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Choice of clothing, or apparent lack thereoff.


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Good day fellow players!


I've been wondering this for some time now, but with the new Cartel pack (The Space Jockeys Starfigher Pack) now in the Preview of the Collection window, I think it's important to get some input to this manner.


Alright, I first want to say: I'm not picky on clothing really, everyone can pick what they like. But I've been bothered by the amount of clothing that lacks parts, or is completely missing in some areas.


I get it that 'some' characters really enjoy that style. I also think that some other armor sets are well designed. To give an example: My Jedi still uses the Zayne armor set. It simply looks good for a change. However, I am bothered by sets such as Extrovert sets, the recent Jedi set where some of the chestpiece was simply cut out, also the sheer amount of dancer outfits we can choose from.


The newest addition to that set is the Dashing Heros armor set. Seriously? Do we need a Jedi robe with a chestpiece missing?


I love flexibility in armor, but this is ridicolous. We don't need a new set with every Cartel market that either shows the males extremely well trained body, or the females breasts downside or upper side.


What happened to all those armors in the Timeline videos? I was always intrigued on those, they simply looked nice. I thought they had some great ideas to it, here are a few examples:



The white one at the center. I think it's good. Simple white robes, still has a certain Jedi style, a slight chestplate underneath. Some good gloves and armored slightly plated pants might make a good addition.



Those are some fine Jedi aswell. Brown robes, but they retain somewhat of an armor look. Thin shoulderpads, thick chestpiece, but some rugged Jedi style to it.



Something for the darker types of character. All three look incredibly well done. Old armor, rugged cloaks or clothing.


Some of those sets look Jedi, some neutral, some Sith. But, seriously, where are those sets? Sets that are old and rugged and actually make me think: "I believe it's really wartime!". Of fighting Jedi and Sith?


I think those Extrovert sets are lost development time. What's your opinion on this? Do you think it's really necessary to give us multiple dancer outfits and extrovert-like things, even some recolored normal armor in two different variations, or do you think Bioware should focus more on actual things like something Jedi, Sith and other characters could really wear when fighting?


I want to point out here that Smuggler and Agent clothing is fine. I like the free jackets (With one obvious exception, it's a long black cloak. I think you all know it...). What happened to good old Star Wars? Did it turn into "Dancers and extroverts"?

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Let's see.... using http://www.tor-fashion.com as our reference, we see that there are 1057 sets of armor in SWTOR.


Of those, 55 are classed as 'Revealing.'


Of those 55, only 17 are actually 'revealing' when worn on a male character. (For example, the Sensuous Dress or the Aspiring Knight/Warrior have completely different appearances when worn by males.)


And yet this minuscule selection of clothing has generated an insane amount of negative reaction, all with the same style of complaints: That there are too many of them. What comes across is that even one set of armor that reveals 'too much' (male) skin is too many, and that all efforts should instead be expended on other types of clothing that does not show any skin at all. This is slightly ridiculous, if you look at the numbers rather than just at the exposed skin.


Each one of the recent cartel packs has included one or two revealing sets that can be used by both males and females. Previously, revealing clothes only worked on female characters with the sole exception of the relaxed sets, which were not followed by revealing outfits that males could wear for some time.


The newest set contains 13 outfits, and 2 of those are revealing (as in, the chest is visible). None of them have short skirts. You could consider the Mission Vao lore outfit to be revealing, based on the lack of sleeves. That's still not a majority of the pack, and that's still in line with the ratio established in previous packs. That is, one or two revealing outfits, possibly with one more that is only revealing on females. The overwhelming majority of armor from the cartel market and in the game covers the full body. There will always be significantly more revealing armor for female characters, unless they release armor specifically for males to make up the difference and create so that it is less revealing on females.


In conclusion, there are plenty of clothing choices available in game that are not revealing, if you take the time to stop staring at all the exposed skin.

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^ Daewan said it perfectly, I agree. :)


I completely understand wanting awesome and more "classic" looking new armors added, but it puzzles me that people tend to harp on the few outfits in each pack that show some skin. I mean, why not complain about the less interesting sets that usually come in two colors (at least one of which will have some terrible undyeable parts) and go for a pittance on the GTN, like the Forest/Timberland Scout and Mountain/Badlands Explorer sets? :confused: Not that these are bad to have either, but I do wonder.


The skimpy stuff is often very popular. Despite the complaints I see on the forums about how "awful" they are, both of the Extrovert sets (chest pieces, in particular) fetch an impressive sum and go for more than most super rare sets; I see them used a lot. Like it or not, there are plenty of other people that do like these things. To each their own, you know? I dislike those model ship pets and think they are ridiculous, but I certainly don't consider them a waste because I know other people enjoy them.


That said, I too would like some more classic looks added. Some of the more rugged pieces with chest plates for Force users like you suggested would probably be quite popular. :)

Edited by Gwena
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A lot of this can be avoided by also offering sets that vary that are not skimpy. For example, the Causal Combatant Set should have been released along side the same set that wasn't cut up. Its a gambling pack, it should offer a select variety. Don't get the set you want, sell or trade for it, this is an mmo. What is lacking is Cartel Dev's lack of focus in trying to cover a variety of interests when releasing a pack, i.e. making it worth everyone's purchase and time spent trying to trade/sell/buy the parts they want. Edited by SebastianII
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Hmm, I think there IS great selection of "serious" armorings too, starting with Valiant Jedi and ending to many less-known cheaper non-CM clothes.


Also side note, about those "extremely well trained characters" not everyone use body 3. In my experience majority seems to use body 2 (male players)

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If the latest pack is any example, they are upping the sheer volume of "meh" armor pieces to dilute the frequency of acquiring the decent ones. I'd much rather see a reasonably well-done NEW "revealing" armor set than simply an old one with the belly panels cut out.
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I don't mind the skimpy stuff, its the flaps and clothing pieces that hang down from mid section covering the crotch, or at the side (like the new Ambitious Warrior Armor set) that ruin SO many armor pieces.


I would rather Bioware stop attaching things to chest piece that are below the belt line. It doesn't belong that way and doesn't allow you to NOT have that flap or clothing when you wear the chest piece. Instead they should either attach it to belt, or make two versions.



Also side note, about those "extremely well trained characters" not everyone use body 3. In my experience majority seems to use body 2 (male players)


I use body type 1 on all my female toon's, which is 13 of them. I only used body type 2 on one female. I like my women thin and small chested. :)

Edited by DarthVengeant
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sounds like someone saw someone elses character in a "relaxed" outfit and it broke their immersion, despite the fact that there's more robes and dresses than "relaxed" gear in the game... nevermind the fact that it's canon and all over the EU (Aayla Secura, Darth Talon, Ahsoka Tano, ect.)...
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sounds like someone saw someone elses character in a "relaxed" outfit and it broke their immersion, despite the fact that there's more robes and dresses than "relaxed" gear in the game... nevermind the fact that it's canon and all over the EU (Aayla Secura, Darth Talon, Ahsoka Tano, ect.)...


An Ahsoka was 14/15...

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