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Separate accounts for my husband and I?


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So, not being able to search the forums, thought I'd make a quick post. We have 1 family PC, in which I installed the collector's edition of SWTOR. I played in the beta, and early access, and when the time came I entered the game code and so far so good. My husband also has his own SWTOR account, and also played in the beta under his account (separate from mine). However, when we tried to set up his subscription for this, we could not get past the game code issue. I tried entering the game code that I used for my account, but it would not accept it. Is there no way for a household that wants to have multiple accounts on 1 computer to do so? I completely understand that we would both have to pay for our own "game time" subscriptions.....but do we really have to purchase two physical copies of the game for the same computer?!?!
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I don't understand. Why doesn't your husband just make a character on your account? Considering you only have one PC (so there's no opportunity to play together) it would be much more cost effective to just manage one account.


If they have taken the same steps against account selling as Blizzard, you should be fine to do so. You can share an account with family members, just not friends/other people.

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I am confused -- so maybe if a CS person reads this, could happen to them.


You bought two games, one digital and one physical on the same ticket and only have one product code?


Each digital copy has its own code too, you don't need to buy a physical copy to get a code.


Do you and your husband have two separate accounts for the website too?

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If you both want to drive your own cars, you have to pay for both cars and register them. You can't buy one car and then expect to grab another from the dealership and tell them you'll stop by every month to pay for gas.


a bit of a stretch, but i think you get the point. =) as someone said, 2 people, 2 products, 2 codes.

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I don't understand. Why doesn't your husband just make a character on your account? Considering you only have one PC (so there's no opportunity to play together) it would be much more cost effective to just manage one account.


If they have taken the same steps against account selling as Blizzard, you should be fine to do so. You can share an account with family members, just not friends/other people.


Wrong. You cannot share a Blizzard/WoW account with anyone at all. No brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, NO ONE AT ALL*.


*There is a single exception - since minors are not allowed to sign into contracts, a single minor may play on an account registered to the parent or legal guardian. If you have two kids, then you'll need to have two accounts so each of your kid can play on a separate one, to meet the 1 minor per parent's or legal guardian's account criteria.




SWTOR is the same.

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We wanted two accounts so in the event that we get another PC, we can play together. Thanks for the quick replies everyone. I had figured this must be the case - just seems wierd to have to buy 2 copies (or downloads) for 1 PC.


For most MMO's you're not really paying for the software itself. You're paying for the first month, access to the online content and an "activation fee" for the account. The software itself is essentially free.

Edited by TradewindNQ
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Wrong. You cannot share a Blizzard/WoW account with anyone at all. No brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, NO ONE AT ALL*.


*There is a single exception - since minors are not allowed to sign into contracts, a single minor may play on an account registered to the parent or legal guardian. If you have two kids, then you'll need to have two accounts so each of your kid can play on a separate one, to meet the 1 minor per parent's or legal guardian's account criteria.




SWTOR is the same.


Bleh. That's stupid. Having to pay 120$ + 2 subscriptions per month that's on the same computer without even the option to play together. Lame.

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We wanted two accounts so in the event that we get another PC, we can play together. Thanks for the quick replies everyone. I had figured this must be the case - just seems wierd to have to buy 2 copies (or downloads) for 1 PC.


As others have said, don't think of it as paying for two copies of the same file. Think of it as two tickets into the amusement park. If you went to Disneyland and said Gee, we want to share a ticket and only go in one at a time, they're not going to let you do that either.

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If you both want to drive your own cars, you have to pay for both cars and register them. You can't buy one car and then expect to grab another from the dealership and tell them you'll stop by every month to pay for gas.


a bit of a stretch, but i think you get the point. =) as someone said, 2 people, 2 products, 2 codes.


I get the analogy - but will use my own as the reason for my question. We also play xbox, and each have our own xbox live accounts/gamertags. We don't have to purchase 2 copies of an xbox game to play on 1 xbox. If we had 2 xboxes. then I totally get it - just like if we had 2 computers, I completely understand I would have to buy 2 copies. Either way, I thank you all for the help!

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Wrong. You cannot share a Blizzard/WoW account with anyone at all. No brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, NO ONE AT ALL*.


*There is a single exception - since minors are not allowed to sign into contracts, a single minor may play on an account registered to the parent or legal guardian. If you have two kids, then you'll need to have two accounts so each of your kid can play on a separate one, to meet the 1 minor per parent's or legal guardian's account criteria.


SWTOR is the same.


That's the official stance. However, no one pays attention to it if it's in the same household.

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Wrong. You cannot share a Blizzard/WoW account with anyone at all. No brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, NO ONE AT ALL*.


*There is a single exception - since minors are not allowed to sign into contracts, a single minor may play on an account registered to the parent or legal guardian. If you have two kids, then you'll need to have two accounts so each of your kid can play on a separate one, to meet the 1 minor per parent's or legal guardian's account criteria.




SWTOR is the same.


You are not supposed to but being on a single PC it is literally impossible for them to know otherwise unless you told them.

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Don't know the answer but +1 for grammatical correctness, can't remember the last time i saw a sentence end in '...and I'.


/random thoughts.


Er... except that it's incorrect. Since the pronoun is the object of the preposition "for", it should be the object pronoun "me". Essentially, since she used the subject pronoun "I", she wrote "Separate accounts for we?" instead of "Separate accounts for us?".

Edited by Laene
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That's the official stance. However, no one pays attention to it if it's in the same household.


You are not supposed to but being on a single PC it is literally impossible for them to know otherwise unless you told them.


That's what everyone says.


Then someone deletes the other persons toon out of rage, the first person reports it, the account gets flagged, the GMs monitor the access and chat logs, the GMs determine that the account is being shared, and then the account is permabanned and no amount of emailing will ever get that overturned.


I alluded to it, but one of the reasons sharing accounts, even in the household, is not allowed is because it creates a ton more problems if the siblings or spouses or whatever get mad at the other person and delete stuff or mess up their toons, then the GMs have to fix it and everyone is impacted by the slowdown in ticket response times.


If it's *ever* found out that you share an account, you can and probably will be permabanned. I like to report people who brag about it on the forums and I'm not unique, so I suggest if anyone wants to cheat at the game in this way, that they never speak of it ever again.

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