.

Also smash won't be an issue anymore, so the lack of aoe reduction is not a problem.

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The reason why there are no scoundrel/ops changes is that the changes they have coming for them in 2.7 are rather big and we have to see how that turns out.


For example, with shield probe absorbing more and on a 20 second cooldown it's like the scoundrel's version of the sorcerer's bubble.

Scrapper will have his double roll every 10 seconds which does not cost any energy and with a chance to resist attacks (Will sure be more annoying than the sniper roll).

Lethality will have shield probe on a 14 second cooldown while even absorbing more damage.

Also smash won't be an issue anymore, so the lack of aoe reduction is not a problem.


Well, we will see. i tried going on PTS but noone Q'ed for WZs so can't say for sure. but it does sound (from other ppl's experience) that the new and improved shield probe is not helping. especially considering no KD on opener making them even more prone to attack. And btw, i wonder why ppl think this is so great. a sorc stays in the background (ranged) a scou is close up and personal= hence ofc there should be better defenses. I am basically immortal on my sin in comparison to my op.

But as you say, i guess we will wait and see. .. i guess i have to roll back and forth on my target to achieve some DR, or rather "hopethattheymissmeDR"..

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What I would have done with scoundrel/operatives is removing the knockdown/root altogether and change that talent to be something like:


"Shoot First now can be used while not in stealth. If used while in stealth the ability will now be an automatically critical hit."

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  • Hold the Line/Hydraulic Overrides now grant Interrupt Immunity for the first 4 seconds.


Not that I advocate interrupt immunity for mando healers (I don't think it's necessary), but I really don't like this. HtL/HO is for (ironically) running away, I don't see the point of tying Interrupt Immunity to an ability that is much much better utilized as a kiting tool and that shouldn't be saved to pop 2 heals, maybe 3, unhindered. If anything, have HtL grant Interrupt Immunity in the last 3-4 seconds of HtL.


I'm only thinking about group ranked though, so take my feedback as you will.

Edited by Suryi
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Not that I advocate interrupt immunity for mando healers (I don't think it's necessary), but I really don't like this. HtL/HO is for (ironically) running away, I don't see the point of tying Interrupt Immunity to an ability that is much much better utilized as a kiting tool and that shouldn't be saved to pop 2 heals, maybe 3, unhindered. If anything, have HtL grant Interrupt Immunity in the last 3-4 seconds of HtL.


I'm only thinking about group ranked though, so take my feedback as you will.


I gave it to HtL because having interrupt immunity on such a low cooldown should have its drawbacks and not be that easy to use. You now have to make the choice whether to use HtL to kite, or to use it for the interrupt immunity.

Still, it gives you a huge advantage against ranged classes and their interrupts.

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I gave it to HtL because having interrupt immunity on such a low cooldown should have its drawbacks and not be that easy to use. You now have to make the choice whether to use HtL to kite, or to use it for the interrupt immunity.

Still, it gives you a huge advantage against ranged classes and their interrupts.


Too few situations where you could only use it just for interrupt immunity. Even vs ranged classes you wanna save it to get out of LoS to prevent incoming CC, and even if you can't (Sniper or w/e other reason), you still save it to dodge CC from OPs/Warriors/Knights or to dodge a hardstun before a switch. Idk, in my experience, HtL is too good in those situations to even consider saving it for a 4 second interrupt immunity. 1 cc can mean death in ranked

Edited by Suryi
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Pretty solid changes OP.


Personally I would add some kind of point for Shadows/Assasins that makes Shadow strike/Maul deal x% more damage or cost x% less force in Balance/Madness spec. Obviously not as much as Infil Tactics/Duplicity does in Infiltration/Deception spec, but it feels like im relying on Force abilities waaaaay too much as a melee class while playing this spec (the only real melee ability you use is using is Double Strike/Thrash lol ). Maybe even something that could proc your Spinning Strike/Assassinate to be used on targets at any health level, but the point remains, I shouldn't be a melee class with a spec that barely has any use for melee abilities

I know another reason I personally don't like playing the spec is because it required your Force Breach/Discharge to be active all the time to get the instant Mind Crush/Crushing Darkness, but it sounds like one of your suggestions about the Project/Shock causing the Force Breach/Discharge to be active on the target could be a solid solution to it, along with any force management issues the spec has

Edited by UrbanSaint
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They should make ALL ranged classes have a maximum range of 35m.


Also, the Commando's cylinder increase should be a 1-point talent, and a new 2-point talent would be created:


Improved heat Sinks/Extended Magazines: increases ammo regeneration/heat dissipation by 1 ammo/heat per second, and increases maximum ammunition/heat by 5/10.


Pyrotech/Assault Specialist would also get a 20% extra speed boost to HO/HtL and it would electrify your armor/Light yourself on fire. This would cause nearby enemies to catch on fire.

Edited by TheSupaCoopa
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Marauder's Deadly Throw needs to have its rage cost reduced to encourage its use. Snipers and Marauders are the only classes with a heal debuff attack, but Sniper's version only costs 10 energy, which is 10% of the resource pool. Marauder's version costs 3 rage, which is 25% of the resource pool. Deadly throw needs to have its rage cost reduce to 1 to facilitate more use in PvP. This ability also has a PvP exclusive use, so any changes to it won't affect PvE much. Edited by Ashuranrx
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