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Strike on the capital ships: Double edged sword?


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that's pretty much why i'm not playing at the moment, even though they fixed the Turtling on Cap Ship problem, the solution amplified the Spawn Camping problem... pretty much threw the gates open and invited the Barbarians in...
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This is the precise reason I started playing Neverwinter Online. Level 31 Hunter Ranger now, and - surprisingly enough - NWO has a fairly polished, innovative action variant of GSF's combat system that they use.


Not bad for a beta. Meanwhile, SWTOR's on 2.6+ and can't seem to recall why spawn turrets ever existed in the first place.


Cryptic needed to eff up City of Heroes before they got it right, apparently. Does EA need to eff up SWTOR before they get MMOing right? -bp

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An added twist on spawn-camping I experienced last night- bombers (rep side) setting up inside the imp cap ship's hangar. Anyone who spawned from that spot was pretty quickly shredded by drones and mines before they could even turn around to face them (or try to fly away), and of course rep gunships were close-by to finish the job.


This is made worse by the fact that the drones target and fire at you through the ship, while you can only retaliate by maneuvering directly into the hangar, and by that time you've been hit multiple times by multiple drones, so it's relatively easy for the parked bombers inside to finish you off with their lasers.


Although I don't know if this is considered an exploit, I doubt it's working-as-intended. I don't know if the rep side capital ships have the same enclosed hangar because I've honestly never turned around and looked closely at them, but if they don't that this is a major balance issue for imps. If they do, it's still a cheezy way to spawn-camp, especially considering 3-6 bombers can camp every spawn point and one GS per point could easily pick off the damaged ships before they could even clear the cap ship. Or, maybe I'm whining again and should lern2plai.:rolleyes:

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There have been more threads and more discussion on this topic than any other save, I think, the aces thread, and still no response from BioWare.




Really. Lemme know when y'all are ready to jump ship - added five more levels and a bank full of crap to give away on NWO. XD

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Well, short term that is the thing to do. it's not perfect but much better than what there is now.


Any new solution will likely have to be kept simple if we want to see a fix any time soon, so some of these elaborate suggestions probably won't be considered seriously.


I think they should implement a no cannon zone around the cap ships. Turn the guns back on, and also that same no cannon zone should restock missiles and *possibly* heal your ship. The same game mechanics that MOST games with a spawn zone have, like LoL or Heroes of Newarth or DOTA. It's similarly laid out, so the same things should be implemented.


On a side note, they could make another map where you need ~100-150 points, and play kills count as 1, while they add drones coming from the capital ships going across the map that count as 2 points. Eventually the drones would end up at the other's capital ship, getting destroyed. This would also prevent spawn camping. Killing other players would still be encouraged, as it would prevent those same players from killing drones. But obviously the team that takes over more of the map would benefit most. It'd be a very different game mode than what they have so far. I think it'd be fun.

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