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PROPOSAL: Selective fire only on TDM capital turrets


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This idea comes from Rylee-Rose on the Ebon Hawk forum. Naturally, the pilots there have concerns about the turret operator "strike" (really? A strike? This is the best we could come up with explanationwise? There's no striking in the military; that's called dereliction of duty at BEST) and one of ours proposed that the turrets perform selective fire.




Right now, our biggest worry is that so-called "victory-camping" will be replaced with spawn camping - even with four spawn points, a talented 12-unit wing of bombers can throw the lockdown against inexperienced pilots. Is it more difficult than victory-camping? At first it can be, but as we see more and more mastered Bombers taking to the skies we feel it'll be a real concern soon enough.


We're worried this will shrink the GSF pilot pool as learning pilots get frustrated and quit altogether. We're also aware victory-camping had similar problems. That's why we propose the capital ships fire selectively from here on out.




- If a team is AHEAD, their own capital ship turrets will not be functioning (story reason: the war consumes a lot of resources and firing turbolasers ain't cheap. Neither naval command is interested in spending when they don't have to since starfighters [and their pilots] are much cheaper to utilize. If you've seen Blue Harvest, think "paying by the laser").


- If a team is BEHIND, their own capital ship turrets WILL function as they do currently (story reason: again, more cost-effective to clear the immediate area for ship launch if necessary than to just fire turbolasers at a swarm of bombs, mines, drones and pilots).


- If TIED, then NEITHER team's capital ship turrets function (waiting to see how the immediate tide turns before deciding whether to adjust protocol during battle).



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Decent suggestion, though it still allows Gunships special protection while being able to shoot foes who get too close.


I'd counter with a simpler solution:


When within a certain distance of a capital ship, all ships suffer a -100% accuracy penalty and missile lock-ons don't function. Think of it as a capital ship putting out too much engine or shield interference for targeting to work. Or if BioWare wanted to get fancy, they could have the capital ship put out flak/flares.

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Gunships sitting on a ship is fine- unless the team is winning that way.


I thought a better way to make this happen would be for either some powerups to make points, or for there to be an objective that would be easy to disrupt but which could, if left alone, generate points for the incoming team.



But in order to fix one problem that happens in a small percent of games (leading team retreats, shoots) and a maybe a related problem that barely matters (trailing team swaps to gunships because they don't want to get farmed, sit next to spawn point and slowly lose), they will throw a lot away with this fix.



Wrong way to fix IMO.

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Decent suggestion, though it still allows Gunships special protection while being able to shoot foes who get too close.


I'd counter with a simpler solution:


When within a certain distance of a capital ship, all ships suffer a -100% accuracy penalty and missile lock-ons don't function. Think of it as a capital ship putting out too much engine or shield interference for targeting to work. Or if BioWare wanted to get fancy, they could have the capital ship put out flak/flares.


How does that solve victory camping?

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even with four spawn points, a talented 12-unit wing of bombers can throw the lockdown against inexperienced pilots.




My thoughts are that you've a solution in desperate search for a problem. Also, inexperienced pilots are going to lose to veterans, period. That's the way games work.

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